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What do you need to map a billion stars? A billion-pixel camera certainly helps.


Scientists hope to glean more clues about the origin and evolution of the universe, and in particular our own galaxy, after a camera of this incredible scale -- fitted to the Gaia space telescope -- was launched.


Gaia, which lifted off from French Guiana, has been tasked with mapping the Milky Way in greater detail than ever before.


Designed and built by Astrium for the European Space Agency (ESA), the makers say the telescope is so sensitive that it could measure a person’s thumbnail from the Moon, or to put it another way, detect the width of a human hair from 1,000km (620 miles) away.


Gaia will study the position, distance, movement, chemical composition and brightness of a billion stars in the galaxy.

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Cafes across Naples recently marked "Suspended Coffee Day", spotlighting a remarkable tradition of social solidarity in the crisis-hit Italian city that is now more needed than ever.


Using chalk board signs in cafes and by word of mouth, dozens of cafes have let the city’s growing army of poor -- Neapolitans and immigrants alike -- know they can come for a free coffee with money left by better-off customers.


The practice of "caffe sospeso" is simple:leave money for a coffee when you are getting one yourself and someone who cannot afford one gets it for free.


"It is something you used to do when you passed a university exam, or won the lotto or had your birthday. Pay for a coffee for someone you didn’t know," said Maurizio del Bufalo, a former UN aid worker and founder of the "Suspended Coffee Network" which now includes 200 cafes in Naples and around the world.


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When it is compared to the Running of the Bulls in Spain, the Running of the Sheep at the Irish Woolfest in Boorowa, Australia is not so scary. It is actually fun and entertaining. Crowds gather to watch as four sheepdogs work together to herd a group of sheep down the main street. This is just the beginning of a fun-filled festival that includes everything from art shows to dog competitions.
Another event that celebrates the start of the Irish Woolfest is the Blessing of the Fleece. One sheep is shorn and its fleece is blessed by the three ministers who represent the major religions of the area. There is so much to see and do at the Irish Woolfest that it would be impossible to be bored.


跟西班牙的奔牛節相比,澳洲布洛瓦 Irish Woolfest 這場慶典上的奔羊活動就沒有那麼嚇人了。事實上,它反倒是趣味十足。群眾會沿路聚集,觀賞四隻牧羊犬合力在鎮中的主要大街上趕羊。這只不過是一個充滿樂趣的節慶的開場活動,這項慶典還有各種包羅萬象的節目,從藝術表演到狗狗競賽都有。
另一項為歡慶 Irish Woolfest 而揭開序幕的活動則為 Blessing of the Fleece。主辦者會剪下一頭羊的羊毛,並由三位分別代表該地區各主要宗教的牧師來為羊毛進行祝禱。Irish Woolfest 上可供觀賞和從事的活動多不勝數,因此您絕對不會感到無聊。 


文章出處: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

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前幾天剛好在英語新聞裡聽到一個詞Off the cuff,某官員談到社會住宅問題時,說到這不是一個Off-the-cuff idea,而是深思熟慮之後的想法。Off-the-cuff是什麼呢?Cuff就是襯衫的袖口。Off the cuff的意思是:不經心地,臨時想起的,或者是很隨便的。當你回答一個問題,而你對你的答案又不太確定時,你就可以用off the cuff這片語。舉一個例子。
You want to know how many people work for our company? Off the cuff, I'd say about two thousand. But I'll have to look up the exact number and get back to you later. 



If you want to borrow 80% of the total amount, with the interest rate at 3.5%, off the cuff, you probably will have to pay a little over fifteen hundred dollars a month. But I've got to do a detailed calculation before I can give you an exact number. 

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"Cronut," you just can’t win them all. On Wednesday, Dictionary.com announced that it had chosen "privacy" as its word of the year, beating out other finalists including the croissant-doughnut hybrid that became a national phenomenon in 2013.


Other finalists included "sequester," "shutdown," "share" and newly coined words such as "Obamacare" and "3D printing."


The dictionary website says it chose "privacy" over the other finalists in large part because of the debate over government surveillance programs led by groups such as the NSA that recently came under heightened scrutiny.


Dictionary.com defines "privacy" as "the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one’s private life and affairs."



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When you get to the rainforest, you start hiking. Everything is green and beautiful, and you hear birds and buzzing insects. After walking for an hour, you see an amazing red frog. You stop to take a picture, but when you look up, you don't see your group anywhere. Calling out, you go in search of them, but with no luck. Eventually, you find a place to rest, but all your water is gone. You can survive without food, but not water. Then, the sound of running water hits your ears. Luckily, your OKO filter can clean the dirtiest water and make it drinkable. The next day, your group finds you. Thanks to your OKO filter, you are still strong enough to continue your adventure.

