2023/01/30 05:30


Lizards that once dwelled in forests but now slink around urban areas have genetically morphed to survive life in the city, researchers have found.


The Puerto Rican crested anole, a brown lizard with a bright orange throat fan, has sprouted special scales to better cling to smooth surfaces like walls and windows and grown larger limbs to sprint across open areas, scientists say.


“We are watching evolution as it’s unfolding,” said Kristin Winchell, a biology professor at NYU and main author of the study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


As urbanization intensifies around the world, it’s important to understand how organisms adapt and humans can design cities in ways that support all species, Winchell said. (AP)


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中英對照讀新聞》Argentine artist paints on inflation-hit banknotes阿根廷畫家在受通貨膨脹衝擊的紙幣上作畫

2023/01/19 05:30

Argentina’s cash has lost so much value in recent years that local artist Sergio Guillermo Diaz finds painting on even the most valuable banknotes has become affordable.

With annual inflation that likely neared 100% last year, the largest denomination of Argentine currency, the 1,000-peso bill, is worth around $5.60 officially or just $3 on parallel markets commonly used to skirt capital controls.

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2023/01/18 05:30

Neymar said Saturday he was "psychologically destroyed" by Brazil’s elimination from the World Cup in a penalty shootout defeat to Croatia and admitted it hurt more than any other loss in his career.

Neymar scored a superb individual effort to equal Pele’s record goalscoring haul of 77 goals for the Selecao in Friday’s match that finished 1-1 after extra time.

But he never got to take a spot kick in the shootout that Croatia won 4-2 to move into the semi-finals.

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2023/01/16 05:30◎陳成良

An ancient wooden sarcophagus that was featured at the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences was returned to Egypt after U.S. authorities determined it was looted years ago, Egyptian officials said Monday.


The repatriation is part of Egyptian government efforts to stop the trafficking of its stolen antiquities. In 2021, authorities in Cairo succeeded in getting 5,300 stolen artifacts returned to Egypt from across the world.


Mostafa Waziri, the top official at the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said the sarcophagus dates back to the Late Dynastic Period of ancient Egypt, an era that spanned the last of the Pharaonic rulers from 664 B.C. until Alexander the Great’s campaign in 332 B.C.(AP)




repatriation:名詞,遣送回國、歸國。例句:We look forward to the repatriation of our citizens.(我們期待我國公民返鄉。)

trafficking:名詞,非法交易(尤指毒品、人口販運)。 動詞為traffic,指買賣、交易。例句:Trafficking in persons continued to be a serious problem.(販運人口仍是一個嚴重問題。)


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2023/01/11 05:30

Germany crashed out of the World Cup at the group stage for the second time in succession despite a 4-2 win against Costa Rica on Thursday.


The four-time World Cup winners came into the match needing a win but were also relying on the result of Japan’s game with Spain to progress.


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