

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]


[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]


[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]] 
“是啊 這個公投一定要修公投法,總統”

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]] 

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[總統 馬英九]]


A televised meeting between President Ma Ying-jeou and DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang turned into a heated debate on Friday. Su wants construction immediately stopped on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, while Ma insists it should be finished but a referendum held before fuel rods are installed.

Ma and Su began with a handshake, but the peace lasted fewer than 10 minutes.

President Ma Ying-jeou
The Abe administration has announced that (Japan) must restart its nuclear reactors.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
President Ma, I have to interrupt you. If you’re about to simply make an administrative decree, then why are you spending taxpayer money on public service announcements in theaters? 

President Ma Ying-jeou
Global conditions have changed. Japan has changed its methods.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
That’s not what Japan is like. I was there in February of last year.

President Ma Ying-jeou
The decision was made this year. At that time, it had not yet made this decision. The Abe cabinet recently announced that nuclear reactors must restart. I’m not making this up. It was in the newspapers.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
This is the only example you have?

President Ma Ying-jeou
I have another example if you’re willing to listen. Everyone should consider our next step carefully and calmly, not rashly. Especially because safety inspections are not completed.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Nothing is being done rashly.

President Ma said the KMT legislative caucus adopted a resolution on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant the previous evening. Once construction of the plant is completed, installation of fuel rods will not take place until a referendum is held. Su, however, was unwilling to accept this course of action.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Rather than an immediate stop to construction, this is immediate continuation of construction. More money will have to be spent to finish work on the plant.

President Ma Ying-jeou
Construction is ongoing. There is no such thing as immediate continuation. Civil engineering and machinery associated with the first reactor of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant are essentially completed. Safety tests are taking place. We pledge that a decision will not be made until these tests are completed. A decision is not necessary now because safety tests are not finished.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
So how many more tens of billions of NT dollars must be spent?

President Ma Ying-jeou
Chairman Su, you also budgeted more than NT$40 billion for the plant and hoped that it could be finished on time. Have you forgotten? You shouldn’t forget these decisions you made in the past. 

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Mr. President, I have not forgotten.

President Ma Ying-jeou
You have. Everything you do makes me feel as if you’ve forgotten.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Mr. President, I didn’t come here today to argue with you.

The meeting was like a debate without a moderator. The pair also argued over the Referendum Act.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
We should let popular opinion decide the plant’s fate.

President Ma Ying-jeou
I said we’ll hold a referendum.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
True, but an amendment is first needed to the Referendum Act.

President Ma Ying-jeou
Why is an amendment needed?

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
After you forced through the “birdcage” referendum, Mr. Lin Yi-hsiung…

President Ma Ying-jeou
We weren’t the ones who forced this through. Chairman Su, that bill passed when your party was in power. The thresholds relating to half of all voters were in the DPP, Cabinet and TSU versions.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Mr. President, you like to play these games.

President Ma Ying-jeou
I don’t like to play games. You like to avoid questions.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Six referendums have been held and none have passed.

President Ma Ying-jeou
All six topics have had problems. People didn’t feel they were real issues so they didn’t vote.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
That’s wrong.

President Ma Ying-jeou
How is that wrong? Presidential elections have turnout of 70 percent or more, but not referendums, so they can’t pass the required threshold. It’s not the threshold that is the problem but the topics.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
Look at how strong public support is for the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant referendum. 

President Ma Ying-jeou
Of course. So what are you afraid of?

Ma and Su failed to reach agreement during the 80-minute meeting.

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[[金鶯隊投手 陳偉殷]]


Taiwan’s Chen Wei-yin took the mound as the Baltimore Orioles faced the Kansas City Royals. It was Chen’s best outing of the year as Chen gave up only 2 runs through 7 innings with 6 strikeouts. Unfortunately, Chen would exit the game with the score tied 2-2. 

In the first inning, the Orioles put 2 points on the scoreboard, but latter it was a succession of scoreless innings.

