1. book (n.) 書
2. bookshelf (n.) 書架
3. curtain (n.) 窗簾
4. window (n.) 窗戶
5. floor lamp (n.) 立燈
6. armchair (n.) 扶手椅
7. sofa (n.) 沙發
8. cushion (n.) 靠墊;坐墊
- Apr 21 Mon 2014 02:33
Living Room 客廳
- Apr 21 Mon 2014 02:30
New Global Slavery Index estimates 30 million affected 新全球奴隸指數估計影響3000萬人
- Apr 21 Mon 2014 02:25
嗆聲專用!「你最好弄清楚」英文怎麼說 !
很多人有過這樣的經驗: 電話鈴聲響了,你拿起話筒:「XX公司,您好」,接著電話那一端一連串劈哩叭啦快速英文:… I got your number from your website. I’d like to speak to the person in charge。 頓時,你嚇呆了,連最簡單的No, problem. I'll put you through.都想不起來。
1、Are you with me?(你同意嗎?)
With某人,就是和某人在一起,所以Are you with me?這句話表面上問人家和不和你在一起,實際上就是問大家「同不同意我的意見?」說完自己想法後,就可以用這句型詢問別人是否同意。 開會當中如果有成員不專心,主席也會問,Are you with me? 意思是,你在聽嗎?
2、I'm going (based) on...(於理有據)
I'm going based on...更簡單的講法可以省略掉based,講成I'm going on...。這個句型裡的go,有「遵循」的意思在內。所以要闡述意見,又覺得光是自己的想法不夠力時,就搬出這個I'm going (based) on...「我是依照XX行事」當護身符,把做決定的依據扛出來說個清楚,講個明白。
3、cut all you in(算你一份)
cut有「切、割」的意思在內,所以cut all you in表示你會把這些人算進來,再開始切分。當你有什麽好事,可以很有義氣地說出I cut all you in.表示你「把大家都算在內」。而這個句型,也可以換個說法,把cut當成名詞解,講成give you a cut,也就是「算你一份」的意思。
4、I've got news for you.(你最好弄清楚)
在跟人家吵架之時,有時會故意撂下些狠話來說說,這時候就可以說I've got news for you.,也就是「你最好弄清楚。」來做為一個開頭的引言,接下去的就可能是一連串難聽或傷人的話了。
- Apr 21 Mon 2014 02:23
吃飽了別說 I have enough.
講英語時候措辭更優雅 曾經有個學生說他和外籍室友鬧得不愉快,原來是他常常喜歡用supposed這個字,例如,you’re supposed to tell me...., 室友覺得他老是頤指氣使,不客氣,其實他只是沒有辦法分辨英語裡的輕重。 以下有些句子,改換一下英文的語氣,人氣自然就來了。
1. (X) I have enough. (我吃飽了)。
席間別人請你吃東西,你吃夠了,很多人直接講:No, I have enough.。這句話在英文的意思是「我受夠了」,不是有禮貌的說法。好的說法是:
(O) No more, I have had lots.(不要了,我已經吃了很多。)或
(O) No more, thank you, I have eaten too much already.(不要了,謝謝,我已經吃了很多。) 不要說I have enough. 吃得很不開心才會這麼說。
2. (X) Don't send me out. 請不要送我。(請留步)
聚會時,有事要離開一會,或提早走,你可以說 May I excuse myself…(要打電話)。很多人會多加一句:
(O) Please don't see me out.(不用送我了)你也可以說
(O)I will let myself out.(我自己走就可以了。)
很多人直接把「送」說成send,並不妥。send out是指送出、寄出,像send out an invitation或send out a message,送人到門口可用walk you to the door. 送人到機場用drive you to the airport.
- Apr 21 Mon 2014 02:20
New findings hint at diamond deposits in Antarctica新研究暗示南極洲蘊藏鑽石
Scientists say they have discovered compelling evidence that diamonds exist in the icy mountains of Antarctica.
The researchers have identified a type of rock in the permanently frozen region that is known to contain the precious stones.
However recovering any Antarctic mineral resources for commercial purposes is currently forbidden.
Diamonds are formed from pure carbon under extreme heat and pressure at depths of about 150km in the Earth’s crust. Volcanic eruptions bring the valuable crystals to the surface, usually preserved in another type of bluish rock called kimberlite.
The presence of kimberlite has been a clue to significant deposits of diamonds in several parts of the world, including Africa, Siberia and Australia. Now researchers have, for the first time, found evidence of kimberlite in Antarctica.