《中英對照讀新聞》Destructive pest could spread to all of China’s grain production in 12 months 毀滅性害蟲恐在12個月內蔓延到中國所有糧食產區

The devastating armyworm pest has already spread to more than 8,500 hectares of China’s grain production and could soon affect the country’s entire crop, a new US government report said.


The voracious, inch-long fall armyworm, the larval form of the armyworm moth, can breed rapidly, spread great distances and is hugely difficult to eradicate.


It has a large impact on a wide range of crops, including important Chinese staples such as rice, soybeans and corn. According to the US report, it may have already spread to a range of southern Chinese provinces including Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan and Hainan.


The new pest comes as the Chinese government faces a number of daunting agricultural challenges. Every province in the country has now been affected by African swine fever virus, which is devastating the pork industry.


英倫翻譯社 轉自https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1288793

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《中英對照讀新聞》Singapore passes controversial fake news law-新加坡通過爭議的假新聞法

Singapore has passed a controversial anti-fake news law that gives authorities sweeping powers to police online platforms and private chat groups.


The Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation bill was passed by lawmakers on Wednesday and will come into force in the next few weeks. The government can now order platforms to remove what it deems to be false statements that are "against the public interest", and to post corrections.


A person found guilty of doing this in Singapore could be fined heavily and/or jailed for up to five years. It also bans the use of fake accounts or bots to spread fake news - this carries penalties of up to S$1m and a jail term of up to 10 years.


But critics say it poses a serious threat to civil liberties. One main criticism is that the law is phrased too broadly and gives ministers too much power to decide what is true or false.



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《中英對照讀新聞》NK missile appears to be Russia’s Iskander: experts - 專家:朝飛彈似仿俄「伊斯坎德」飛彈

While the North’s military did not disclose the exact type of the missiles fired Thursday, photographs released by the KCNA revealed projectiles that bear outward similarities to the ground-to-ground short-range ballistic missiles known as Russia’s Iskander.


Pyongyang first showed off its version of Iskander during a military parade in February last year, and had not test-fired before. "Given, in particular, that the altitude of what North Korea fired on Saturday and yesterday all reached around 50 km, they seem to be the same type of Iskander ballistic missiles," said Shin Jong-woo, a senior analyst at the Korea Defense and Security Forum in Seoul.


Some suspect that the projectiles fired Thursday could be scud-type missiles or medium-range Nodong ones, but others pointed out scud-type or Nodong missiles should reach a peak elevation of 80 km in order to cover a ground distance of 280 km. "After carrying out an initial test last week on the east coast, the North appears to have taken the weapons to its western region for a next-phase test, which is a typical way of its developing missiles," Shin added.


英倫翻譯社 轉自https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1287983

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Shallow or Self-Empowering? Below the Surface of the Selfie

With every click, flick, and swipe, social media feeds seem to be flooded with a tidal wave of selfies, particularly of women.Back in 2014, Google revealed that 93 million selfies were taken every day—and that was just on Android devices. Some website polls suggest women between the ages of 16 to 25 spend five hours a week taking selfies. Are women really so self-obsessed that they need the perfect picture to show off to the world?
每次點擊滑鼠、點開網頁及滑手機時,社群媒體上 —— 特別是女性 —— 的自拍照似乎讓人應接不暇。早在 2014 年 Google 上的數據就顯示了每天有九千三百萬張的自拍照,而那還只是在安卓系統的裝置上。有些網站調查更顯示,介於十六至二十五歲的女性一星期會花上五個小時來自拍。女性真有那麼自戀到要把最完美的一面展現給世人欣賞?

英倫翻譯社 轉自https://tw.news.appledaily.com/international/daily/20190510/38331849/

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Since its launch in 1996, Pokémon has been a global hit. The brand has sold more than two billion trading cards and made over US$700 million from movies and US$300 million from video games. In addition, its popular app, Pokémon GO, has been downloaded 650 million times. Even if Pokémon went away today, it would still be the most successful media brand in world history. However, fans continue to want more—and they’re in luck, because Pokémon Detective Pikachu is arriving in theaters this month.

自從精靈寶可夢(舊稱為「神奇寶貝」)於 1996 年推出後,它就成了風靡全球的作品。這個品牌已賣出二十多億張集換式卡片,它的電影票房超過七億美元且電玩也賣到三億美元。另外,它極受歡迎的應用程式精靈寶可夢 GO 已被下載了六億五千萬次。即使現在精靈寶可夢消失了,它依然會是全球史上最成功的媒體品牌。不過,粉絲還一直想要更多新的東西—— 他們運氣不錯,因為《名偵探皮卡丘》這個月就要在電影院上映了。.

英倫翻譯社 轉自https://tw.news.appledaily.com/international/daily/20190509/38330925/

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