2024/09/04 05:30
Lawsuits are flying in a dispute between two California airports over the right to use the name "San Francisco" - despite neither of them being in the city.


San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is suing the recently renamed San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport (OAK), insisting the similar sounding names might confuse potential passengers.


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2024/09/03 05:30

A Hong Kong court found two editors of the now-defunct Stand News media outlet guilty of conspiring to publish seditious articles.


The two editors, Chung Pui-kuen and Patrick Lam, could be jailed for up to two years when they are sentenced on Sept. 26.

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2024/09/02 05:30

Surgeons perform amputations when traumatic injuries, such as those from war or vehicle accidents, cause significant tissue damage, or in cases of severe infections or diseases. However, humans are not the only species to perform such procedures.


New research shows that some ants perform limb amputations on injured comrades to improve their survival chances. The behavior was documented in Florida carpenter ants - scientific name Camponotus floridanus - a reddish-brown species more than half an inch (1.5 cm) long inhabiting parts of the southeastern United States.

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2024/08/28 05:30

Ukraine said Friday it is investigating several doctors in the western region of Lviv for taking bribes to illegally issue medical documents to men trying to evade military service.


Kyiv has been cracking down on draft dodgers and trying to bolster the ranks of its military, which has been ceding ground in the east due to manpower and ammunition shortages.

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2024/08/27 05:30

After Sam Sam the Kittycat Man disappeared 11 years ago, Jennifer Ravenel couldn’t hold another cat in her lap. Her heart never could overcome the loss of that feral kitten she had rescued from the crook of a tree on her South Carolina farm.

11年前,貓人山姆.山姆失踪後,珍妮佛‧羅芙奧 再也無法將另一隻貓抱在腿上,她的心永遠無法克服失去那隻野貓的痛苦,這隻小貓是她從南卡羅來納州農場的樹彎裡救出來的。

But Sam is now back in Ravenel’s lap, thanks to her decision to have a microchip put in him.

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