2024/07/02 05:30
Ryan Christenson has turned lineup cards into art.


After San Francisco Giants manager Bob Melvin picks a batting order, his bench coach selects the font and color scheme for the day’s sumptuous script. Options include Roman Gothic, a Celtic variation, Chicano Tattoo and graffiti.


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2024/06/26 05:30

Lionel Messi’s record $20.45 million annual salary from Inter Miami makes him by far the best paid player in Major League Soccer but also puts him ahead of the entire squads of 25 of the league’s clubs, according to data released by the MLS Players Association on Thursday.


The players union regularly releases the full pay details of the entire league and while it was no surprise to see the eight-times Ballon d’Or winner at the top, the gulf with other players and indeed teams is striking.


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2024/06/25 05:30

China’s electric vehicle industry received at least $231 billion in government subsidies and aid from 2009 through to the end of last year, even as the amount of support per vehicle has declined, according to a new research.


Slightly more than half the total amount of support was in the form of sales tax exemptions, according to the research from Scott Kennedy, a China specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The rest is made up of nationally approved buyer rebates, government funding for infrastructure such as charging stations, government procurement of EVs as well as R&D support programs.

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2024/06/24 05:30

A thick atmosphere has been detected around a planet that’s twice as big as Earth in a nearby solar system, researchers reported Wednesday.


The so-called super Earth — known as 55 Cancri e — is among the few rocky planets outside our solar system with a significant atmosphere, wrapped in a blanket of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The exact amounts are unclear.

所謂的超級地球—被稱為55 Cancri e—是我們太陽系外少數幾個具有重要大氣層的岩石行星之一,被二氧化碳和一氧化碳的層包裹。確切的數量尚不清楚。

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2024/06/19 05:30

Growth in solar and wind power pushed renewable generation to a record 30% of global electricity production in 2023, putting a global target to triple renewable capacity by 2030 within sight, a report by think tank Ember said.


Ember’s Global Electricity Review showed renewable sources provided 30.3% of global electricity last year, up from 29.4% in 2022 as growth in projects, particularly solar, increased capacity.

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