A:Zero 當形容詞用時意為「沒有的;零的」(= no, not any),僅能放在名詞前面當修飾語,不可位在 BE 動詞後面當主詞補語。在 zero 的形容詞用法中,其後若接可數名詞,該名詞一定是複數名詞,不可用單數名詞。不過,zero 若接不可數名詞,該名詞當然是單數型。例如:
- Zero degrees centigrade is the same as 32 degrees Fahrenheit. (攝氏零度等於華氏 32 度)
- We are likely to see zero growth on the stock market this year. (今年股市可能零成長)
= We are not likely to see any growth on the stock market this year.
所以,在 Taipei’s goal: Zero accidents (or accident) on the road. (台北的目標:零車禍) 這句中,zero 後面是接 accidents 不是 accident。另外,值得注意的是,冒號後面須大寫。
至於與 zero 相關的其他用法,可參考「Zero, naught, nought, love, nil (nn.)」這篇文章。