• Jan 28 Tue 2014 10:33
  • 特選




Beautiful Taitung
A commercial involving the Taiwanese-Japanese actor Takeshi Kaneshiro helped make Chihshang Township, Taitung a popular tourist destination. The filming location, Bo Lang Boulevard, was once fallow on both sides. Farmers recently planted canola flowers to turn nearly 1,000 hectares into a golden yellow sea of flowers.

Penghu Flowers 
Penghu has launched a winter tourism campaign to attract visitors during low season. It focuses on fields of flowers growing on fallow fields overseen by the Kaohsiung Agricultural Research and Extension Station. The flowers add extraordinary color to the outlying island chain. 

Plum Blossoms
Chiayi’s Meishan Township is known for its plum blossoms, which typically bloom at the end of January. Successive waves of cold streams led to an early flowering this year. Meishan Park’s trees appear to be snow covered, though the sight is actually plum blossoms. Agricultural officials predict the blossoms will begin to wither before Lunar New Year.

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雲林縣為了要促銷盛產的高麗菜,從17日起一連三天只要憑農業博覽會參觀的票根,就可以免費兌換一顆高麗菜,17 日限量一千顆,18,19兩天加碼每天三千顆。


[[雲林縣長 蘇治芬]]


[[煎餃業者 蔡榮泉]]


Visitors to the Yunlin Agriculture Expo this weekend will have the chance to walk away with free cabbage. The giveaway is meant to support local cabbage farmers. 

Handing out free cabbage to visitors at the Yunlin Agriculture Expo is County Commissioner Su Chih-fen.

Su Chih-fen 
Yunlin County Commissioner
We’re distributing cabbage for three days in a row on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It’s harvest season, but prices are low and farmers are having trouble recouping their costs. Four companies gathered to support them by buying cabbage for distribution.

This promotional activity is helping not only to attract interest in the expo but also support cabbage prices.

Tsai Rong-chuan 
Dumpling Company Manager
We have always had annual contracts to procure our cabbage from Yunlin County. This time, the county government hosted this promotional activity to help Yunlin farmers.

Expo visitors were happy to accept this gift. Large families received several heads which they planned to give to friends and family or use in dumplings and kimchi. They said they will make sure that the cabbage doesn’t go to waste.

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Earlier this week we reported on eight beagles that retired from a laboratory. Instead of being euthanized, they were rescued by an animal protection group. Today the first of these beagles to be adopted was taken home by its new British master. 

The beagle is named Snoopy. It seems afraid of people and runs home when let off its leash. The animal protection group says since the media reported on the difficult life of these lab dogs, it has received dozens of calls and letters from prospective adoptive families.

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[[台中市長 胡志強]]


[[聲樂家 黃絢雯]]


With Lunar New Year approaching, cities around Taiwan are planning special Lantern Festival celebrations. Taichung will host an event involving a special 3D flying horse themed lantern. 

Famous soprano Huang Hsuan-wen is glimmering in a silver dress as our attention soon turns to a beautiful flying horse hovering high in the air.

This will be the first Taichung Lantern Festival using 3D technology with a flying horse measuring 10 meters in length and 16 meters in height becoming a spectacular sight.

Jason Hu 
Taichung Mayor 
This year's (Taichung) Lantern Festival promises to be better than ever and will attract the attention of more people.

Soprano Huang Hsuan-wen will perform on the hour each evening from 7 to 10 pm.

Huang Hsuan-wen 
It is a symbol of peace and of rising again. I think it’s quite meaningful, and I am honored to serve in this important role.

The Taichung Lantern Festival will begin on Feb. 9 in the evening and runs until the 23rd at Wen-Hsin Forest Park.

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[[蔡崇輝遺孀 王麗娟]]


[[台鐵工會理事長 謝勝明]]


At 10 am, trains across Taiwan sounded their whistles in unison to pay respect to a fallen conductor. Two years ago today, the train Tsai Chung-hui 蔡崇輝 was driving slammed into a dump truck illegally using a railway crossing. Rather than flee the front cab, Tsai remained to sound his whistle. In the process, he helped protect the 300 people onboard. 

This is the scene at a train depot in Changhua at 10 am. In unison, the trains sound their whistles for the late conductor Tsai Chung-hui. His widow, Wang Li-chuan, bowed to thank everyone for their support.

A day earlier, the Ministry of Civil Service overturned a previous finding and ruled that Tsai died while risking his life to maintain his post. After two years, Tsai’s wife finally gained closure.

Wang Li-chuan
Tsai’s Widow
This provides the justice and honor my husband deserves. I want to tell him that I accomplished what he asked of me.

In January 2012, Tsai died when the train he was driving crashed into a dump truck that was illegally using a railway crossing. The ministry originally decided that Tsai tried to flee the conductor’s cab, but didn’t have time. Last week, Taiwan Railways issued another report that said Tsai was facing forward when killed and that he had not tried to flee the cab. That meant he stayed in the cab to sound the whistle, apparently in the hope that it would alert the truck driver to move his vehicle. The legal implications of Tsai holding firm to his post, in spite of the danger, meant that his widow qualified for additional compensation, a decision that pleased Tsai’s fellow workers.

Hsieh Sheng-ming
Director, TRA Workers Union
All of my colleagues have said they are very happy. I think sounding the train whistle is a lot like firefighters sounding their sirens. It has special meaning. This is the first time we have done such a thing.

The union estimates that 179 trains sounded their whistles to honor Tsai’s heroism and sacrifice.

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