中英對照讀新聞》Dr Marijuana Pepsi: The woman who refused to let her bullies win 大麻‧百事可樂博士:拒絕讓霸凌獲勝的女子

A woman who refused to change her name has defied her bullies by earning a PhD. Marijuana Pepsi Vandyck says she spent her life being made fun of because of her distinctive name. But instead of changing it she decided to be proud of the name and refuse to let it hold her back.


The 46-year-old has used her experience to research black names and how they affect the education of children in the United States.


Marijuana was nine years old when she first realised she had an unconventional name. At school in Wisconsin she says it wasn’t just the other children who commented on it but the teachers, too. "Marijuana is unusual and then you add Pepsi to it and the comments just didn’t stop" she told the BBC.


But in high school the inquisitive questions about an unusual name turned into hurtful comments. "When I was in fourth grade it was an oddity, but in high school it became bullying. I had to put up with so much," she says of her bullies. Marijuana says her family gave her the strength to cope with the comments and change her attitude.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Global semiconductor market to shrink 12% in 2019 全球半導體市場2019年預計萎縮12%

The global market for semiconductors will contract 12.1% to $412 billion this year, an industry group forecast, amid growing economic uncertainties from such factors as the U.S.-China trade war.


In its previous report last autumn, World Semiconductor Trade Statistics had predicted 2.6% growth for 2019.


The 2019 downgrade was blamed on shifts in world affairs, including the trade war, Brexit and weak smartphone demand.


Memory sales, which account for roughly 30% of the semiconductor market, are seen tumbling 30.6% to $109.5 billion in 2019. Large-lot prices of standard DRAMs are almost 30% lower than in October, and prices of NAND flash memory have fallen about 30% in half a year.


The market "will bottom out in the second half of 2019," said Akira Minamikawa, a principal analyst at IHS Markit.

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《中英對照讀新聞》Kakao launches blockchain platform for enterprise service Kakao推出企業服務區塊鏈平台

Kakao’s blockchain subsidiary Ground X on Thursday launched a public network platform for companies and developers. Dozens of regional tech giants pledged to work with it to promote blockchain-based businesses.

(南韓網路公司)Kakao的區塊鏈子公司Ground X,週四為企業和開發人員推出一個公共網路平台。為推廣以區塊鏈為基礎的交易,多家(東亞)地區的科技巨擘此前承諾與該公司合作。

Ground X said its blockchain platform Klaytn has officially begun operations by releasing its mainnet for commercial use. Klaytn is designed for easier access and faster speed compared with existing blockchain platforms, and various companies have joined its test operations since October last year.

Ground X表示,其區塊鏈平台Klaytn,已藉由公布它的商用主網,正式開始營運。相較於現有的區塊鏈平台,Klaytn旨在更容易使用且速度更快,多種不同行業的公司自去年10月以來,已加入其試營運。

Among the firms that will run Klaytn are South Korean companies such as LG, Celltrion and Netmarble. Union Bank of the Philippines and other finance and tech giants in Southeast Asia have also joined the project. Ground X chief Han Jae-sun stressed the combined market value of the participating companies amounts to 75 trillion won.

將會運作Klaytn的公司中,有「樂金」、(生技製藥公司)「賽特瑞恩」及(遊戲開發公司)「網石遊戲」等南韓公司。「菲律賓聯合銀行」和東南亞其他的金融與科技巨擘,也已參與該計畫。Ground X的代表韓在善(譯音)強調,所有參與(試營運)的公司的市值,合計達75兆韓元。


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《中英對照讀新聞》Indonesia’s first subway opens in its gridlocked capital 交通壅塞的印尼首都首條地鐵線開通

Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo has opened a long-awaited subway in the country’s capital aimed at staving off crippling traffic gridlock with comfortable transport facilities.


Jakarta’s first subway is the latest of many infrastructure improvements nationwide that it is hoped will help the giant but laggard nation catch up with its neighbors.


President Joko Widodo inaugurated the first phase of 16-kilometer subway line running south from Jakarta’s downtown on Sunday, while also presiding over a groundbreaking ceremony for an 8-kilometer line heading northward that is planned to be completed by 2024.


The $2.6 billion project is funded through a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency.


Congestion has relentlessly worsened in the past decade as car ownership rose, squeezing more and more vehicles onto Jakarta’s unchanging road network. (AP)

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《中英對照讀新聞》 Canada becomes the first G20 country to ban shark fin trade 加拿大成為第一個禁止魚翅交易的二十國集團(G20)國家

Canada has become the first G20 nation to ban the import and export of shark fins, in an effort help preserve the predator under threat. The country is the largest importer of shark fins outside Asia, though shark finning in the domestic fishery has been illegal since 1994.


The shark fin trade is believed to have contributed to the precarious status of many shark species worldwide. An estimated one-third of fins sold come from species that are at risk. Shark finning involves cutting off the valuable fin while the shark is alive, and discarding the rest of the body.


Canada’s bill bans the import and export, to and from Canada, of shark fins that are not attached to the shark. It was passed by parliament this week after years of effort by legislators and campaigners, and received Royal Assent on Friday. In 2018, Canada imported over 148,000 kg of shark fins.



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