經濟飛速成長,可以從首都擁擠的交通窺出端倪,早上九點多 上班尖峰時間,首都烏蘭巴托的,四線道馬路 車水馬龍,駕駛們猛按喇叭。

[[蒙古國民 安可]] 


之所以車多 人多,是因為蒙古有一半的人口,住在首都烏蘭巴托,它就像心臟一樣,把物資養份送到其它城市,偏偏首都對外道路,僅有三條柏油路,其他都是又顛又簸的黃土路。



蛻變中的蒙古國揮別遊牧,學著擁抱自由經濟,大漠子民正以他們千年來 ,對生命的韌性 面對未來。



Rapid economic growth has unfortunately led to annoyances, such as traffic jams in the capital. At nine in the morning, rush hour starts for many workers. This four-lane road in Ulaanbaatar is at a standstill, leading many drivers to honk their horns. 

Mongolian National
There are so many different factors. For example today is the very first day that school starts, so many parents are taking their children to school. And this is the first time that this city has the most roads under construction at the same time. So we have so many streets and avenues blocked. That’s why the traffic is very heavy.

To solve the traffic chaos, local governments have resorted to special license plate control measures to limit the number of cars.

The capital is packed because more than half of Mongolia’s population lives in Ulaanbaatar. It’s like the heart of the country, sending supplies and nutrients to other areas. But it only has three paved roads. The others are made of dirt.

Travel between cities in Mongolia can take many, many hours.

Motorists often find that the roads are overtaken with cattle, sheep and sometimes even camel caravans.

Mongolians are gradually bidding farewell to the nomadic lifestyle and embracing a free economy. These people of the high desert have faced adversity before, and they will continue to show courage in the uncertain future.



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至於這位十四歲小男生不愛念書,而嚮往自由自在的遊牧生活,家裡畜養的數百隻牲口 全都歸他管。

”我喜歡照顧動物 ,我享受這種生活” 

確實在蒙古大學中,女生的就學比例,比男生多了一倍以上 嚴重失衡。

[[台灣世界展望會長 杜明翰]]
”因為遊牧民族他們的孩子,他們上小學從一年級開始,也許男女生的比例是一樣的,但是到了中年級 高年級的時候,這些男生就會被要求,照顧他們家裡的牲口,因為主要是他們生計的來源,當地政府他們也看到這個問題 ,所以就透過一些方法,來改善這個狀況 ,對一些中高年級開始 ,長得比較大的男生來講 ,提供一些職業教育” 




自由經濟體制,逐漸在這個北國大漠生根,經濟成長率逐逐年攀升,2011年更達到17.3%,再加上蒙古的礦藏,金 鐵 錫 鎢 煤 螢石,蘊藏量豐富,銅礦 鉬礦的存量,更居亞洲之首,國外熱錢不斷湧入。

[[台灣駐蒙古代表 楊心怡]]
”蒙古國現在國家計畫發展的重點來講,它是以資訊業 農牧業 礦產,還有基礎建設這四大項,是他們做為國家發展的一個,重點建設的項目之一,很多世界上的重要經濟組織,都認為他們未來十年之內的成長,大概都會到兩位數字以上”



In the second of our two-part series on Mongolia, we look at challenges this landlocked country faces as it transitions from a nomadic to a modern society. First we head to a rural area to see the conflict between traditional farm life and compulsory education requirements. After, we return to the capital, where infrastructure lags behind urbanization. 

Recently we examined Mongolia’s modernization and some of the urban problems it has encountered. Now we head 280 kilometers away from the capital of Ulaanbaatar to deep in Gobi province, to learn about the education of children in the area. Govin Ireeduii is Gobi province’s first school. Its burden increased last year when Mongolia extended compulsory education from nine to 12 years. 

The school then had to educate students from grades 1 to 12.

Four classes are offered a day. Teachers begin with the most basic skill: hand-washing. 

These children rarely see video cameras. The young girl openly talks about her aspirations.

This 16-year-old girl has a terrific voice, like many other Mongolians. She uses it to sing a traditional song.

As for this 14-year-old boy, he doesn’t like to study. He yearns for the freedom of nomadic life. His family has hundreds of animals under his care.

Mongolia Schoolchild
I like to take care for animals. This is the type of life I enjoy.

At Mongolia University the proportion of girls is nearly double that of boys, indicating a serious imbalance.

