
Smoking "rots" the brain by damaging memory, learning and reasoning, according to researchers at King’s College London.


A study of 8,800 people over 50 showed high blood pressure and being overweight also seemed to affect the brain, but to a lesser extent. Scientists involved said people needed to be aware that lifestyles could damage the mind as well as the body.


Researchers at King’s were investigating links between the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke and the state of the brain. The results showed that the overall risk of a heart attack or stroke was "significantly associated with cognitive decline" with those at the highest risk showing the greatest decline.


It also said there was a "consistent association" between smoking and lower scores in the tests.


Dr Simon Ridley, from Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: "Research has repeatedly linked smoking and high blood pressure to a greater risk of cognitive decline and dementia, and this study adds further weight to that evidence."

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Cigarette butts are widely reviled as an urban nuisance but birds in Mexico City see them as a boon, apparently using them to deter parasites from their nests, scientists say.


Local sparrows and finches incorporate smoked cigarette butts in their nests to provide cosy cellulose lining for their chicks and nicotine to ward off mites, they believe.


A team led by Constantino Macias Garcia at the National Autonomous University monitored 57 nests and found that the tally of bugs declined as the number of smoked butts in each nest increased.


Sparrow nests had between none and 38 used butts, with an average of eight per nest, and finch nests between none and 48, with an average of 10.


The behaviour is an example of how birds adapt to an urban environment, according to the study, which appears on Wednesday in the journal Biology Letters, published by Britain’s Royal Society.

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Chimpanzees and orangutans may experience a "mid-life crisis" like humans, a study suggests.


An international team of researchers assessed the well-being and happiness of the great apes. They found well-being was high in youth, fell to a low in midlife and rose again in old age, similar to the "U-shape curve" of happiness in humans.


The sample subjects included 508 chimpanzees and orangutans of varying ages, from zoos, sanctuaries and research centres. They were assessed by zoo keepers, volunteers, researchers and caretakers who had worked with the primate subject for at least two years and knew its behaviour.


The animals were numerically scored for well-being and happiness on a short questionnaire, which was based on a human well-being model but modified for use in non-human primates.



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Good fortune and having children just seem to go together for Norwegian mother Hege Jeanette Oksnes.


Each time the 29-year-old petrol station attendant from tiny Austevoll island off Norway’s west coast gives birth, someone in her family wins the national lottery.


"This is completely insane... we don’t even play the lottery that often," Oksnes said only days after the family collected 12.2 million crowns ($2.12 million) with their third lottery win in six years.


Oksnes, who serves hot dogs at a petrol station, gave birth to her first child in 2006 just one day after her father Leif won 4.2 million crowns on the national lottery.


Three years later, Oksnes herself won, claiming 8.2 million crowns one day before giving birth to her second child.

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Divorce rates are far higher among "modern" couples who share the housework than in those where the woman does the lion’s share of the chores, a Norwegian study has found.


In what appears to be a slap in the face for gender equality, the report found the divorce rate among couples who shared housework equally was around 50 per cent higher than among those where the woman did most of the work.


"What we’ve seen is that sharing equal responsibility for work in the home doesn’t necessarily contribute to contentment," said Thomas Hansen, co-author of the study entitled "Equality in the Home".


The lack of correlation between equality at home and quality of life was surprising, the researcher said.


"One would think that break-ups would occur more often in families with less equality at home, but our statistics show the opposite," he said.

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