

Earlier this week we reported on eight beagles that retired from a laboratory. Instead of being euthanized, they were rescued by an animal protection group. Today the first of these beagles to be adopted was taken home by its new British master. 

The beagle is named Snoopy. It seems afraid of people and runs home when let off its leash. The animal protection group says since the media reported on the difficult life of these lab dogs, it has received dozens of calls and letters from prospective adoptive families

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台灣人口老化速度, 愈來愈驚人,而且老年失智人口,將是現在的將近四倍,
而失智不只是記憶 認知能力的喪失, 更是導致身體功能逐漸退化最嚴重的慢性疾病之一, 但其實老年失智症是可以預防的,接下來,就帶您認識一群,被外界封之為楷模,最「青春」的老人。

誰說只有年輕人才能跳八家將? 舉手投足,步伐超級矯健,總是排在隊伍中,最搶眼位置的這位 ,是八家將團的主角,七十二歲的吳守昭。

[[樂齡八家將團員 吳守昭]]
“聽這個音樂, 知道什麼時候喊什麼口令,像那個音樂到什麼時候,你要喊什麼口令,這最重要”

這處高雄愛河橋畔的廣場,是他們平時的練習場地,為了參加比賽,八個老人家, 跳八家將,夠罕見的了。 

[[安泰社區發展協會 祕書 張芳淑]]

這支成員年紀,加總起來至少超過500歲的八家將, 每每演練, 總能吸引群眾目光, 然而廣場一旁,卻有個特別的觀眾,投以觀賞的眼神,既像是熟識他們, 卻又有點陌生。

這位阿伯,答非所問,是因為他患了失智症,但他同樣是社區發展協會裡的一員,當年也曾出現在表演舞台 。 

比賽的這天, 舞台雖小, 登台人數也有限, 不過來自高雄的八家將團, 一出場的超高人氣, 可真連評審、 主持人,都甘拜下風。

同樣的舞台,相同的比賽,時間回到了一年前,掀起台下尖叫聲浪的,還有這支老少配隊伍的表演,當太極碰上街舞。仔細瞧, 若不是這一頭稀疏白髮,你很難想像,眼前這位表演者翁源燦,已七十多歲。

[[太極街舞選手 翁源燦]]
“因為我平常有時候在這邊打, 因為這裡的學生啊,假日差不多都被他們占滿了, 他們都用書包來占位子,我就看啊,因為打完拳,我就看,因為他們跳起來很可愛,那我就想,我是不是可以跳”

退休了,卻沒曾停下腳步,翁源燦除了花六年時間, 拿下碩博士學位,此外,參加了許多活動,包括運動比賽。


[[衛生福利部社會及家庭署 署長 簡慧娟]]

世界衛生組織公布,光是統計到2010年為止,全球失智症人口,就已經超過3560萬人,換算下, 每四秒就多一位失智症患者。

[[天主教失智老人基金會 執行長 鄧世雄]]

[[衛生福利部社會及家庭署 署長 簡慧娟]]


[[天主教失智老人基金會 執行長 鄧世雄]]

這些話聽起來,就像是老生常談, 不是專家,每個人都可以倒背如流,但真正鼓勵長輩們走出來,做到「陪伴」的人,又有多少。

Taiwan’s aging population is leading to an increase in degenerative conditions such dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In response, public and private organizations are hosting events that encourage seniors to live active lives. Tonight we look at some of the many methods the old are using to stay healthy and young at heart.

Who says that only youths can dance the dance of the Eight Infernal Generals? This man moves with ease and has a vigorous gait. He wants to be the center of attention and places himself accordingly. He is the leader of this Eight Infernal Generals troupe, the 72-year-old Wu Shou-jhao.

Wu Shou-jhao
Troupe Leader
By listening to the music, you know what orders to shout and when to shout them. What’s most important is for these two elements to be in harmony.

The troupe practices in a square beside a bridge that crosses the Love River in Kaohsiung. It’s not every day that you see eight seniors practicing the Eight Infernal Generals dance, let alone preparing for a competition. 

Chang Fang-shu
Antai Community Development Assoc.
What’s most important is giving seniors a chance to experience the honor of being on stage.

The total age of the eight troupe members is over 500 years. Each practice they attract a crowd of spectators. This time, to the side of the square is a person who finds the troupe both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. 

The man suffers from dementia. He is part of the local community development association and in the past performed with the troupe on stage.

On the day of the competition, the stage is small and there are few competitors. But the appeal of this Eight Infernal Generals troupe is apparent. The judges and host recognize who are the stars of the day.

A year earlier on this same stage was another troupe that combined age with youth and tai chi with street dance. Only the thinning, white hair reveals that the performer in the center is already in his 70s.

