《中英對照讀新聞》Staring at seagulls can stop them stealing food, research shows 研究顯示,盯著海鷗看能阻止牠們偷走食物

Britain’s seaside towns are at war with their seagulls, urging visitors not to feed the birds in an effort to stop them snatching titbits like potato chips from tourists’ hands.


Warning signs deck promenade railings from Scarborough to Broadstairs and beyond but now research from the University of Exeter has suggested an easy way for holidaymakers to deter the gulls - just stare at them.


The research showed that with a human staring at them, herring gulls took 21 seconds longer to approach a bag of chips.


"Gulls are often seen as aggressive and willing to take food from humans, so it was interesting to find that most wouldn’t even come near during our tests," said lead author Madeleine Goumas. (Reuters)



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中英對照讀新聞》Social media use ’disrupting teen sleep and exercise’ 社交媒體使用「干擾青少年睡眠與運動」

Using social media isn’t directly harming teenagers - but it can reduce the time they spend on healthy activities, such as sleeping and exercising, a study suggests.


Scientists conducted multiple interviews with almost 10,000 teenagers in England between the ages of 13 and 16. The teens reported the frequency they used social media sites, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter.


The researchers found that with both boys and girls very frequent social media use was associated with greater psychological distress, but the stress impacted girls more. Girls were also more likely to say they were less happy and more anxious.


Very frequent use of social media may compromise teen girls’ mental health by increasing the risk of cyberbullying and reducing sleep and physical exercise, the researchers said.



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中英對照讀新聞》Why Do Chimpanzees Throw Poop? 黑猩猩為什麼要丟大便?

Going to the zoo can be a great adventure, especially if you find poop hurtling in your direction. The likely perpetrators, chimpanzees, are known to sometimes throw their feces at visitors.


Throwing feces is not a regular occurrence for primates, at least not most of them. Primates in the wild don’t normally throw feces. It’s typically observed only in captive populations of chimpanzees.


Chimpanzees have hierarchical social groups. They are known to drag tree branches or throw rocks when they are frustrated or annoyed or when they want to display dominance.


In zoo environments, especially if groups of people are staring at them, the chimps may get riled up or frustrated, and they may decide to convey that emotion to their captive audience.


Since they’re usually deprived of rocks, or branches, or any small objects like that, for this exact reason, they opt for the next best thing that they have within reach, which is usually poop.

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You can only do one of two things to an unsatisfied life: force yourself to accept, or convince yourself to change it.

少女離家記 (Mustang), 2015

#解憂電影院 No.364


“水ㄤ水某你們好! 一直以來都有關注你們的社群網站,不論是哪一部電影的評論,即便沒有經歷過類似的事情,也都很發人省思,自己也會在看完電影以後有很多的感觸,有的時候也的確幫助我走過一些人生的低潮! 但最近自己遇到了一些迷惘的事情,希望你們能推薦一部好電影,或者能給予一些方向和建議。


每天每天我都覺得自己要被內心的黑暗吞噬,失去人生的目標,當個在公家機關處理文書作業、吹著冷氣領著還不錯薪水的公務員的確不是我想要的,但我不知道放棄了這個目標我還能去追尋什麼 ,我不知道下一個人生的目標在哪裡?

我一直很想要出去旅遊去尋找真正的自己,而不是依循社會的期待,畢業後趕快找工作、找對象、結婚生子,但我也害怕去旅行跟流浪的日子所逝去的時間會變成一種浪費,我覺得我自己太害怕放棄現在擁有的一切、太在意別人的眼光、太想去達成別人給予的期望,沒有勇氣去賭一個未知的明天,或是找尋自己的夢想,請問像我這樣徬徨的人應該怎麼做呢? 希望你們能夠給我一些方向,謝謝你們!“


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You feel happy when you see the one you love dearly is happy.

新娘大作戰 (Bride Wars), 2009

#解憂電影院 No.363


“ 您好:最近我跟一位朋友大吵架,我氣到對她說了重話「你不值得我這樣思考為什麼?因為你都出一張嘴巴,不曾付出行動經營這段友誼,所以我們才爭執不斷,每次溝通也才都無效,我們不要再當朋友了」反正對他說了很多很多的氣話。





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