"I never would’ve thought at my age so many people would want to look at pictures of me," says 84-year-old Hsu Hsiu-e.


For 70 years, she and her husband, Chang Wan-ji, 83, have been quietly washing the clothes of the people in Houli District, Taichung City, in central Taiwan. Over the decades, hundreds of pieces of clothing have piled up that customers had neglected to pick up.


Recently their grandson, Reef Chang, convinced them to have fun by modelling the abandoned clothes and posting the pictures on Instagram.


"Their business is not always busy. They would doze off in the shop and their spirits weren’t high. So I thought since our family has these clothes, I can remind people to pick up their clothes, and remind my grandparents their life can still be great even in old age," he told the BBC.




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Global fast food giant KFC says it is halting its "Finger Lickin’ Good" slogan given the current hygiene advice because of the coronavirus pandemic.國際速食巨擘肯德基表示,它正停用「吮指美味」標語,考量現在因為武漢肺炎大流行而制定的衛生建議。
"We find ourselves in a unique situation - having an iconic slogan that doesn’t quite fit in the current environment," the company said.
The company revealed its new look through a YouTube video, showing the slogan pixelated on posters and its food "buckets", saying: "That thing we always say? Ignore it. For now."

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New research on mice has found a possible explanation for why autoimmune diseases are more common in females, and it has to do with their extra X chromosome.


Amongst animals, females generally tend to have stronger and more robust immune systems. While this can help them to cope better with vaccines and infections, it can also cause an overactive immune response.


This means females are much more vulnerable to autoimmune diseases.


Exactly why this discrepancy exists remains a mystery. Clear biological differences between the sexes usually boil down to hormones, chromosomes, or some combination of both. But while the role of testosterone, estrogen and progesterone in autoimmunity have been reasonably well explored, the part that X and Y chromosomes play remains far more murky.




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Director Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s latest film "Wife of a Spy" has been selected for competition at the 77th Venice International Film Festival to vie for the top Golden Lion prize at one of the Big Three film festivals alongside Berlin and Cannes.


Set in Japan in 1940 before the Pacific War breaks out, the film follows a woman under fire for staying loyal to her husband, who is mixed up in espionage after accidentally learning about a government secret.


Though Kurosawa is an internationally renowned director, it marks the first time for his work to be shown in the competition section at the festival.


The festival starts on Sept. 2 in Venice, with the winners announced on the final day, Sept. 12. "Wife of a Spy" is scheduled to open in cinemas in Japan on Oct. 16.




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If you’ve never heard of jackfruit, keep your eyes open:You’ll start noticing it everywhere.


Jackfruit is a very large tropical fruit often used as a meat substitute. It has high nutritional value, and that you can cook, chunk or shred it like chicken or pork makes it a go-to main ingredient in many vegetarian dishes.


Melissa’s Produce, a specialty produce company in the US, has noted jackfruit’s upward trend. As word spread in the U.S. about jackfruit’s versatile benefits, Melissa’s went from selling a few cases a week to thousands of cases a week.


"We eat meat because of the texture and the spices. Jackfruit is a great substitute," the owner of an vegan Jackfruit Cafe in Los Angeles said.(AP)




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