


“As long as I can focus on enjoying what I’m doing, having fun, I know I’ll play well.”

– Steffi Graf, Tennis Player



施特菲·葛拉芙 (網球選手)


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“Every difficulty slurred over will be a ghost to disturb your repose later on.”

– Rabindranath Tagore, Philosopher


「每一個你閃躲的困難,將來都會如鬼魂般打擾你的安寧。」 泰戈爾 (哲學家)

slur over 迴避,避談。repose (n.) 安寧,鎮定。

羅賓德拉納特·泰戈爾 (1861-1941) 是印度詩人及哲學家,其創作橫跨詩歌、小說、戲劇等不同領域,1913 年他以自譯的英文版《吉檀迦利》成為第一位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的亞洲人。

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Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.”


Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Philosopher



塞內卡 (4 B.C. 65) 是古羅馬時代著名斯多亞學派哲學家、政治家及劇作家,曾任尼祿皇帝的導師及顧問,著有《對話錄》、《論恩惠》、《天問》等。

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Around the world, millions of people have stared at his artwork for hours. His characters have jumped off the page onto television and movie screens. He is so famous that he has been called the Japanese Walt Disney. This is Japan’s number one manga artist, Osamu Tezuka. When Tezuka was in his second year of elementary school, he began to draw comics. After World War II, Tezuka wanted to create manga as a way of educating people to care about the world. His first works, Diary of Ma-chan and New Treasure Island, started the golden age of manga.

世界各地數以百萬的人都緊盯著他的作品好幾個小時。他筆下的角色從紙上躍上了電視及電影螢幕。他很出名,因此被稱為日本的華特.迪士尼。他是日本的頂尖漫畫家 ── 手塚治虫。手塚在小學二年級時開始畫起漫畫。二戰結束後,手塚想要創作漫畫以作為教育人們關懷世界的一種方式。 
他的首兩部作品 ── 《小馬日記》與《新寶島》,開啟了漫畫的黃金時代。 

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“We excuse our sloth under the pretext of difficulty.”

– Quintilian, Rhetorician


「我們常以困難為由,做為懶惰的藉口。」 昆體良 (雄辯家)


昆體良 (35-100) 是羅馬帝國西班牙行省的雄辯家、修辭家、教育家,著有《雄辯家的培訓》、《長篇雄辯術》及《短篇雄辯術》,在文藝復興時期被廣泛運用,他的教育思想對後世也有極大影響。

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