

Better eTag Oversight (2014/01/20)

Three weeks into fully electronic toll collection on the nation’s freeways, motorists are still dissatisfied with the eTag system. Today the National Freeway Bureau announced that it will invite private sector experts to serve as eTag monitors. 

The bureau will formulate a set of key performance indicators for the monitors to use. For a three-month period starting from Jan. 30, if eTag errors exceed the allowed rate, the company that runs the system can be fined up to NT$500,000 a day.

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專門提供大聯盟球衣背號資訊的MLB Jersey Numbers網站,率先公佈王建民在紅人隊的球衣,是昔日的40號。王建民在洋基與國民隊穿的都是40號,直到去年進入藍鳥才改為67號。


Wang to Wear 40 (2014/01/21)

According to the Twitter feed of MLB Jersey Numbers, Taiwanese pitcher Wang Chien-ming will wear number 40 this season. That is the same number Wang wore years ago when he emerged as the ace of the New York Yankees staff. 

Since those years in New York, Wang’s career has taken a turn for the worse. He is now part of the Cincinnati Reds organization and will report to spring training in the middle of next month. His goal is to make the Reds’ opening day roster.

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[[佛光山都監院法師 慧傳]]

[[高市府觀光局副局長 劉顯惠]]

Kaohsiung expands Lantern Festival to different parts of the city (2014/01/21)

Kaohsiung’s Lantern Festival is special for being the first of the year and spread out in several locations. From Love River and the Wufu shopping district to the city’s temples and mountains, there are many options to admire lanterns this holiday season. 

The Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center is decorated with a sea of lanterns, and off in the grass is a large lantern in the shape of a horse. The area is prepared for the arrival of tourists and has been included along with Chishan and Gangshan as part of the Kaohsiung Lantern Festival.

Hui Chuan
Fo Guang Shan
In the past, the three mountains participating were Gangshan, Chishan and Fengshan. Now they are Gangshan, Chishan and Fo Guang Shan.

Liu Hsien-hui

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[[氣象局簡任技正 伍婉華]]


[[業者 蒲紅秀]]



Clothing retailers benefit from this latest cold spell (2014/01/21)

As many people fret about this latest cold spell, clothing retailers have reason to cheer. Both brick and mortar outlets and online retailers say that sales of heat generating clothes have risen significantly. 

The Tuesday chill in Taipei began with strong winds in the morning that were followed by the arrival of a cold stream in the evening. The Central Weather Bureau has issued both low temperature and wind warnings.

Wu Wan-hua
CWB Forecaster
Effects of this cold stream will be felt from today to early Thursday morning. They will be particularly strong in rural coastal areas on the west coast, where lows could dip to about 8 degrees. Wind gusts could reach level 9 or 10, leading to an intense wind chill.

A beneficiary of the inclement weather is sellers of heat generating clothing. Ruentex Industries says it sold 100,000 articles of the high-tech clothing online last winter and expects to do better this year.

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[[台大醫院兒童感染科主任 黃立民]]


Taiwan faces dual threat of traditional flu and H7N9 bird flu (2014/01/21)

A spate of flu cases this month has health officials concerned. Another worry is the spread of H7N9 bird flu, which claimed the life of a Chinese tourist in Taiwan yesterday. 

Early in the morning, this pediatrician’s clinic was full of parents seeking medical attention for their children. 

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