

Taiwan high schools succeed in international competition to locate asteroids (2014/06/04)

Taiwanese high school students achieved acclaim in a recent international astronomy competition. This year, two student teams from Taiwan discovered asteroids, including one classified as a “centaur” due to its unique structure.

英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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Heavy rains in Chiayi City briefly interrupt regular train services (2014/06/03)

Chiayi City braved thunderstorms this afternoon causing flooding at the Nanjin Train Station. This led Taiwan Railway to suspend northbound and southbound services for little more than one hour.

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FarEasTone Chairman Douglas Hsu announces rollout of 4G services (2014/06/03)

Far EasTone Chairman Douglas Hsu officially launched the company’s 4G LTE services at a ceremony this afternoon. FarEasTone officially became the second telecom to offer the service, following Chunghwa Telecom’s lead last week.

英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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Asia’s largest computer show, Computex Taipei, begins today (2014/06/03)

Today was the opening of Computex Taipei. This year’s event features a variety of smart technology ranging from wearable devices to mobile computing and e-books.

It was the first day for 2014 Computex Taipei as a large crowd filled this exhibition hall. One of the most popular sections of the exhibit is the smart technology area.

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台灣紡織工業,很早就外移東南亞,但有兩位台大商研所高材生,看到家族布料業就這樣沒落,很不甘心,現在決定放棄高薪工作、搶救家族事業,從一條牛仔褲製作,全部made in taiwan,希望讓台灣的紡織業鮭魚回流。
NTU College of Management students return to family run business (2014/06/03)

Long ago, Taiwan's textile industry began to relocate to Southeast Asia to enjoy cheaper OEM production costs. Two students from National Taiwan University’s College of Management hope to help their family run business survive in Taiwan. To them, producing a pair of jeans entirely in “Made in Taiwan” is a symbol of success.

英倫翻譯文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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