Dr. Jason Barnes, who’s treating patients with the novel coronavirus, made a temporary home of his children’s treehouse in the backyard of the family’s Corpus Christi home.


The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.


Barnes said that he has spent nearly three weeks in the cabin treehouse and often shouts down to his kids if he needs something, or sometimes walks up to the back of their home to make his request.


"They’re within yelling distance," he said. "I can call or go up to the glass. They know not to open the door and risk catching something." Of course, this self-isolation means his two sons, ages 6 and 9, lose their playhouse. "They love that thing, but they understand, so they’re not missing the treehouse."(AP)




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A giant coronavirus is stalking the streets of southern India - propelled by a 100 cc engine and an inventor trying to drive home the message that Indians should stay indoors as the pandemic sweeps across the world.


Sudhakar Yadav’s wacky small single-seater car - made of fluorescent-green fibre and complete with the red crown-like spikes of the virus - has been racking up the miles in the tech hub of Hyderabad to remind fellow citizens of the dangers of COVID-19.


"People are not scared and are still... on the streets despite the clear danger," the 67-year-old Yadav, who runs a printing business, told AFP.


"My message through the car art is to make them understand that it is dangerous to be out on the streets and the safest place right now is the home." (AFP)




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Previous research indicated an alarming decline in numbers in all parts of world, with losses of up to 25% per decade. This new study, the largest carried out to date, says the picture is more complex and varied.


Land-dwelling insects are definitely declining the authors say, while bugs living in freshwater are increasing. The overall picture is complex - even in close geographical areas, some insects can be doing well next door to members of the same species who are struggling.


Ann Swengel, one of the authors on the paper has spent more than 30 years studying butterflies in parts of the US. "We’ve seen so much decline, including on many protected sites. But we’ve also observed some sites where butterflies are continuing to do well," she said. "It takes lots of years and lots of data to understand both the failures and the successes, species by species and site by site."





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Thailand has found the largest number of nests of rare leatherback sea turtles in two decades on beaches bereft of tourists because of the coronavirus pandemic, environmentalists say.


The 11 turtle nests authorities have found since last November were the highest number in 20 years, said Kongkiat Kittiwatanawong, the director of the Phuket Marine Biological Center.


"This is a very good sign for us because many areas for spawning have been destroyed by humans," he told Reuters. No such nests had been found for the previous five years.

他告訴路透:「我們覺得這是非常好的跡象,因為許多產卵地都遭到人類破壞。」 過去5年完全沒有發現海龜巢。

"If we compare to the year before, we didn’t have this many spawn, because turtles have a high risk of getting killed by fishing gear and humans disturbing the beach."


Leatherbacks are the world’s largest sea turtles. They are considered endangered in Thailand, and listed as a vulnerable species globally by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

棱皮龜是全世界最大的海龜。牠們在泰國被視為瀕危動物, 也被「國際自然保育聯盟」列為全球易危物種。

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Doctors around the country are trying to figure out whether a new mysterious skin condition could be a possible sign of coronavirus in asymptomatic patients.


The condition, informally being called "COVID toes" by some doctors, causes lesions or painful bumps, and sometimes frostbite-like areas of purple, blue or red discoloration in toes and sometimes fingers.


Northwestern University Medicine dermatologist Dr. Amy Paller said she’s seen large numbers of this popping up recently, mainly in teenagers and young adults.


Dr. Paller, the chair of dermatology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, said the lesions are sometimes itchy and often painful, but the individuals generally don’t have any other signs of viral infections.




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