



[[資深軍事記者 林弘展]]


Punishments in military scandal may be related to infighting for promotion (2013/07/18)

There is growing speculation that the corporal’s death may be exposing severe infighting within the military. A senior military analyst said that the way the military has handed down punishments for the incident reveals the fierce battle raging for the position of chief of the general staff. 

Based on typical military practice, disciplinary action should have begun at the brigade level and reach as high as the 6th Army Corps commander. But punishment for the incident went even higher, as high up as Army Commander Gen. Lee Hsiang-chou. 

Some suggest that Lee was punished because of infighting in the battle for the chief of general staff job.

That’s because Yen Ming’s term comes to an end in November, and unless the Legislature amends the law to allow him to stay on, Lee was well-positioned to take his place. Next in line after Lee would be Yang Tien-hsiao, a military adviser to the Presidential Office, and Navy Commander Tung Hsiang-lung.

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[[立法委員(民) 趙天麟]]



[[立法委員(民) 趙天麟]]


Legislator relays account of witness to Hung’s ordeal in military jail (2013/07/18)

Legislator Chao Tien-lin relayed on Thursday what he says is a witness’s account of what happened to the late Corporal Hung before he lost consciousness on July 3. Chao said he was told that as Hung’s body started to fail him, he lamented that he was to be discharged in only a few days. 

Relaying the words of the serviceman who was in the brig with Hung, Chao said Hung was already in trouble physically on July 1. 

Chao Tien-lin
DPP Legislator
They were doing lunges at the time, and Hung Chung-chiu complained to the person supervising them that he sprained his right foot. The guard told him to change over to his left foot. That led to him hurting both his feet. 

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[[洪仲丘舅舅 胡世和]]


[[洪仲丘舅舅 胡世和]]


Corporal’s family releases text messages sent before his death (2013/07/18)

Regulations did not permit the punishment Corporal Hung Chung-chiu was dealt. For bringing a camera cell phone onto base, he should have been reprimanded, not locked up and subjected to the grueling exercises that contributed to his death. A series of text messages shows that Hung worried his superiors were out to get him and that he feared for his well-being. 

The text messages were released by the victim’s family. Hung Chung-chiu sent them to a superior on June 27, one day before his punishment began.

Hung writes that he will spend seven days in the brig because he brought a banned item onto base. But he has a mild case of claustrophobia, so he does not know if he can last that long.

Hung questions whether the punishment was reached following proper procedures. The health report was issued shortly after he saw the doctor, and the mental health center approved his punishment on the same day. The next day, he was to be locked up.

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[[市立聯合醫院腎臟科主任 夏清智]]


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Death of a Soldier (2013/07/18)

The investigation continues into the suspicious death of an Army corporal. For the next wave of interrogations, military prosecutors plan to question soldiers manning the brig where Hung Chung-chiu met his fate. 

On Wednesday night the prosecutors conducted marathon interrogations. After questioning Sergeant-Major Chen Yi-jen 陳以人as a witness, they sent him home. Company Commander Hsu Shin-cheng徐信正 and Sergeant Fan Tso-hsien范佐憲 were detained after their interviews. They became the second and third officers to be put in detention, following a deputy commander from Hung’s unit, the Armor Brigade.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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