
Uganda’s parliamentary speaker said she wanted to pass as a "Christmas gift" for Ugandans an anti-gay law, which rights groups have criticized for its draconian penalties against homosexuals.


The bill had initially proposed the death penalty for gays in the conservative east African country but still presents an array of jail terms for convicted homosexuals, including life imprisonment in certain circumstances.


Denounced as "odious" by U.S. President Barack Obama, the bill has left veteran President Yoweri Museveni struggling to balance the demands of the evangelical church on one side and aid donors on the other.


Some international donors have threatened to cut aid if the legislation, which is now before a parliamentary committee and was first introduced in parliament in 2009, becomes law.


"Ugandans want that law as a Christmas gift. They have asked for it and we’ll give them that gift," parliament speaker Rebecca Kadaga said. (Reuters)

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Most toddlers can feel a sense of accomplishment when they graduate to the big boy or girl potty, but some people in Japan voluntarily going back to wearing diapers.


Japanese media report the trend of wearing adult diapers is becoming increasingly popular, especially for women looking to save time.


Japanese magazine SPA described the trend in an article titled "The Ultimate Form of Slob." In the article they talk about the masculinization of women who don’t clean their rooms as often as they used to, don’t shave and wear diapers.


One 25-year-old woman, who would only be identified under a pseudonym, has been wearing a diaper to work at a real estate agency almost every day for the last six months. She does it to save time and the trouble of going to the washroom. She doesn’t wear one when she’s with her boyfriend and only wears them under a skirt because pants make it too obvious.


This woman is far from alone. Sales of adult diapers surpassed sales of diapers for babies for the first time in Japan this past May. However, a big part of this is Japan’s quickly aging population, meaning there is an increasing number of people who require the diapers.

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Rather than mope around at home, legions of unemployed Spaniards are riding out the economic crisis on some of the best waves in Europe, driving a surf boom on the country’s northern breaks.


With one in four now out of a job in Spain, surf professionals say the number of surfers has jumped these past two to three years on the stretch of rugged coastline from western Galicia to the border with France.


"I think people are taking their unemployment money and just deciding to surf as much as they can," said Michael Dobos, who runs a surf school in the village of Mundaka, home to some of the continent’s most sought-after waves.


"Since the crisis broke there are three times more people in the water," said Federico Ibazetor, who runs a surf school in nearby Plentzia. "They don’t have work, so they have more time to surf. They are mainly young because it is easier to lay off young people than older ones," he added.


For the last two summers schools say classes were not only full, but business continued right up to and past, the mid-Autumn holidays, as cash-strapped families apparently decided to take domestic holidays rather than travel abroad.


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Britain’s top code-breakers say they are stumped by a secret code found on the leg of a dead pigeon.


The remains of the bird were found in a chimney in Surrey with a message from World War II attached.


Experts at the intelligence agency GCHQ have been struggling to decipher the message since they were provided with it.


The message was discovered by David Martin when he was renovating the chimney of his house in Surrey.


Among the rubbish, he found parts of a dead pigeon including a leg. Attached to the leg was a red canister. Inside the canister was a thin piece of paper with the words "Pigeon Service" at the top and 27 handwritten blocks of code.

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An assassin slit the throat of Egypt’s last great pharaoh at the climax of a bitter succession battle, scientists said Monday in a report on a 3,000-year-old royal murder.


Forensic technology suggests Ramses III, a king revered as a god, met his death at the hand of a killer, or killers, sent by his wife and ambitious son, they said.


And a cadaver known as the "Screaming Mummy" could be that of the son himself, possibly forced to commit suicide after the plot, they added.


Computed tomography(CT)imaging of the mummy of Ramses III shows that the pharaoh’s windpipe and major arteries were slashed, inflicting a wound 70 millimetres wide and reaching almost to the spine, the investigators said. The cut severed all the soft tissue on the front of the neck.


"I have almost no doubt about the fact that Ramses III was killed by this cut in his throat," palaeopathologist Albert Zink of the EURAC Institute for Mummies and the Iceman in Italy told AFP.

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