HG WellsThe Father of Science Fiction



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Wells' stories have been adapted to other media formats like radio, television, and film. The most famous radio show was the 1938 radio presentation of The War of the Worlds , a novel about aliens invading Earth. On Halloween night, the famous actor and director, Orson Welles, read a version of the story where the aliens attacked New Jersey. Some listeners believed the story was really happening, and people across the United States panicked.
Since the radio adaptation, Wells' novels have inspired many films and television shows. Some are based directly on Wells' work, such as The Time Machine in 2002 and The War of the Worlds in 2005, both of which were successful films. Others are more loosely based on Wells' work, like the thriller Hollow Man in 2000, which was based on The Invisible Man. Wells wrote


威爾斯的小說已被改編成其他媒體形式,像是廣播、電視和電影。最有名的廣播劇是 1938 年《世界大戰》的廣播表演,而這本小說是關於外星人入侵地球的故事。萬聖節當晚,知名演員及導演奧森威爾斯唸了小說中外星人攻擊紐澤西州這段故事的改編版本。有些聽眾相信這個故事真的正在發生,而美國各地的人們都驚恐萬分。

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J.C. Penney (企業家)


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“Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk.”

– J.C. Penney, Entrepreneur

「給我一位有目標的存貨職員,我將給你一位可以創造歷史的人。給我一位沒有目標的人,我將給你一位存貨職員。」詹姆斯‧彭尼 (企業家)

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Oprah 在史丹佛大學的演講


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脫口秀主持人、20 世紀最富有的美國黑人Oprah (歐普拉) 在史丹佛大學 2008 年畢業典禮的演講,Oprah 在演講裡分享 3 個人生經驗,Oprah 說話咬字清楚,應該可利讀者英文聽力學習,此演講稿長約 4,300 字,愈後面愈精采,內容非常值得省思。

Thank you, President Hennessy, and to the trustees and the faculty, to all of the parents and grandparents, to you, the Stanford graduates. Thank you for letting me share this amazing day with you.


I need to begin by letting everyone in on a little secret. The secret is that Kirby Bumpus, Stanford Class of ’08, is my goddaughter. So, I was thrilled when President Hennessy asked me to be your Commencement speaker, because this is the first time I’ve been allowed on campus since Kirby’s been here.

我在開始要告訴大家一個小祕密,就是史丹佛 2008 年的畢業生 Kirby Bumpus,是我的教女,所以當軒尼詩校長要請我當你們的畢業典禮致詞人時,我相當的開心,因為自從 Kirby 來此校園後,這是我第一次被淮許來訪。

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Not Your Average Bear

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Stuffed bears as children’s toys go back to the early 20th century when the teddy bear was invented. These bears are named after American President Theodore Roosevelt. The story goes that he was out on a hunting trip and showed a black bear some kindness. This gave toy maker Morris Michtom an idea, and the teddy bear was born.
Since then, many iconic bears have stolen our hearts. Winnie the Pooh, the honey-loving stuffed bear of cartoon legend, was the creation of writer AA Milne. His son, Christopher Robin, had a teddy bear he named after a real Canadian black bear named Winnie he often saw at the London Zoo.

從此以後,許多具有代表意義的熊熊就擄獲了我們的心。小熊維尼這隻喜愛蜂蜜的卡通傳奇填充玩具熊是作家 AA 米爾恩的創作。他的兒子克里斯多福•羅賓曾有一隻泰迪熊,牠是以一隻他常在倫敦動物園看到,名為維尼的真實加拿大黑熊的名字來命名的。 

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RMS Titanic 鐵達尼號


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On April 12, 1912, the RMS Titanic left Southhampton, England for New York City carrying 2,224 passengers and crew. At the time, the Titanic was the biggest ship to ever set sail. People around the world were amazed at the ship’s size and the engineering feat it took to get 52,310 tons of steel to sail across the Atlantic Ocean.
The Titanic’s glory days were, however, short lived. In the early morning of April 15, 1912, the Titanic struck a large iceberg floating in the middle of the Atlantic. The hit caused the ship’s steel plates to bend inward, which opened five of its 16 watertight compartments to the sea. Not long after, the once mighty ship took on more water than it could handle, which caused it to break in two.


1912 年四月十二日,鐵達尼號載著兩千兩百二十四位乘客和船員,從英國南安普敦出發前往紐約市。鐵達尼號是當時航行的船隻中最大的輪船。全世界的人對於它龐大的船身和以五萬兩千三百一噸鋼鐵打造在大西洋上航行的工程絕技感到驚訝。
然而,鐵達尼號光榮的日子卻不長。1912 年四月十五日的凌晨,鐵達尼號撞上漂浮在大西洋中的巨大冰山。這個撞擊造成輪船的鋼板向內彎,導致它十六個防水艙中有五個被打開。不久之後,一度堅固無比的輪船承受了超出它能應付的進水量,導致船身裂成兩半。 

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