
台東發生狂犬病鼬獾咬傷人後,當地民眾人心惶惶,紛紛帶著家中貓狗, 到防疫中心施打疫苗,前一陣子發現感染狂犬病,死亡鼬獾的雲林、南投地區,也不敢掉以輕心,緊急借調誘捕籠,捕捉流浪狗。







CDC increases rabies prevention measures after new case emerges (2013/07/24)

After the Taitung man was bitten, the Centers for Disease Control began stepping up rabies prevention measures. Together with local governments it is urging people to vaccinate pets and other animals to prevent the disease from spreading. 

Taitung is now listed as a rabies infested area. The village chief where a man was bitten by a rabid ferret-badger is urging local pet owners to get their animals vaccinated.

Besides Taitung, Yunlin has set up 20 cages to lure and capture ferret-badgers in mountains.

Experts and government officials do not know the origin of the disease. They are urging vaccinations for pets and for people to steer clear of wild animals.

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台灣發生染狂犬病鼬獾咬人首例!一位31歲住在台東縣東河鄉的男子,22日晚間在住家遭一隻闖入的鼬獾咬傷,男子逮住鼬獾,送往農委會家衛所檢測後,確認該鼬獾感染狂犬病,後來這位男子緊急施打狂犬病疫苗及免疫球蛋白,還好目前沒有大礙, 但後續還要再追蹤。


[[疾管署副署長 周志浩]]



[[台大動物醫院醫師 季昭華]]



Expert calls for comprehensive rabies survey (2013/07/24)

A doctor at National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital is urging a comprehensive rabies survey. Rabies fears are increasing following the discovery of four infected Formosan ferret-badgers, one of which bit a man in Taitung. 

The Bureau of Animal Quarantine and the Centers for Disease Control held an emergency news conference Tuesday evening. CDC Deputy Director-General Chou Jih-haw announced Taiwan’s first instance of a rabid Formosan ferret-badger biting a person.

Chou Jih-haw
CDC Deputy Director-General
This patient is a male in his 30s from Taitung, says Chou. He was bitten on his left index finger yesterday (Monday) evening by a wild animal.

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Footage Blackout (2013/07/24)

It has been three weeks since Hung Chung-chiu died in a military cell. One of the most vexing parts of the case involves three surveillance cameras that blacked out at key moments and locations. 

Investigators now say they hope to rely on voices captured by cameras that remained running. From this information, they hope to figure out the conditions Hung was subjected to prior to his death.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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陸軍下士洪仲丘遭虐致死案,至今已經21天,但還有許多疑點無法釐清。上午國防部長高華柱拜會法務部,兩大部長罕見達成合作機制,但仍強調軍檢, 軍檢署持續偵辦涉案人士,至於法務部則是針對湮滅證據的部分,展開調查。


[[國防部長 高華柱]]

[[法務部長 曾勇夫]]


[[立委(國) 丁守中]]


Defense and justice chiefs pledge collaboration in Hung Chung-chiu case (2013/07/24)

In a rare move, the ministers of defense and justice have pledged to cooperate in the dead soldier case. Military prosecutors will continue their probe of suspects while the justice ministry will be in charge of investigating allegations of destroyed evidence. But some lawmakers worry that the government has already lost credibility and are urging it to pass prosecution to an impartial third party. 

Defense Minister Kao Hua-chu and Justice Minister Tseng Yung-fu were full of promises on Wednesday.

Kao Hua-chu
Defense Minister
We will meet public expectations and achieve each of the requests put forward by government agencies, says Defense Minister Kao Hua-chu. We will also communicate through platforms available to us. Our goal is to uncover the truth and give a full account to the public.

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  • Jul 26 Fri 2013 16:16
  • 特選





Briefs (2013/07/25)

Stiffer Fines
Stiffer fines for car drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians are in effect. Last week the Ministry of Transportation raised fines for car drivers from NT$2,000 to NT$2,600, a change that originally wasn’t to be implemented until August. Some drivers complained about the early implementation, but on Thursday a ministry section chief said that it gave due warning last month.

Solar Power Incentive
As part of its program to encourage green energy, Taiwan Power offers to purchase solar generated electricity from the general public at NT$8 per kilowatt hour. After weighing the costs and benefits, many believe it’s a profitable deal. In the Changhua area alone, over 300 families have installed solar panels.

African Grass Owl 
After discovering a nest of endangered African grass owls in the mountains of Daliao earlier this year, the Kaohsiung Wild Society began a two-month shooting project to document and survey the animals. It unveiled results of the project on Thursday. African grass owls are threatened by habitat destruction. Fewer than a hundred remain in the wild in Taiwan.

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