Weng Yuan-tsan
Tai Chi-Dance Performer
When I practiced here the area would be filled with students on weekends. They would claim a spot with their backpacks. After I was done doing tai chi, I watched them. I thought their dancing was cute and wondered if I could do the same.

Retirement for Weng Yuan-tsan simply meant a refocusing of energy. Weng spent six years obtaining a Master’s and a Ph.D. He attended numerous activities, many which were related to sport.

Whether it is arts, exercise or other pursuits, the government promotes competitions that increase activity among seniors. The goal is to prevent dementia.

Chien Hui-chuan
Social and Family Affairs Admin.
We estimate that there were more than 2,652,000 seniors in Taiwan at the end of August 2013. The rapid aging of the population is behind the rapid rise in dementia sufferers.

According to the World Health Organization, there were more than 35 million dementia sufferers worldwide in 2010. On average, a person comes down with dementia every four seconds.

Teng Shih-shiung
Alzheimer’s Foundation Director
We have several drugs available that can mitigate the symptoms of dementia and even slow its progress. But we don’t have anything that can cure it.

Chien Hui-chuan
Social and Family Affairs Admin.
Everything gets mixed up. Sometimes they will talk about the past but nothing about what is happening in front of them. Their behavior is strange. People may say they are old and stubborn, but it’s actually dementia.

This 89-year-old woman was diagnosed with dementia six years ago. Like other mid-to-mild sufferers, she sometimes fantasizes that someone is trying to rob or harm her. Such illusions are a common symptom.

The saddest part of dementia is when patients forget their own identity and that of the people they are closest to.

Teng Shih-shiung
Alzheimer’s Foundation Director
For degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, the best preventive methods are regular exercise, frequent social activities and contact with people, and eating healthy.

These keys to maintaining health in old age are well known. Also crucial are the volunteers, family members and other people who help seniors live active and fulfilling lives.

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New Taipei City hosted a Lunar New Year couplet writing activity, extending a special invitation to a number of foreign students. 

Eight foreign students from Mexico, Brazil, and elsewhere, followed the lead of local calligraphy master Lin Long-da, to write these Chinese characters. After the activity, each foreign student admitted that Chinese calligraphy is very beautiful though very difficult to write.

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Flu Clinics Open
With little more than half of January already passing, Taiwan has already recorded more than 100,000 flu cases with 138 cases being categorized as experiencing serious complications, a fourfold increase over the same period a year ago. This has led the Centers for Disease Control to open up flu clinics on Jan. 18, earlier than the planned Feb. opening date, due to the seriousness of this new epidemic. 

Colder Temperatures 
The arrival of a cold air mass led early morning temperatures to fall to a low of 7.4 degrees in Chiayi today, a record low this winter. And beginning on Monday evening, a cold stream will send temperatures lower with Wednesday and Thursday being the coldest. 

Lucky Coin 
Nantou’s well known Land God Temple issued more than 20,000 Year of the Horse lucky coins on New Year's Day. The temple originally planned another distribution on Lunar New Year’s Eve and the first day of the Lunar New Year, but crowds became restless, as the temple later decided to distribute the lucky coins today, leading to a line stretching for 6 kilometers. 

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[[貢寮九孔養殖戶 張樹根]]
“包括農業局的人,都常常來這邊關心啊,今年59家(九孔養殖戶) ,每一家他(農業局)都拿去檢驗啊,檢驗藥物殘留啊”


[[新北市農業局長 廖榮清]]


Today, Gongliao held a festival to celebrate the harvest season of Taiwan abalone. The event not only highlights the improving quality of local fisheries, but more government efforts to market locally sourced seafood. 

These Taiwan abalone are cooking, turning color and emitting a delicious smell that is attracting a big crowd at this abalone festival held at Aodi Harbor in New Taipei City.

This fresh saltwater enters these breeding ponds as Taiwan abalone has suffered due to inbreeding and viral infections for the past 10 years. Now with the guidance of New Taipei City’s Agriculture Department, this field of aquaculture has been given new life. 

Chang Shu-gen
Gongliao Abalone Farmer
Agriculture officials have frequently come and shown concern for us. This year, 59 abalone farmers have all been tested by this department for drug residues.

In addition to improving quality in recent years, New Taipei City’s Agriculture Department has also helped with marketing. It has organized activities to promote New Taipei’s Taiwan abalone and also Wanli crabs, and green bamboo shoots, increasing output value by 20-60 percent.

Liao Jung-ching
New Taipei Department of Agriculture 
Agricultural products ability to lift prices and raise quality allows farmers and fishermen the chance to earn more profits and also allows citizens the chance to eat the healthiest food.

Some of the other products that have benefited from guidance by this department also include Pinglin’s Paochung tea, Bali pomelos, and Sanchih’s water bamboo which have all become popular, well known products. 

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