

 “Stop whining, start hustling.”

– Gary Vaynerchuk, Entrepreneur

 「停止抱怨,趕緊行動。」– 蓋瑞‧范納洽 (企業家)

 whine (v.) 抱怨。hustle (v.) 意志堅強、很有精力的做事。

蓋瑞‧范納洽 (1975- ) 是美國企業家、《紐約時報》暢銷書作家及網路名人,他是臉書、推特、Uber 等知名公司的天使投資人及顧問,擅長社群媒體及數位行銷。


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Every February, at the Naked Festival in Okayama, Japan, as many as 10,000 men gather together at the Saidaiji Kannon-in Temple. Those men aren't completely naked, but rather wearing loincloths, not the best choice considering the temperature can be below freezing, but tradition is tradition. The men have come together in the name of catching a couple of lucky sticks dropped by priests into the crowd.

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Rickman’s international success began when he played a German terrorist in the action movie Die Hard. He also played the Sheriff of Nottingham in a film about Robin Hood. And then there is his most famous movie role, Severus Snape, in the Harry Potter films. The movies would not have been the same without Rickman’s performance. Sadly, Rickman passed away in January of 2016 due to cancer. He had kept his illness secret from everyone except his family and closest friends, and his death shocked the world.



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 “Challenges make life interesting, however, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”   

                                                                                                                   – Mark Twain, Writer

「挑戰讓生活有意思,然而,是克服它們讓生活有意義。」 馬克‧吐溫 (作家)


馬克‧吐溫 (1835-1910) 為美國作家及幽默家,以《湯姆歷險記》及續集《頑童歷險記》為其代表作,後者因完美述敘美國文化而被譽為「美國經典小說」(the Great American Novel)

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Some goodbyes hurt, because they leave behind sharp memories

鐵達尼號 (Titanic), 1997
中文電影介紹: http://bit.ly/1o6Sa6j

今天晚上21:00,Star Movies要重播這部經典到不行的愛情電影喔!

英倫翻譯 引自+翻譯 http://lessonsfrommovies.net/?p=12738

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