當你抵達雨林時,你開始健行。周遭景物翠綠而美好,你聽到鳥叫聲和嗡嗡的蟲鳴聲。走了一小時後,你看到令人驚訝的紅蛙。你停下來拍張照片,但抬頭一看,到處都找不到團員。你大聲呼喊並四處尋找其他人,但運氣實在不好。最後,你找到一個地方休息,但帶來的水都喝光了。沒有食物還可以存活,但沒有水就完了。這時,你突然聽到流水聲。幸運的是,你的OKO過濾器可以清潔最髒的水並把它變得可以飲用。隔 天,你的團員找到了你。多虧你的 OKO 過濾器,你仍然有充足的體力可以繼續這趟冒險。


文章出處:<a href="http://iservice.libertytimes.com.tw/Service/english/">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞

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Think kindly of the dragon Smaug. Shed a tear for Gollum. And give an orc a hug.


If only they had tucked into the occasional quiche and salad or a touch of smoked salmon, or had a few sessions on a sunbed. How much kinder history would have been to them.


So suggests an offbeat study which concludes that the evil characters in J.R.R. Tolkien’s "The Hobbit" lost their battle against men, elves and dwarves because they suffered from vitamin deficiency.


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E: Ethan  N: Nora
E: After we are done at Taipei 101, we can grab lunch at one of the many hotel restaurants in the area.
N: like the sound of that idea. If the weather is good, how about we rent a couple of the city's YouBikes and check out that part of town?
E: Better yet, why don't we hike up Elephant Mountain?
It's only a 15-minute walk from Taipei 101.
N: Is it a difficult trail? You know how bad my knees are.
E: The trail is not very long or difficult, but it has a lot of stairs.
N: I've heard that the views of the city from the top are stunning.
E: Also, we can finish out the first day of our staycation by watching the sunset from there.



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1. I’m a little edgy. edgy的意思是緊張,不耐煩。


She's been a bit edgy lately, waiting for a job offer.




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An amorous Italian couple’s love-making became so noisy that a neighbour spread the word locally and even invited his friends to listen in, it’s reported.


The story came to light after police were forced to intervene in a row at an apartment block in the northern town of Reggio Emilia, local paper Gazzetta di Reggio reports.


"Their moments of intimacy, perhaps a bit too noisy, aroused the interest of the ’classic’ nosy and meddling neighbour," the paper reports. "Not content with listening to the couple’s effusions, he spread the word in the local bar and even invited his friends around to eavesdrop," it says.


The story reached its climax when the couple got wind of what their neighbour was doing and confronted him. A heated row ensued and the police were called.

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Poor Africans say they are still not benefiting from the continent’s economic rise, according to a landmark survey of citizens across 34 countries released on Tuesday.


Despite some of the world’s highest economic growth rates, many Africans still report shortages of water, food, healthcare and cash according to an Afrobarometer survey of over 50,000 people.


"Meeting their basic daily needs remains a major challenge for a majority of Africans, even at a time when their countries are reporting impressive economic gains," the survey found.


The continent’s economy is expected to grow by almost five percent this year.


But half of survey respondents said they occasionally lacked food, clean water, and medicine. One in five said they face frequent shortages.

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The whole world celebrated with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they brought their first child into this world at 4:24 in the afternoon London time on July 22, 2013. The proud parents, Prince William and Kate Middleton, have named the future King of England George Alexander Louis. Officially known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge, the baby is third in line for the British throne, after his grandfather Prince Charles and his own father Prince William. The Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital, where Prince William himself was born in 1982, in the early morning hours. Thousands of people had even gathered at the gates of Buckingham Palace to await the official announcement from the Royal Family.

2013年七月二十二日下午四點二十四分,全世界與劍橋公爵及公爵夫人一起慶祝他們第一個出世的小孩。這對驕傲的父母親,也就是威廉王子與凱特.密道頓,將英國未來的國王命名為喬治.亞歷山大.路易斯。這個寶寶正式名為皇室劍橋喬治王子殿下,是英國王位的第三順位繼承人,排名在他的爺爺查爾斯王子和父親威廉王子之後。劍橋公爵夫人一早就被送往聖瑪莉醫院,這也是威廉王子於 1982 年出生的醫院。甚至有數千人聚在白金漢宮的大門等候皇室家族的正式宣告。 


文章出處: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

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Jennifer never thought she would meet her biological mother. She was born in Taiwan but adopted by a couple from the US when she was a baby. She grew up happily there because her adoptive parents treated her very well. However, Jennifer always wanted to know more about her biological mother.
On her 18th birthday, Jennifer decided she would travel to Taiwan to look for her biological mother. The only clue Jennifer had about her was an with her name and an old address on it. When she arrived in Taiwan, she contacted the local police for help. The police went to the address, but the woman had moved. Luckily, the neighbors had information about her whereabouts. With their help, Jennifer eventually found her biological mother and got a lot of her burning questions answered.



文章出處: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/

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Almost everyone on Earth knows that people don’t float into outer space thanks to gravity. People, animals, and objects are pulled and fall to the ground due to gravity. Planets, moons, and stars are kept together because they have more gravity.
Man-made satellites and spacecraft also stay in orbit due to Earth’s gravitational pull. Astronauts like Commander Matt Kowalsky and medical engineer Dr. Ryan Stone depend on this fact during their mission in space. For Kowalsky, this is his last flight before retiring, while it is the first space mission for Dr. Stone. The two of them leave the safety of their craft for a routine spacewalk when disaster strikes. Space debris crashes into and destroys their space shuttle, so they are left stranded in space with a limited amount of oxygen in their spacesuits. To see what they do to survive, don’t miss Gravity in theaters.




