寒流來襲,氣象局破天荒的第一次發佈全國性低溫特報,今天清晨最低溫出現在淡水7.5度,還有嘉義7.6度,白天西半部雖然溫度稍微回升,不過因為雲量少,輻射冷卻強,今天晚上到明天清晨,低溫又會降到8度左右,要等到明天白天,寒流威力減弱, 溫度才會回升。

寒流來襲,一大清早,北投公共溫泉就湧入不少民眾, 浴池裡到處都是人。



[[中央氣象局預報員 謝佩芸]]


Temperatures will rise daytime Thursday (2014/01/22)

For the first time in its history, the Central Weather Bureau issued a nationwide low temperature warning. Forecasters say lows will remain in the single digits in many parts of Taiwan early tomorrow morning, but conditions will improve in the daytime. 

Early this morning, the hot springs of Beitou were filled with people hoping to beat the chill of the cold stream.

For the first time, the weather bureau issued a nationwide low temperature warning. The lowest temperature in plains regions was recorded in the early morning in Tamsui, New Taipei. It was just 7.5 degrees. In Chiayi, the mercury dropped to 7.6 degrees.

This cold stream will linger until tomorrow morning. In the daytime, the movement of a high-pressure system away from Taiwan will allow temperatures to gradually rise.

Hsieh Pei-yun

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[[台積電董事長 張忠謀]]


[[台積電董事長 張忠謀]]


[[台積電董事長 張忠謀]]


TSMC chairman says lack of talent at all levels holding back Taiwan’s economy (2014/01/22)

The government’s statistics bureau has announced that real monthly earnings fell in the first 11 months of 2013 from a year earlier. Economists have many theories to explain Taiwan’s stagnant wages and sluggish economy. Today Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Chairman Morris Chang attributed these problems to a skill shortage and strict rules that keep foreigners out of the workforce. 

While speaking at a CommonWealth Economic Forum, TSMC Chairman Morris Chang said that Taiwan’s fundamental economic problem may be related to a skill shortage.

Morris Chang 
TSMC Chairman
When it comes to transforming and upgrading businesses or strengthening competitiveness we have a saying: if the talent isn’t there, nothing can be accomplished.

Chang believes that Taiwan lacks skilled employees at all levels. He also says that young people who lack interest in the majors they choose fail to develop important skills.

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[[總統 馬英九]]


[[國發會主委 管中閔]]
“過去幾年來社會上,似乎瀰漫著低迷氣氛,社會因為原地打轉,無法前進,在此同時,我們鄰近國家似乎都精神抖擻的大步向前,當他們的步伐越快, 我們的焦慮就越深, 抱怨爭執也就越多, 我認為這樣的負向循環必須打破


[[黃立委(民) 黃偉哲]]

[[立委(國) 丁守中]]


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與歐洲僑界餐敘 民進黨黨主席蘇貞昌大讚德國的綠能政策 。

[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]


[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]


DPP chairman urges President Ma to look more toward Europe, less toward China (2014/01/22)

DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang is in Europe to meet with political leaders and supporters living abroad. In Berlin, Su praised Germany’s movement away from nuclear power. He also urged the Ma Ying-jeou administration to lean more toward Europe and less toward China. 

While meeting with Taiwanese living in Europe, Su praised Germany’s energy policy.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
After Chancellor Merkel saw the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, she decided that nuclear power should be abandoned. She used policy and laws to encourage the private sector to develop renewable energy. In just 10 years, Germany went from 6 to 20 percent renewable energy on its electricity grid. Its methods are worthy of study in Taiwan.

Su urged the Ma administration to not only rely on China when developing the economy.

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[[街友 王先生]]


[[創世基金會創辦人 曹慶]]


Local foundation puts on series of Lunar New Year feasts for the disadvantaged (2014/01/23)

For 24 years the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation has held Lunar New Year banquets for the homeless and other disadvantaged groups. Today it provided a 3,000-table feast for 30,000 people, spread out among 15 locations nationwide. 

Just after noon today, chilled lobster was served. Next came pork shank and the classic Chinese soup known as “Buddha jumps over the wall.”

Homeless Person
This is much better than past years. It has really improved and is all hot. Last year the chicken was frozen.

Restrictions on open flames at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall made it difficult to keep the dishes warm at the Taipei banquet last year. This year the Genesis Social Welfare Foundation switched to a parking lot in Nangang where there wasn’t the same problem. Among the many guests were homeless people and seniors who live alone.

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