At London Zoo, good news has come in threes.


The zoo said Thursday that 5-year-old Sumatran tiger Melati has given birth to triplets, a little more than a year after the endangered tiger lost a three-week-old cub.


London Zoo said the three cubs all arrived within an hour of each other early on Feb. 3. The cubs’ first moments have been captured on hidden cameras and zookeepers are monitoring the three around the clock.


Teague Stubbington, a zookeeper, said the cubs have hit several milestones including opening their eyes and taking tentative first steps, and that their personalities are starting to emerge.


Stubbington revealed that one has earned the nickname “Trouble” for being first to explore its den and also for waking up the other two cubs.


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The human nose can detect one trillion different odours, far more than we previously thought, say US scientists.


Until now, the long-held belief was that we can sniff out about 10,000 smells.


New estimates published in Science suggest the human nose outperforms the eye and the ear in terms of the number of stimuli it can distinguish between.


Researchers at the Rockefeller University say we use only a tiny part of our olfactory powers.


The human eye uses three light receptors that work together to see up to 10 million colours, while the ear can hear almost half a million tones.


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A ten-year-old Norwegian boy came up with a novel excuse after he drove his parents’ car into a snowy ditch on Wednesday morning:he told police he was a dwarf who forgot his driving license.


The boy lives near Dokka, a town about 110 kilometres north of Oslo. Sometime before 0600 local time, he loaded his 18-month old sister into the car and headed for their grandparents in Valdres, about 60 kilometres away, local police said.


He drove more than 10 kilometres before he veered off the road. A snowplow driver found him and alerted the police.


"The parents woke up and discovered that the children were missing and that someone had taken off with their car. They were pretty upset, as you can imagine," said Baard Christiansen, a spokesman for the Vest Oppland police district.


"The boy told the snowplow driver that he was a dwarf and that he had forgotten his driver’s license at home."


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The United States on Thursday criticized Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for a war shrine visit that infuriated Japan’s neighbors, in a rare break to usually unstinting US support to its ally.


US advocacy of a stronger Japan -- including a more active security role -- has been a core principle for Washington in a region marked by the rise of China and an increasingly worrisome North Korea.


But Abe, known for his passionate belief that Japan should take greater pride in its history, defied US admonitions -- until now voiced quietly -- to stay away from the Yasukuni shrine, which venerates the souls of 2.5 million Japanese war dead.


"Japan is a valued ally and friend. Nevertheless, the United States is disappointed that Japan’s leadership has taken an action that will exacerbate tensions with Japan’s neighbors," a State Department statement said.


Abe made clear he did not intend to promote militarism, saying that he sought friendship with Chinese and Koreans, and had visited the shrine "to renew the pledge that Japan must never wage a war again."(AFP)


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It seems incredible that General Franco is still oppressing artists in Spain from beyond the grave. The dictator who rose to power by defeating Spain’s Republic in the 1930s civil war and ruled until his death in 1975 might seem to be a forgotten nightmare in today’s democratic Spain. But an artist has succeeded in provoking a foundation that preserves his memory into taking some distinctly intolerant legal steps.


Eugenio Merino is being taken to court – for the second time – for works he has made using the image of the late authoritarian ruler. His work Punching Franco is a lifelike head of Franco designed to be used as a punchbag; the Franco Foundation says it is "demeaning".


He has also been sued for his work Always Franco, a lifelike figure of Franco inside a fridge. He has now extended this out to create a whole series of dictators in fridges.


The amazing thing about Merino’s dictator art is not that he does it but that people will come out of the woodwork to take offence at a satire on someone like Franco.



beyond the grave:片語,指死後,如Do you think there’s life beyond the grave?(你相信死後還有生命嗎?)

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