中英對照讀新聞》Kim Jong-un executes general by throwing him in piranha-filled tank 金正恩處決將軍,將他丟入充滿食人魚的池子裡

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un executed a general accused of plotting a coup by throwing him into a piranha-filled tank.


Kim had a giant fish tank built inside his Ryongsong Residence. The general’s arms and torso were cut open with knives before he was thrown into the tank, which was filled with hundreds of piranhas imported from Brazil, the Daily Star reported.


A UK intelligence source said: "Kim rules by fear. He wants everyone to know, including his most trusted aides, that they are at risk of suffering an unpleasant death if he suspects they are treasonous."


The Daily Star claimed Kim may have been inspired by the 1965 James Bond movie ’You Only Live Twice’ to pursue the gruesome execution method.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Human-Size Jellyfish Stuns Divers Off the Coast of England 像人那麼大的水母,讓英國沿海潛水員驚嘆不已

A pair of divers swimming off the southwestern tip of England hit the jackpot last week after crossing paths with a hulking barrel jellyfish — a rarely seen species that can grow about as large as a full-grown human. Luckily, they filmed the whole thing.


The divers were diving off the coast of Cornwall, U.K., when they saw the giant jellyfish emerge from the murky water. Also called the dustbin-lid jellyfish, the species is characterized by eight puffy arms capped by stinging tentacles and a large, globular head that lends the creature its unglamorous nickname.


While the barrel jellyfish is the largest species of jelly found in U.K. waters, it’s a mere shrimp when compared to the lion’s mane jellyfish, the largest known species in the world. This coldwater jelly is known for its galaxy of 1,200 long, trailing tentacles, which can bring an individual creature’s total body length to up to 120 feet (36.5 meters) — which is longer than the average blue whale.



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中英對照讀新聞》Gov’t, parties to form agency on fighting trade war 韓政府、政黨共組機構對抗貿易戰


President Moon Jae-in and leaders of the country’s political parties called on Japan, Thursday, to immediately cancel its export restrictions targeting Korean firms ahead of possible additional trade-related sanctions threatened by Tokyo in the coming weeks.

  • 南韓總統文在寅(右3)18日在總統府「青瓦台」,與包括執政、在野在內的5個政黨黨魁,針對和日本的貿易戰,商討因應對策。南韓第一大黨、執政的「共同民主黨」黨魁、前總理李海瓚和最大在野黨「自由韓國黨」黨魁、前總理、前代理總統黃教安,分坐文的右邊及左邊。(美聯社)



They also agreed to establish a pan-national agency consisting of officials from government and the parties to strengthen cooperation in responding to the looming trade war with Japan. The meeting was the first time Moon had sat down with all party leaders since March 2018.


Moon also requested the parties’ cooperation in swiftly processing an extra budget bill to support companies that are expected to be affected by the restrictions. The LKP’s Hwang called on Moon to reprimand his diplomatic team for their lack of preparedness for the trade war, which could have been predicted months ago.


英倫翻譯社 轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1304699


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中英對照讀新聞》This baby was born on 7-Eleven Day at 7:11 pm, weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces 這個寶寶生於小七日晚上7點11分,體重7磅11盎司


7-Eleven Day typically means free Slurpees for everyone, but this year’s celebration turned out more special than usual for one Missouri family.


Rachel Langford of St. Louis gave birth to a baby girl on July 11 - yes, 7/11.


That’s not all, baby J’Aime Brown was born at 7:11 pm, weighing seven pounds and 11 ounces.


Langford, who also has a six-year-old son, told CNN she kept on seeing the numbers 7 and 11 during her pregnancy, but didn’t think it meant anything.


"I thought it was weird at first, and I didn’t know that (the numbers) meant so much," she said. "A lot of the times (during the pregnancy) I would look at the clock and it was 7:11."

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《中英對照讀新聞》Papa roach: Chinese farmer breeds bugs for the table 蟑螂老爹:中國農民養蟑螂上餐桌


As farmer Li Bingcai opened the door to his cockroach farm in Yibin, Sichuan province, a critter flew into his face. He tossed it back into the dark room where some 10 million more of its kind scurried around.

  • 中國有不少專門養殖蟑螂的業者。(法新社檔案照)



These creatures may be a bugbear for most, but breeders like Li are turning them into a niche business. While some sell cockroaches for medicinal purposes, as animal feed or to get rid of food waste, Li breeds them for food for human consumption.


A restaurant down the road from his small facility fries them up in famously spicy Sichuan sauce for the gutsier eaters. "People don’t believe how good it is until they try some," Li said, putting one into his mouth.


Known colloquially as American cockroaches, the Periplaneta Americana is one of the largest species and is consumed for a variety of ailments: stomach ulcers, respiratory tract problems, and even simply as a tonic.


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