

When Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou spoke out against Legislator Chen Ou-po, he urged DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang to manage the members of his party. 

Responding today, Su said that party headquarters censured Chen on the day he went to the funeral for President Ma Ying-jeou’s mother. Su also called on the DPP legislative caucus to give its own punishment. Following Chen’s apology today, Su said he will respect the caucus’s decision.

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民進黨立委陳歐珀, 被批評到總統母親秦厚修女士告別式鬧場,風波越演越烈, 昨天他沈默了一天, 今天主動出面,鞠躬向家屬和社會致歉,不過他強調,他是跟府方協調好才去,沒有不敬更沒鬧場。對鴻海董事長郭台銘要發動罷免他,陳歐珀說「一人做事一人當」。

[[立委(民) 陳歐珀]]
“如果引起馬總統家屬困擾,或引發社會不安議論, 在此我要再一次,深深一鞠躬 向各位表示我最深的歉意”


[[立委(民) 陳歐珀]]


When DPP Legislator Chen Ou-po criticized the simple arrangements of the funeral for President Ma Ying-jeou’s mother, he never expected the backlash that ensued. Today Chen personally apologized while suggesting that people are overreacting. 

Chen Ou-po
DPP Legislator
If my actions caused a disturbance for the family of President Ma or criticism in society, then I want to again give a deep bow and express my sincerest regrets to everyone.

After a day staying out of the spotlight, this was the apology DPP Legislator Chen Ou-po offered. Chen has been under heavy fire for going to Chin Hou-hsiu’s funeral uninvited then making critical comments about the arrangements. He attempted to explain himself.

Chen Ou-po
DPP Legislator
The president didn’t invite me or deliver a letter, but I did confirm with Director Chen of the presidential relations office that he would arrange for me to go there at 8 to offer a prayer. I didn’t want to show disrespect or displeasure and I especially didn’t want to cause a disturbance. I hope that people can stop treating this as an unforgivable sin.

One of the harshest critics of Chen was Hon Hai Chairman Terry Gou, who called a press conference to urge Yilan residents to recall the lawmaker. Chen said Gou is entitled to his opinion.

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[[國民黨副主席 郝龍斌]]
“CPI 3%以下,就不開基本工資調漲委員會,過去十年只有1次超過3,基本工資已經不能反映,現在物價的調漲”



[[經濟部長 張家祝]]


[[超市管理部協理 林子文]]


Just over NT$19,000 is the monthly amount paid to minimum wage workers in Taiwan. Today Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin said this amount does not reflect recent price rises on necessities such as foodstuffs. He urged reform to a system that makes it difficult for the economically disadvantaged to survive. 

For the first time as KMT vice chairman, Hau Lung-bin attended the party’s Central Standing Committee meeting. Hau urged new standards for how the minimum wage is calculated.

Hau Lung-bin
KMT Vice Chairman
When the consumer price index rise remains under 3 percent, the committee which handles rises in the minimum wage doesn’t meet. In the past 10 years, just once has CPI exceeded 3 percent. The minimum wage is no longer able to reflect rises in the cost of consumer goods.

According to the latest data from the government’s statistics bureau, consumer prices in April rose 1.65 percent compared to a year earlier. More troubling is that foodstuffs prices were up more than 5 percent.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs says it is urging enterprises to provide better pay to workers.

Chang Chia-juch
Economics Minister
From last year to now, the response from enterprises, especially mid-to-large-sized ones, has been positive. But some mid-to-small-sized enterprises are more conservative when it comes to the topic of raises.

One company being watched is Pxmart, which today announced plans to hire 1,220 new staff. It starts floor staff out at NT$23,000 a month, lower than competitor Simple Mart.

Lin Tse-wen
We are quickly expanding our number of stores, so promotions will also be accelerated. In the next year, we will need to promote 80 to 90 store managers. 

In response to Hau’s request, Labor Minister Pan Shih-wei said his agency will soon gather experts to research the possibility of a regional-based minimum wage system.

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[[行政院長 江宜樺]]


[[行政院長 江宜樺]]


In the aftermath of the student led Sunflower Movement, the KMT has been seeking ways to connect with local youth. Premier Jiang Yi-huah spoke at a youth policy forum this morning, and later this afternoon, President Ma addressed a KMT youth forum. 

Seeking more dialogue with young people, the KMT Youth Forum took place this afternoon, though the event attracted a large crowd of protesters shouting slogans outside.

However, inside, it was a different story as many of the youth assembled for the forum were largely supportive and mostly exchanged pleasantries with President Ma.

By contrast, a youth policy forum organized by the Ministry of Education and attended by Premier Jiang Yi-huah was more exciting as many students got right to the point and asked Jiang if he ordered the use of excessive force to clear protestors from the Executive Yuan.

Jiang Yi-huah
Some police used shields, and others used batons, which led to some bloodshed. But I don’t agree with these accusations which can be reviewed, to say that evening, in order to clear the area, President Ma or Premier Jiang Yi-huah ordered the use of excessive force against the people. I can stand here and conscientiously say that this wasn’t the case.

Students then asked Jiang why the government was in such a rush to sign the cross-strait trade-in-services pact.

Jiang Yi-huah
No one has mentioned that the trade-in-services pact must complete its review by a certain month and date. A trade-in-services pact referendum has advantages and disadvantages, though referendums usually create many problems. Simply voting yes or no may be such a problem as it wasn’t long ago that many in society supported a line by line review. 

Premier Jiang Yi-huah adopted a professorial air today when responding to questions from local youth, though it’s still unknown how many of his explanations that young people are still willing to accept.

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Tung Blossoms
Yunlin County’s Gukeng Township began cultivation of coffee and tung blossoms during the Japanese colonial era. Annually, from April to May, the entire 5-kilometer Hebaoshan hiking trail is covered with tung blossoms resembling snowfall. Blossoms can also be seen in Changhua’s Baguashan Futien Community, where early in the morning they resemble a layer of snow in this pastoral mountain location. 

Hostel Community
Taitung’s booming tourism industry is leading to a rapid increase in the number of hostels. To counter this competition, eight hostels banded together to create a sort of community that not only retains the features of a hostel but also can accept tour groups. Outdoor murals that decorate the community make it even more appealing to tourists.

Popular Gorge
Taroko Gorge may be known for its breathtaking beauty, but the website, DrivingExperiences.com also named it one of the 22 most dangerous roads in the world. However, on the website SBS Cycling Central, Australian cycling writer Steve Thomas ranked Taroko Gorge as one of the world’s best mountain cycling routes, praising it for breathtaking scenery.

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