Peyton Conway March (四星上將)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

“There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life – happiness, freedom and peace of mind – are always attained by giving them to someone else.”

– Peyton Conway March, Four-Star General
「自然界有一個神祕又很奇妙的法則,那就是我們最渴望的三樣東西 – 快樂、自由及內心的平靜 – 都是透過給予別人而獲得。」– 培頓‧康威‧馬奇 (四星上將)

mythical (adj.) 神話的,想像的。例:a mythical creature (神話中的動物)。crave (v.) 渴望,熱望。例:Many children crave attention. (很多小孩渴望得到關注。) attain (v.) 得到,達到。例:He has attained the highest grade in the math class. (他在數學課裡取得最優等的成績。)

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Amazing Grace

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The world of artists and painters recently added a new member to their ranks─five-year-old Iris Grace. The pint-sized painter has created some outstanding works of art that many consider to be far beyond the skill level of a normal child. Grace is known to spend up to two hours focusing on one painting.
The most amazing thing about this tiny Monet is that Iris Grace is autistic. In December of 2011, Grace’s parents learned of their daughter’s condition and wanted to know what they could do to help. They gave their young daughter some paints and a brush and let her paint to her heart’s content. As a result, Grace has made more eye contact with people, shown less obsessive behavior, and is more likely to laugh with her parents.

最近有一位新成員躋身藝術家和畫家之列 ── 她就是五歲的艾莉絲•葛莉絲。這位小小畫家已創作出一些相當傑出的作品,而許多人認為這遠超過一般兒童的繪畫程度。據知葛莉絲會花上長達兩個小時的時間專注在一幅畫作上。
最令人吃驚的是艾莉絲•葛莉絲這位小小莫內是自閉症兒童。她的父母在 2011 年十二月得知女兒的情況後,便急欲知道他們能做什麼來幫助她。他們給葛莉絲一些顏料和一支畫筆來讓她盡情的揮灑。結果,葛莉絲與人有更多的眼神接觸、也比較少出現強迫症的行為,而且更常和她父母一起歡笑。 

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Some Nights (一些夜裡)

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歌手:Fun 樂團

Some nights, I stay up cashing in my bad luck
Some nights, I call it a draw

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Tasty Taiwanese Treats

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For the past few decades, the taste and diet of Taiwan’s cuisine have changed a lot. A prime example of this change of taste is Taipei’s Raohe Street Night Market. It is so famous that it has even been listed in the secret places section of a Lonely Planet magazine in Germany recently. This is Taipei’s oldest night market and it sits between the Keelung River and the Songshan Train Station. The night market features many typical Chinese favorites as well as many unique Taiwanese treats. Stinky tofu, century eggs, and oyster omelets are but a few examples. A visit to Raohe will not disappoint you.


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Limestone ’Venus’ 23,000 years old dug up in France 有2萬3000年歷史的石灰石「維納斯」在法國出土

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

A limestone statuette of a shapely woman some 23,000 years old has been discovered in northern France.


Archaeologists stumbled on the Paleolithic-era sculpture during a dig in the summer in Amiens, the first such find in a half-century.

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