

[[台北市議員(國)賴素如(2013.3.27) ]]


[[台北地檢署發言人 黃謀信]]




Taipei City Councilor Lai Su-ru faces a maximum of life in prison (2013/07/25)

The Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office has concluded its investigation into the Taipei Twin Towers bribery case. It brought three charges against Taipei City Councilor Lai Su-ju, a former close aide of President Ma Ying-jeou. Lai faces up to life in prison. 

Lai Su-ju (March 27)
KMT Taipei City Councilor 
I will respect the legal process and investigation. I hope that this case can be explained quickly so my innocence can be restored, said Lai.

The investigation into Lai’s involvement in the Taipei Twin Towers scandal lasted four months. Prosecutor Huang Mo-hsin made a strong statement Thursday when filing charges.

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Dapu Demonstration (2013/07/25)

Close to a hundred people spoke out on Thursday in support of displaced landowners from Miaoli County’s Dapu Township, who saw their homes razed a week ago. Among the supporters were actors Ko I-chen and Leon Dai. 

The demonstration took place in front of the Presidential Office on Ketagalan Boulevard. Protesters accused authorities of excessive land expropriations and said the government should be razed next.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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左手食指,紗布纏了一圈又一圈,連想要拿藥吃,都相當不便!就是他, 年約30歲的,台東黃姓男子,22號晚間,莫名的被鼬獾攻擊。






Taitung man describes actions he took to treat rabid animal bite (2013/07/25)

The Taitung man who became the first person in Taiwan bitten by a rabid Formosan ferret-badger showed his wound today. He described how he treated the bite and sought immediate medical care, actions which may have saved his life. 

Bandaging wrapped around this patient’s left index finger makes it difficult for him to even take his medicine. This 31-year-old Taitung man, surnamed Huang, was attacked on Monday evening by a ferret-badger.

Bite Victim
At first I thought it was a rat, says Huang. It was scuttling and jumping around. It jumped onto my computer desk then onto my body. When I pushed it aside with my hand, it bit me.

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台灣出現首起狂犬病鼬獾咬人事件,農委會還發現, 其實這九個月來, 全台死亡的鼬獾竟高達74隻,加上苗栗今天傳出雪貂咬傷人, 各地陸續傳出動物死亡和咬傷人案例,不免讓人擔心狂犬病是否有擴散危機。

照片中死亡的鼬獾,是民眾在台南市歸仁區的產業道路發現的,動保處人員到達現場後,小心穿上防護衣, 在林野間噴藥消毒。

[[台南市歸仁區民眾 沈先生]]


[[農委會防檢局長 張淑賢]]



Dozens of dead ferret-badger sightings heat up rabies fears (2013/07/25)

After confirmation was received that at least three Formosan ferret-badgers were infected with rabies, reports have been pouring in of dead animal sightings. On Thursday the Council of Agriculture said that more than 70 dead ferret-badgers had been reported over the past nine months. Taiwan has already been removed from the list of rabies free countries. It now seems possible that rather than being isolated, the disease has spread across the island. 

The ferret-badger in this photo was found by a member of the general public on an industrial road in Guiren District, Tainan. An animal protection official wearing protective gear sprayed the surrounding area.

Guiren District Resident
I’m scared, says this Guiren resident. There are a lot of wild dogs, especially in front.

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A fourth grade boy fighting for his life recently discovered the power of friendship.


"I was diagnosed with a brain tumor," Travis Selinka said. "I went to Houston for radiation and I lost all my hair." After the seven weeks of radiation therapy, the bald 10-year-old was embarrassed to return to school.


"He was a little nervous about coming back only because he didn’t have hair," Travis’ mother Lynne Selinka said. "He was afraid what the kids would think."


His friends at El Camino Creek Elementary School were quick to pick up on Selinka’s feelings. Fifteen of them went to the barber shop and shaved their heads.


"Without me even knowing it, one of the boys got together with his mother and they planned a whole thing at this barbershop," fourth grader teacher Karin Roberts said. "Since they did it, Travis hasn’t worn his hat."

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