◎thanks to...  歸功於/幸虧……
Thanks to Zoe’s help, the surprise party was a huge success.
◎retire (vi.) 退休,退役
Our manager announced that he will retire at the end of the year.
◎limited (a.) 有限的

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They were able to turn off the urge in mice while leaving the animals’ other senses, such as touch and temperature, intact.


It is hoped that a deeper understanding of itching could eventually lead to therapies for patients with chronic itch.


The study was published in the journal Science.


The team at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the US National Institutes of Health, bred mice that were unable to produce a chemical called Nppb. It is a small signalling chemical that allows brain cells to communicate with each other.


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A four-year-old boy has stunned psychologists—after intelligence tests revealed him to have the same IQ as Einstein.


Sherwyn Sarabi has tested off the scale for intelligence—scoring an IQ of 160—the highest mark on the test.


It’s the same score that experts believe scientist Einstein had, as well as being identical to that of Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.


Sherwyn from Barnsley, Yorks, started school two years early and became a member of Mensa at the age of three.


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英語的俚語或成語是日積月累,它們看起來很簡單,用順了就透露出我們對語言的熟稔和掌握度。每天記一個,一年也能記 365 個。

  • At odds, 意見分歧、不和。

Odds 的意思有很多,大家最熟的是「奇數」、「可能性」,可以衍申為不和或意見分歧。常見片語是 At odds ,意思即為 "in disagreement with" 。

*She is at odds with her boss. 他與老闆意見不合。
*This action is greatly at odds with his previous attitude. 這個舉動與他先前行為大相逕庭。 

  • call someone on the carpet 訓斥某人;譴責某人

call 意指傳喚, carpet 意指地毯; to call someone to the carpet 是指把某人傳到地毯上,據說在 1800 年期間,一些英國的傭人,如果被主人叫到房間,就是被主人教訓。因為房間多半有地毯,故有這種說法。

*You must be very careful to do your work well, or you will be called on the carpet for our boss is very strict with us. 你得非常認真地做好你的工作,否則你會受到訓斥。因為我們的老闆對我們要求非常嚴格。

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A wealthy, 84-year-old businessman married a 25-year-old fashion model. They were having a wonderful honeymoon in Switzerland when the old man suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.
With his young wife at his side, the old man said, “Sweetheart, your future has been taken care of regardless of what happens to me. You will have an income of US$250,000 a year, my home in Palm Springs, my ranch in Texas, and my Mercedes. You’ll never need to worry about money.”
“Oh, sweetheart, please don’t talk that way,” his young wife cried. “You’ve already been so thoughtful, kind, and generous to me. There must be something I can do to help. Honey, please tell me what I can do for you?” The old man breathlessly answered, “Well, you can get off my oxygen tube for starters.”

「哦,親愛的,請別這麼說,」他年輕的妻子哭著道。「你一直是那麼貼心、心腸好又對我如此慷慨。一定有什麼事是我可以幫你的。親愛的,請告訴我,我能為你做些什麼呢? 」老人氣喘吁吁地說,「嗯,首先妳可以不要壓著我的氧氣管。」 




suffer  vt. 遭受 & vi. 受苦
Tim asked for medicine because

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1.rabbit n. 兔子
2.scratching post n. 貓抓柱
3.grooming noose n. 寵物繩套/活扣
4.pet dryer n. 寵物烘乾器
5.grooming table n. 梳理台
6.pet groomer n. 寵物美容師
7.poodle n. 貴賓狗
8.dog house n. 狗屋
9.bird cage n. 鳥籠
10.bird seed n. 鳥飼料
11.pet bed n. 寵物床
12.catnip n. 貓薄荷
13.cat food n. 貓食
14.dog food n. 狗食
15.pet carrier n. 寵物提籠
16.litter box n. 貓砂盆
17.pet bowl n. 寵物碗
18.dog muzzle  n. 狗嘴套
19.pet treat n. 寵物點心
20.pet clothing n. 寵物衣服
21.leash n. (牽狗的)繩子
22.collar n. 項圈
23.pet toy n. 寵物玩具
24.cat litter n. 貓砂
25.grooming brush n. 美容刷子
26.grooming shears n. 美容剪刀


文章出處: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/


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“Not a day goes by when someone doesn’t tell me that they saw my pictures posted on Match.com or another web site,” says Yuliana Avalos, a Florida mom and part-time model who never actually signed up for the site.


The popular dating site is engaging in “one of the biggest conspiracies ever executed on the Internet,” the class-action Manhattan Federal Court suit says.


“Thousands” of others, including celebrities, soldiers and adult actresses, have had their pictures plucked from Facebook and other sites and used for bogus profiles as well – even though they ’’are not and never were”members of Match’s dating sites, the suit says.


Inflating the number of profiles on Match and its other 25 dating sites is good for their business.


The suit also says the company could easily crack down on the numerous bogus profiles by using facial recognition software, but chooses not to.

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