Chen ran into trouble in the third inning, as with two outs, he gave up a double which led a run to score. 

In the sixth inning, a fly ball landed for a single as the Royals tied the game. 

In the top of the seventh inning, runners were at first and second, as Chen battled to get a critical strikeout.

Chen would go deeper into this game than any other contest this year, tossing seven innings and recording 6 strikeouts, also a season high. However, he would also give up 9 hits and 2 runs.

Chen Weiyin 
Orioles pitcher 
I felt very good about my slider today and though my fastball wasn’t very good, it was effective in luring batters.

Chen’s quality start did end up benefitting him as he would be credited with a no-decision but in the bottom of the tenth inning, a single by Nick Markakis would put across the winning run as the Orioles would defeat the Royals 3 to 2.

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[[桃園創新科大學生 林昂杰 ]]




Students and faculty from Taoyuan Innovation Institute of Technology displayed award-winning foods made using local ingredients. Last week these same dishes turned these chefs into the biggest winners at the 2014 Korea Food and Tourism Expo. 

These are all creative and mouthwatering dishes. They were not prepared by chefs form a five-star hotel but by local college students.

This dish uses bamboo leaves to wrap a whole fish and includes traditional Hakka mustard greens and tofu skin. It won great accolades in this South Korean competition.

Lin Ang-jie
Taoyuan Innovation Institute of Technology
This dish surprised and delighted some of the judges in South Korea.

Taoyuan Innovation Institute of Technology students took part in a culinary competition associated with the Korean Food and Tourism Expo last week in South Korea. The team defeated competitors from seven countries, including China, the United States, Japan and South Korea, to win 23 gold medals and three silver medals. 

Taoyuan Innovation Institute of Technology
We worked hard and prepared and then went on to defeat South Korean competitors.

The students went heavy on the mustard greens, a common ingredient in Taiwanese Hakka dishes. They then added an artistic flourish to turn their foods into award-winning creations.

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[[三星鄉長 黃錫墉]]


Sanshing scallion pancakes can be bought across Taiwan, but not all vendors who sell them use scallions actually produced in the Yilan County township of Sanshing. To protect its brand, the local township office is seeking to trademark use of the Sanshing name. 

These scallion pancakes are a common snack in Taiwan. Filled with the flavor of green onion, they are best eaten hot off the fryer.

Across Taiwan, many vendors label these as Sanshing scallion pancakes, in reference to the township of Sanshing. But some vendors aren’t actually using Sanshing scallions. The township therefore has produced a label that will let consumers know if they are getting the real thing.

Huang Hsi-yung
Sanshing Township Chief
If you want to use our township office’s label, then you have to use genuine Sanshing scallions. We will strictly ensure hygiene and quality.

The township office has applied for a trademark from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. If approved, then as early as January only vendors who use scallions grown in Sanshing will be able to use the name “Sanshing” to describe their scallion pancakes. 

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[[中油副總 張瑞宗]]


The Bureau of Energy has decided to end its support for biodiesel fuel. Taiwan’s humid climate caused the fuels to clog fuel tanks, affecting driving safety. 

Biodiesel fuel blends are promoted as an environmentally friendly option and method for reducing air pollution fees. But in Taiwan’s humid weather, biofuel-producing microbes can clog fuel tanks. Government authorities have therefore decided to effectively abandon biodiesel in Taiwan.

I still hope an environmentally friendly solution can be found, but safety comes first.

Investments made by state-run refiner CPC Corporation to upgrade equipment will now be wasted. The company’s vice president said CPC simply has to follow government directives. 

Chang Ray-chung 
CPC Vice President 
When promoting it, we considered the (blockage) issue. But our domestic situation differs slightly from foreign markets, which led to further problems. I think the competent authority assembled a task force to assess this situation. As for us, we are just a supplier of petroleum and comply with government policy.

CPC estimates that its biodiesel inventory will be completely used within three months.

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