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英倫翻譯社 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The days get shorter, the air gets colder, and we all get stuck inside a lot more. Who wouldn't find winter just a little bit depressing? 



Many of us may get a bit blue in the winter, living in the dark, unable to enjoy the weather very much. But for some people, these blues can become something quite serious. Seasonal Affective Disorder (appropriately shortened to “SAD”) is the name for a mood disorder that causes normally mentally healthy people to become seriously depressed in the winter. 



People with SAD may start to have trouble waking up on winter mornings. Some of them may even feel sick in the mornings. They may lose their energy, especially in the afternoon, and they may move slowly and sluggishly. Unlike with other depressions, people with SAD feel hungrier than usual and desire carbohydrates. One sign of SAD, in fact, is gaining significant weight in the winter. SAD sufferers may often become irritable and stop wanting to see friends and family. 


Doctors don't know exactly why people get SAD, but two things are probably important causes: sunlight and hormones in the body. Sunlight is important in several ways. It tells us when to sleep and when to wake up. This may explain the problems SAD sufferers have waking up. Sunlight can also affect how much serotonin our brains produce. Serotonin influences happiness. The lack of sunlight may also cause people to make more melanin, a hormone which makes us slow and sleepy. 


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cut * out +
排除;剔除;(尤因有害健康而) 停止食用
I’m cutting out salt from my diet.

cut out
(引擎、機器等) 停止運轉
The car cut out at the traffic lights just as they went green.

cut * out +
(從報紙、雜誌等) 剪下、割下
cut some pictures out to use as visual aids.

cut out

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start over
It’s a mess – I think we should just start over.

start * up +
He left the company last year to start up his own business.

start up
(聲音) 出現
There was a pause, and then the noise started up again.

start up

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Very 是個副詞加強語,可修飾某些分詞形容詞 (participial adjectives),但卻不能修飾其他分詞形容詞。在此,筆者提供3個判斷 very 是否能修飾分詞形容詞的方法讓大家參考,準確度相當高。

判斷方法之一:若分詞形容詞為可置於名詞之前起修飾作用的形容詞,則 very 可以修飾這些分詞形容詞,如 He had a very surprised expression on his face. (他臉上露出非常驚訝的表情)。判斷方法之二:若分詞形容詞為極限形容詞,則 very 不可以修飾這些分詞形容詞,如 He is terrified of his wife, so he is a hen-pecked husband. (他很懼內,所以他是個妻管嚴或怕老婆的先生)。判斷方法之三:這方法比較傾向於經驗法則,當 very 被用來修飾某個特定分詞形容詞時,若聽起來或看起來蠻熟悉和流暢的,那麼這樣用應該沒錯,否則就不要用。

英語純正人士傾向於嚴格限制可用 very 來修飾的分詞形容詞的數量,所以當心中有疑惑時,我們可使用 very much 或另一限定詞來代替 very,如 very much astonished (非 very astonished) (非常驚訝) 或 very absolutely disgusted (非 very disgusted) (討厭至極)。

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