The bigger a CEO’s signature the more likely he or she is to be a narcissist, a new study claims.


The research which compared the signatures of some 605 CEOs of US firms found that size does matter where boss’s autographs are concerned.


It found that bosses with bigger signatures also tended to get the highest pay, but were in fact more likely to run their companies into the ground.


The study by academics at the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina took the signatures of CEOs from company accounts filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.


The authors identify narcissism as an egotistical character trait ’associated with conceit and disregard for others’.


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A German town has halted a scheme offering asylum seekers 1.05 euros an hour to carry luggage at a station after rail operator Deutsche Bahn refused permission due to a public outcry and criticism that the project harked back to colonial times.


The southern German town of Schwaebisch Gmuend started the scheme recently for nine asylum seekers to help passengers get up a steep flight of metal steps erected at the station due to construction work.


The mayor originally said he hoped the programme would help the integration of the town’s 250 asylum seekers, but pictures of the refugees, mostly from African nations, in bright red T-shirts and straw hats unleashed an outcry.


Complaints about the hourly rate - about eight times below the level German politicians cite for a minimum wage - poured into the mayor’s office and sparked a Facebook campaign.


Deutsche Bahn said it had not been aware of the conditions and would pay its own employees their normal rate to do the job. A spokesman for Schwaebisch Gmuend said that the conservative mayor was disappointed at Deutsche Bahn’s decision and blamed misplaced political correctness.(Reuters)


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Dr. Emil Chynn -- New York’s pickiest bachelor -- is still looking for love, and in such unique ways.


After finding little success when he posted a personal ad in the Spring 2012 issue of Columbia University’s alumni magazine, offering a $10,000 charitable donation for an introduction to the right woman, the Ivy League-educated surgeon has a new offer -- hook him up and he’ll fix you up.


Chynn, who runs a Park Avenue LASEK eye surgery practice is now offering cosmetic procedures to those who can find him the right lady.


The good doctor will shell out $100 for finding him a first date. If there’s a second date you could receive free eyelash-enhancer Latisse or $200.


On the chance a third date should take place, Chynn would offer free Botox or $300; free Juvederm injections or $400 for the elusive fourth date, and free Lasek surgery on one eye worth $2,000 or $500 cash for that magical fifth date.


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A Russian state service in charge of safeguarding Kremlin communications is looking to purchase an array of old-fashioned typewriters to prevent leaks from computer hardware, sources said Thursday.


The throwback to the paper-strewn days of Soviet bureaucracy has reportedly been prompted by the publication of secret documents by anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks and the revelations leaked by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.


The Federal Guard Service, which is also in charge of protecting President Vladimir Putin, is looking to spend just over 486,000 rubles to buy a number of electric typewriters, according to the site of state procurement agency,


Pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia said the state service was looking to purchase 20 typerwriters because using computers to prepare top-secret documents may no longer be safe.


Unlike printers, every typewriter has its own indvidual pattern of type so it is possible to link every document to a machine used to type it, Izvestia said.


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Within 50 years, climate change will probably wipe out the world’s most endangered feline, the Iberian lynx, even if the world meets its target for curbing carbon emissions, biologists said.


The gloomy forecast, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, says that without a dramatic shift in conservative strategy, the charismatic little wildcat seems doomed.


The lynx grows to about a meter in length, weighs up to 15 kilos, and is characterized by its spotted beige fur, pale yellow eyes and tufted ears and cheeks.


Only around 250 of the animals live in the wild, holed up in two regions in southern Spain, the Sierra Morena and the Donana National Park, according to estimates published last year.


In just half a century, its range has shrunk from 40,600 square kilometers to 1,200 sq. km., driven by efforts to wipe out the rabbit, its main food, as well as poaching and fragmentation of its grassland-and-forest mixed habitat.


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