Hank Du
World Vision Taiwan
They are children of nomads. From first grade in elementary school the ratio of boys to girls is even. But when it comes to high school, many of these boys have to take care of their family’s animals, which is the main source of their livelihood. Local governments also see this problem and are looking for ways to improve the situation. Some are offering vocational education in middle school and high school. 

Besides educational imbalances among the sexes, Mongolia faces tremendous challenges providing medical care.

This toddler lacked oxygen at birth, which led to later health problems. Worse yet, she couldn’t get enough nutrition from breast milk, causing debilitating childhood rickets.

About a third of Mongolian children suffer from malnourishment. Fortunately, thanks to the assistance of charities, her mother began to feed her vitamin D to increase her weight and cure her anemia.

A free market capitalist system is beginning to gradually take root in this northern desert region, and economic growth is increasing annually. In 2011 growth was over 17 percent, driven in large part by mineral resources such as gold, iron, tin, tungsten and coal. Mongolia benefits from its mines, which are the best in Asia, but they also attract destabilizing hot foreign money.

Yang Syin-yi
Taiwan Representatives to Mongolia 
Mongolia’s focus on national development includes the four major areas of information industry, agriculture, animal husbandry and mineral deposits. The key to this country’s development is infrastructure projects, and many international economic groups believe it can sustain double digit growth over the next 10 years.



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[[龍山寺組長 張雪玲]]



Early this morning, Longshan Temple began processing people eager to sponsor temple lamps. Many began waiting as long as a month ago, as they believe sponsoring these lamps can bring them good fortune or health.

At six o’clock, Taipei’s Longshan Temple began accepting people to sponsor temple lamps. The first person to apply for a lamp was Mr. Yang who works in the financial industry.

Last night we came. About a month ago, I asked my family to come here first and begin waiting. 

Today was the first day of lighting lamps and Longshan Temple was packed with visitors. Many wanted to light medicine lamps to pray for health, while others chose lamps for wealth. These lamps were in such demand that some came more than a month ago to begin waiting in line. 

In addition to a huge line of people waiting patiently, reporters have witnessed hawkers selling their place in line. With more than 1000 people in line, tempers began to flare though there was little the temple could do to alleviate the situation. 

Chang Hsue-lin 
Longshan Temple Director
For those that began waiting a month ago, we issued 1,000 numbers, and if these we all issued by today, I told people come back the next day. This is the only way I could control the situation. 

Each day up to 1,000 people are allowed to choose lights in the temple, and based upon past practice, the first day of the lighting an additional 300 people are permitted, as processing this many people in one day may take an entire day with many waiting long into the night.



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Pool prodigy, Wu Chia-ching, became a Chinese citizen in April of last year. Despite taking on this new citizenship, he returned to Taiwan to complete his military service. Now, there is speculation that he is battling leukemia

In September, Wu Chia-ching developed a high fever that did not subside. Doctors later found him to be suffering from leukemia. Wu was originally scheduled to finish his service in March of this year, though he received a medical discharge six months earlier. Fortunately, this early treatment has left him in stable condition as he hopes to compete in all regularly scheduled matches.




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[[清大印度籍服務科學所助理教授 Soumya Ray]] 



Students at Tsinghua and Chiao Tung University turned out in public today to express solidarity with a young woman who died after being sexually assaulted on a bus in India. Many of the participants were Indian citizens who called upon their government to grant more protection to women. 

A foreign student from India, tied strips of black cloth to her head to draw attention to the plight of women and the violence they face. Others followed her lead to show solidarity as well as express mourning for victims in today’s silent protest.

Chiaotong University,
Indian student
We have gathered so that besides the government what we common people can do on an indiviaul level, to eliminate violence against women in society.

In India last month, a female student was sexually assaulted and tortured aboard a bus. She eventually died as the cruelty of this assault led many Indian people to take to the streets in protest. Indian students at Tsinghua and Chiao Tung University stepped forward today along with engineers working at the Hsinchu Science Park.

Hsinchu Science Park
Indian engineer
Because this is not only an Indian problem, this is a normal problem. So the violence against women is really not acceptable at any case. So what happened in India, is brutal violence so the culprit should be punished heavily.

Soumya Ray
National Tsinghua University Professor
Here is our message, she is not a victim anymore. She is our hero, we can make a change, and we call everyone to join us, so we take the first step today.

Later, these overseas students participated in a candlelight vigil which called for an end to violence against women.




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