
As a ninth-grader, Shanghai’s Li Sixin spent more than three hours on homework a night and took tutorials in math, physics and chemistry on the weekends. When she was tapped to take an exam last year given to half a million students around the world, Li breezed through it.


"I felt the test was just easy, " said Li, who was a student at Shanghai Wenlai Middle School at the time and now attends high school. "The science part was harder... but I can handle that."


Those long hours focused on schoolwork _ and a heavy emphasis on test-taking skills _ help explain why young students like Li in China’s financial hub once again dominated an international test to 15-year-olds called the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA.


Students from Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan _ all from Asia _ were right behind.



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Foot the bill(埋單/負責)
聽到Foot,多數人的第一反應是名詞的「腳」,當動詞的話則解釋為「步行」,不過foot the bill可不是把帳單踩在腳底下,而是付帳的意思。你或許覺得奇怪,付帳為什麼會用foot,其實那是因為以前店家會把帳目的總金額寫在帳單底部(foot of the bill or account),foot相當於bottom(底部),因此後來就延伸出這個慣用語。另外,foot the bill還有「負責」之意。
例:I have to foot the bill for the company’s clients. 我必須幫公司的客戶們埋單。
例:The government will foot the bill if the bank goes broke. 如果銀行倒閉,政府將會負責。 

Face the music(面對事實/接受制裁)
你或許會想,這個動詞應該是寫錯了,應該用listen to或者至少是hear吧!但真的有face the music這個說法,只不過它跟享受音樂毫無關係,而是指不得不「接受懲罰、承擔後果」的意思。據說這個慣用語源自劇場,指的是劇場裡的演員無論多麼緊張或怯場,只要音樂一起,都得面對舞台前方的樂隊做表演,因此face the music的用法也就應運而生了。 

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People age 65 and older who eat fish may live an average of two years longer than people who do not consume the omega-3 fatty acids found mainly in seafood, a US study suggested.
People with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids also had an overall risk of dying that was 27 percent lower, and a risk of dying from heart disease that was 35 percent lower than counterparts who had lower blood levels, said the study.

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一切都是因為說的人想發洩,聽的人想表達同理心,但偏偏沒有一個人想到要解決問題。以下說法,是幫助引導抱怨走向解決之道。如果發現對方拒絕做到這幾點,請送他一句話:Stop whining! 別再像孩子一樣哭鬧發牢騷了!
1. 合適的時間再討論。
•Is this a good time to discuss the issue/problem? (現在是討論這個問題最好的時機嗎? )

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The fifth time's the charm, at least for Taiwan it is. The International University Sports Federation recently awarded Taipei the right to host the 2017 Summer Universiade. First held in the Italian city of Turin in 1959, the Universiade is an international sporting event for university students. It takes place every two years and boasts 12,000 plus athletes from more than 160 nations. Taipei beat out Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, to win the honor of hosting the 12-day event.




the third time's the charm
federation n. 聯盟
host vt. 主辦;主持
The government hosted a charity concert.
Universiade n. 世界大學運動會

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