台東發生狂犬病鼬獾咬傷人後,當地民眾人心惶惶,紛紛帶著家中貓狗, 到防疫中心施打疫苗,前一陣子發現感染狂犬病,死亡鼬獾的雲林、南投地區,也不敢掉以輕心,緊急借調誘捕籠,捕捉流浪狗。
CDC increases rabies prevention measures after new case emerges (2013/07/24)
After the Taitung man was bitten, the Centers for Disease Control began stepping up rabies prevention measures. Together with local governments it is urging people to vaccinate pets and other animals to prevent the disease from spreading.
Taitung is now listed as a rabies infested area. The village chief where a man was bitten by a rabid ferret-badger is urging local pet owners to get their animals vaccinated.
Besides Taitung, Yunlin has set up 20 cages to lure and capture ferret-badgers in mountains.
Experts and government officials do not know the origin of the disease. They are urging vaccinations for pets and for people to steer clear of wild animals.
The Centers for Disease Control has sent more than a thousand doses of rabies vaccine to Taitung. They will be used on all wild mammals and pets that display rabies like symptoms to minimize spread of the disease.
The CDC also placed an urgent order from the Netherlands, with a batch of over a thousand vaccines arriving at Taoyuan Airport in the afternoon. Another batch of 2,000 vaccinations is scheduled to arrive next month. After inspection, the vaccines will be sent the Ministry of Health and Welfare for distribution.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