

Great Minds Don't Always Think Alike


In 1643, Isaac Newton was born into a poor family. Newton eventually paid for his schooling by cleaning wealthier students' rooms. Newton discovered that he loved science and math, though he was only an average student. Therefore, it was amazing that he completed a graduate degree at the University of Cambridge and then developed original scientific theories. He explained the movement of the planets and proved that white light is actually made up of all the colors in the rainbow. Most famously, Newton also identified gravity after an apple fell out of a tree and hit him on the head. He even contributed to a new form of mathematics, calculus, which allowed mathematicians to understand the nature of space, time, and motion.


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Mark Victor Hansen (勵志作家)





“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.”

– Mark Victor Hansen, Motivational Writer

「不要等到所有事情都剛剛好,它們永遠不會完美。永遠都將有挑戰、阻礙及不盡完美的條件。所以呢,現在就開始。每當你走一步,你將變得愈來愈強,愈來愈熟練,愈來愈有自信,及愈來愈成功。」 馬克維克多韓森 (勵志作家)

  • “just right” 是「剛剛好;適切的」。第二句的 “it” 代表第一句的 “everything” (屬單數),但在翻譯時改為複數它們較為通順。”skilled” 是「有技能的;熟練的」,為形容詞。
  • 馬克維克多韓森 (1948- ) 為美國勵志作家、演說家及教練,與 Jack Canfield 為暢銷書《心靈雞湯》系列書籍的共同創辦人。

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John Dewey (哲學家)





“The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think — rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with the thoughts of other men.”

– John Dewey, Philosopher

「教育的目的應是教我們怎麼思考,而不是該思考什麼,應是改善我們的心智,好讓我們能為自己思考,而不是將他人的想法裝在我們的記憶裡。」 約翰杜威 (哲學家)

  • rather… than… 應是而非。例:She would rather sit alone than talking with him. (她寧可獨人坐著也不願和他說話。) enable (v.) 使能夠。load (v.) 裝載。例:The ship is loaded with explosives. (這船上裝滿炸藥。)
  • 約翰杜威 (1859-1952) 為美國著名哲學家、心理學家及教育改革者,實用主義哲學的代表人物。他在教育領域的著作最為知名,但他也有邏輯、民主、道德、藝術、自然等不同領域之著作。

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“Who feels no ills, should, therefore, fear them; and when fortune smiles, be doubly cautious, lest destruction come remorseless on him, and he fall unpitied.”

– Sophocles, Playwright

「感受不到危機的人,應懼怕它;當命運之神眷顧時,應加倍小心,以免毀滅無情的來臨,失敗了還得不到同情。」– 索福克勒斯 (劇作家)

  • ill (n.) 困難,禍害。例:The village has encountered a number of ills since last year. (這村莊自去年以來經歷了諸多禍害。) fortune (n.) 命運,際遇。lest (conj.) 以免,免得。例:Rest early lest you are unable to wake up early tomorrow. (早點休息免得你明天無法早起。) remorseless (adj.) 無情的,冷血的。unpitied (adj.) 沒得到同情的;pity (v.) 憐憫,同情。
  • 索福克勒斯 (496/7 BC. – 405/6 BC.) 是古希臘劇作家、古希臘三大悲劇詩人之一,生活於雅典奴隸主民主制的全盛時期,他一生共寫 123 個劇本,如今只有 7 部完整的流傳下來,其中以《伊底帕斯王》最為出名。


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“To me, the definition of focus is knowing exactly where you want to be today, next week, next month, next year, then never deviating from your plan. Once you can see, touch and feel your objective, all you have to do is pull back and put all your strength behind it, and you’ll hit your target every time.”

– Bruce Jenner, Athlete

「對我來說,專注的定義是確切知道你今天、下週、下個月及明年會在哪裡,絕不偏離你的計劃。一旦你能看到、摸到及感受你的目標,你唯一需要做的是退後一步、把你所有的力氣放在那願景之後,你將每次都達到目標。」– 布魯斯‧傑納 (運動員)

  • deviate (v.) 脫離,越軌。例:The plane has deviated from the regular flight route.(飛機偏離了正常的航道。)
  • 布魯斯‧傑納 (1949-) 是前美國田徑選手,在 1776 年夏季奧運的「十項全能」獲得金牌,入選「奥林匹克名人堂」、「美國田徑名人堂」,之後投入演藝圈,因真人秀節目而走紅。


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