2022/12/21 05:30

U.S. President Joe Biden on Saturday referred to Cambodia, which is hosting an international summit led by Southeast Asian leaders, as Colombia.


"I want to thank the Prime Minister of Colombia for his leadership as ASEAN chair and for hosting all of us," Biden said while meeting his counterparts in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Phnom Penh.


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2022/12/14 05:30

Outrage built up in Poland after the governing party leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, claimed excessive drinking by young women was to blame for the EU member’s low birth rate.


Opposition politicians, women celebrities and others denounced the 73-year-old bachelor as out-of-touch and patriarchal, dismissing his comments as nonsense.


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2022/12/13 05:30

A Georgia sheepdog is recovering at home two days after killing a pack of coyotes that attacked his owner’s flock of sheep.


Casper, a 20-month old Great Pyrenees, fought off a pack of coyotes who were threatening his sheep farm, farmer John Wierwiller said. The fight lasted longer than half an hour, left eight coyotes dead and bloodied Casper, with skin and part of his tail torn off.


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2022/12/12 05:30

Scientists along the West Coast are calling for action to help sunflower sea stars, among the largest sea stars in the world, recover from catastrophic population declines.


Experts say a sea star wasting disease epidemic that began in 2013 has decimated about 95% of the population from the Aleutian Islands of Alaska to Mexico’s Baja California peninsula, The Astorian reported.

據《阿斯托利亞人報》報導,專家表示,2013年開始出現的「海星消耗病」(sea star wasting disease)流行病,導致阿拉斯加州阿留申群島至墨西哥下加利福尼亞州半島水域的向日葵海星數目減少95%。

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2022/12/09 05:30

The latest work from veteran manga artist Chikae Ide follows her common theme of romance and relationships, but “Poison Love” is quite different than her previous pieces.


First of all, it is based on a true story about a lovestruck woman in an international romance who gets swindled out of 75 million yen ($523,200).


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