
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt predicted Tuesday that rapid advances in technology will soon transform science fiction into reality – meaning people will have driverless cars, small robots at their command and the ability to experience being in another place without leaving home.


Schmidt said the introduction of books available online, Internet translation of languages and voice recognition for computers all happened much faster than anyone envisioned and that technological research into even more previously unheard of advances is progressing at a fast clip.


"People who predict that holograms and self-driving cars will become reality soon are absolutely right," Schmidt told thousands of attendees at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the planet’s largest cell phone trade show.


Google has been testing driverless cars for years, and Schmidt noted that several U.S.states are already drawing up regulations so they can be used on the road. The technology took a big step forward earlier this month when Nevada became the first state to spell out requirements for the testing of driverless cars on state roads.(AP)



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A:這兩句都對,但意思不同。首先來看 I don’t know what is the matter.,這句是由主要子句 I don’t know 和附屬子句 (名詞子句) what is the matter 所構成,而名詞子句在此當 know 的受詞。在文法中,這個名詞子句又叫做間接問句,它是從直接問句 What is the matter? (怎麼啦?) 而來的,其中 matter 意為「問題;麻煩;困境」。

相信一定有不少人會質疑說,間接問句的詞序不是跟陳述句的詞序一樣嗎,為何還用直接問句的詞序呢? 這正是本問題的重點所在! 大家都知道,在含有疑問詞的直接問句中,其詞序為「疑問詞 + 助動詞 (若為 BE 動詞,則主詞後面就沒有動詞)」+ 主詞 + 動詞 + 其他元素?」。當一個直接問句併入另一個句子 (主要子句) 時,該直接問句就變成間接問句,而後者的詞序為「疑問詞 + 主詞 + (助動詞) + 動詞/BE 動詞 + 其他元素」。例如:

  1. Who is she? (她是誰?) (直接問句)
    I don’t know who she is. (我不知道她是誰) (間接問句)
  2. What do you want? (你想要什麼?) (直接問句)
    Please tell me what you want. (請告訴我,你想要什麼) (間接問句)
  3. Who wants the document? (誰要這份文件?) (直接問句)
    Do you know who wants the document? (你知道誰要這份文件嗎?) (間接問句)

在第 3 句中,直接問句 Who wants the document? 的主詞是 who,而在 Do you know who wants the document? 中,間接問句的主詞還是 who,原本的主動詞位置並沒有改變;換言之,當疑問詞在直接問句中就是主詞時,在間接問句中的詞序維持不變。What is the matter? 的情況就是這樣,what 是這直接問句的主詞,所以變成間接問句後詞序不變。若疑問詞在直接問句中並非主詞,如第 1 句 (主詞為 he) 和第 2 句 (主詞為 you),那麼在間接問句中,主詞與動詞的詞序必須恢復為陳述句的詞序。

現在來看 I don’t know what the matter is.。為何這句也對呢? 因為這句中的 matter 意為「物質」(substance),不是「問題;麻煩;困境」;它是直接問句 What is the matter? 的主詞,在間接問句中須調整詞序,位在 is 的前面。所以 I don’t know what the matter is. 的意思是「我不知道這物質是什麼」。




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台灣許多人都知道或正在使用 Skype 這套整合臉書功能的免費網路電話軟體,但絕大多數人都將這個字字尾的 pe 發成「譬」(pi) 的音。若按照英文發音規則,字尾的 e 通常不發音,所以 pe 應發成「普」(p) 的音才對。由於像 Skype 這種特殊用語、專有名詞或商標品名,在字典上查不到,因此這些字的正確發音往往也不得而知,大家只好亂發一通,只要對方聽得懂就好 - 才怪! 在這種情況下,像開放原始碼的作業系統 Linux、法國汽車廠牌 Peugeot 等等,除非它們有在電視上打廣告、唸出來給大家聽,否則相信很多人都不會發它們正確的音。

如果您經常唸錯一些專有名詞或商標品名而不自知,或者知道自己的發音有問題,但又不知如何讓自己發音正確而深感挫折,那麼您現在可以試試 FORVO 這個非常實用的網站。FORVO 可謂世界上最大的發音指南,由全世界不同國家、不同地區的網友自己錄音、自己上傳。不管您要找什麼特殊用語、專有名詞以及不同語言的發音,通通可在此獲得滿足。您可以在 FORVO 上瀏覽網友所上傳的單字或語詞,並用搜尋的方式,找出自己想知道的特殊用語的發音。

FORVO 網站匯集了不同國家和地區的網友自行上傳的字詞與發音,而在每個字詞的旁邊都會標示網友的名字與所在地。然而,同一個特殊用語、專有名詞或商標品名,在不同地方很可能因為文化風俗的差異或其他因素考量而有不同的發音,但這些都可在 FORVO 網站上看到或聽到,真的非常實用。

如果您覺得網站上某個人的發音不正確,也可按「好」或「不好」來評價它。當然,您也可以自己錄音、上傳特定字詞的發音。截至 2012 年 6 月 11 日,FORVO 已收錄 1,314,555 個語詞 1,395,995 個發音 及 300 種語言。

FORVO 網址:http://zh.forvo.com/





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Adding enzymes from seaweed microbes to toothpaste and mouthwash could provide better protection against tooth decay, a team of UK scientists have said.


Researchers at Newcastle University had been studying Bacillus licheniformis to see if it could clean ships’ hulls. But the scientists now believe it could protect the areas between teeth where plaque can gather despite brushing. Their lab tests suggest the microbe’s enzyme cuts through plaque, stripping it of bacteria that cause tooth decay.


Dr Nick Jakubovics, of the university’s school of dental sciences, said: "Plaque on your teeth is made up of bacteria which join together to colonise an area in a bid to push out any potential competitors. "Traditional toothpastes work by scrubbing off the plaque containing the bacteria - but that’s not always effective - which is why people who religiously clean their teeth can still develop cavities.


"We found this enzyme can remove some of these undesirable bacteria from plaque."


Instead of removing the plaque entirely, Dr Jakubovics believes the treatment could strip away the harmful bacteria that cause tooth decay.

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A museum in Italy has started burning its artworks in protest at budget cuts which it says have left cultural institutions out of pocket.


Antonio Manfredi, of the Casoria Contemporary Art Museum, set fire to the first painting on Tuesday."Our 1,000 artworks are headed for destruction anyway because of the government’s indifference," he said.


The work was by French artist Severine Bourguignon, who was in favour of the protest and watched it online.


Mr Manfredi plans to burn three paintings a week from now on, in a protest he has dubbed "Art War".


Artists from across Europe have lent their support, including Welsh sculptor John Brown, who torched one of his works, Manifesto, on Monday.

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