

陸軍下士洪仲丘遭虐致死案,至今已經21天,但還有許多疑點無法釐清。上午國防部長高華柱拜會法務部,兩大部長罕見達成合作機制,但仍強調軍檢, 軍檢署持續偵辦涉案人士,至於法務部則是針對湮滅證據的部分,展開調查。


[[國防部長 高華柱]]

[[法務部長 曾勇夫]]


[[立委(國) 丁守中]]


Defense and justice chiefs pledge collaboration in Hung Chung-chiu case (2013/07/24)

In a rare move, the ministers of defense and justice have pledged to cooperate in the dead soldier case. Military prosecutors will continue their probe of suspects while the justice ministry will be in charge of investigating allegations of destroyed evidence. But some lawmakers worry that the government has already lost credibility and are urging it to pass prosecution to an impartial third party. 

Defense Minister Kao Hua-chu and Justice Minister Tseng Yung-fu were full of promises on Wednesday.

Kao Hua-chu
Defense Minister
We will meet public expectations and achieve each of the requests put forward by government agencies, says Defense Minister Kao Hua-chu. We will also communicate through platforms available to us. Our goal is to uncover the truth and give a full account to the public.

Tseng Yung-fu
Justice Minister
We had a frank exchange of opinions and reached a consensus to divide work and collaborate, says Justice Minister Tseng Yung-fu.

Ruling KMT lawmaker Ting Shou-chung was unimpressed. He said the case should be handed over to a third party.

Ting Shou-chung
KMT Legislator
We will pressure President Ma and the Ministry of National Defense to pass the Hung Chung-chiu case to an impartial third party, such as the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office or the Special Investigation Division, says Ting.

Deputy Justice Minister Chen Ming-tang says there is no legal basis to hand the case over to the Special Investigation Division, so such a move is out of the question. 

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

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