2022/12/08 05:30

Madhubala, a 16-year-old elephant in Pakistan suffering for years from a dental infection and pain caused by a broken tusk, finally got relief after undergoing treatment while under unique standing sedation.


Madhubala is one of four African elephants being treated in Karachi by an eight-member team from global animal welfare group Four Paws.


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2022/12/07 05:30

An artwork by the abstract Dutch painter Piet Mondrian has been hanging upside down in various galleries for 75 years, an art historian has said.


Despite the recent discovery, the work, entitled New York City I, will continue to be displayed the wrong way up to avoid it being damaged.


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2022/12/01 05:30

Ultramarathon runner Robert Pope of Liverpool, England, drank a pint of Guinness right before setting off on the run that would make him the first person to successfully run the width of Ireland in under 24 hours.


44-year-old Pope ran from Galway City on Ireland’s west coast to the capital Dublin in just 23 hours and 39 minutes.


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2022/11/30 05:30

A forest fire that tore through part of Easter Island has charred some of its fabled monumental carved stone figures, known as moai, authorities said Thursday.


"Nearly 60 hectares were affected, including some moai," Carolina Perez, cultural heritage undersecretary, said in a Twitter post.


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2022/11/28 05:30

Around one billion young people worldwide could be at risk of hearing loss from listening to headphones or attending loud music venues, a large review of the available research estimated on Wednesday.


The analysis published in the journal BMJ Global Health looked at data from 33 studies published in English, Spanish, French and Russian over the last two decades covering more than 19,000 participants aged between 12-34.

這篇發表在「英國醫學期刊全球健康」(BMJ Global Health)的分析報告,審視過去20年來以英語、西班牙語、法語和俄語發表的33項研究數據,對象涵蓋1萬9000多名從12歲到34歲不等的受試者。

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