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After withdrawing from the Legislature on April 10, nearly 100 supporters of the Sunflower Movement came together once again today. This time, their task was moving many of the donated goods they received during their occupation of the Legislature to a temporary shelter. For the moment, these items will be stored at the Taiwan Theological College and Seminary in Yangmingshan.

Student leader, Lin Fei-fan appeared alongside other student volunteers transporting donated supplies to temporary storage. He discussed the Sunflower Movement’s next step, potentially joining other groups taking to the streets on International Workers’ Day, May 1st. 

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[[中研院社研所研究員 蕭新煌]]
碰到一個強勢國家,又想併吞台灣的,專業知識加上政治判斷,還有立場堅定,我覺得這三者 (政府)都不足。所以經貿國是會議,我認為是不可行的,所以才要有公民憲政會議。



[[永社理事長 陳傳岳]]


One of the demands the Sunflower Movement put forward during their occupation of the Legislature was the formation of a citizens’ constitutional conference. Today, a group of scholars signed a petition supporting such a conference and consensus for constitutional amendments to regulate and make cross-strait relations more transparent.

Soon after the Sunflower Movement concluded its occupation of the Legislature, a civic group quickly began promoting a citizen’s constitutional conference.

Hsiao Hsin-huan
Academia Sinica Institute of Sociology
When encountering a strong country that wants to annex Taiwan, I think that from the perspective of expertise and political judgment and the strength of their position is insufficient. So, I don’t think it’s feasible for the legislature to pass an economic trade pact as I think we should call upon a citizens’ constitutional conference.

Citizens continue to be leery of the Cabinet’s proposed national affairs conference on trade and economics, as they call upon civic groups to convene a citizen’s constitutional conference.

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[[北市長參選人(國) 連勝文]]
“透過他們的協助,就針對防災型都更 市府財政,以及包括文創 教育,還有都市計畫各方面,能夠提供給我們許許多多的建議”


[[北市長參選人(國) 丁守中]]
“我來自基層 了解民意,我對台北市政更嫻熟,更能夠上手,不需要臨時惡補 ,由其他政務官,來幫忙支撐光環”

丁守中找來各領域代表,像是電腦工會理事長童子賢,機車強制險催生者柯媽媽,董氏基金會終身義工陳淑麗. , 等十多人全力相挺。

The KMT will conduct a telephone survey today and tomorrow to help choose the KMT candidate for the Taipei Mayoral election. Sean Lien and his wife actively canvassed voters today, announcing a second batch of advisors including former Interior Minister Lee Hong-yuan and others. Another candidate in the primary, KMT Legislator, Ting Shou-chung also announced his list of advisors, many of whom are not former officials, but instead, come from civilian circles.

KMT Taipei Mayoral Candidate, Sean Lien and this wife Pattie Tsai, held hands and appeared at a number of charity events today, publicly canvassing for voters in a primary to decide the party’s nominee.

Patty Tsai appeared with her husband, bolstering his spirits and confidence as the KMT began carrying out a survey of voters. Lien also made his second announcement of municipal advisors.

The list including former Interior Minister, Lee Hong-yuan, Schive Chi, former Minister of the Council for Economic Planning and Development, and former Education Minister, Wu Ching-ji, and others

Sean Lien 
KMT Taipei Mayor Candidate
With their help, we are prepared to confront natural disasters, municipal financial crisis, as well as issues ranging from culture, education and urban planning. (Each of them) can provide us with many good suggestions.

Responding to Sean Lien’s list of advisors, another KMT candidate, Ting Shou-chung , said his knowledge of Taipei municipal politics means there’s no need to gain the support from former officials. 

Ting Shou-chung 
KMT Taipei Mayor Candidate
I want to understand grassroots supporters. I know Taipei City Government very well, and don’t need to suddenly recruit so many (advisors) so I don’t need the support of other government officials.

Instead of drawing upon government sectors, Ting recruited advisors from diverse fields such as Taipei Computer Association President, Tung Tsu-hsien. Along with Ms. He who led the implementation of compulsory motorcycle and scooter insurance, along with Chen Shu-li, a long time volunteer of the John Tung Foundation.

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[[北市社會局老人福利科長 陳淑娟]]


The Taipei Department of Social Welfare has announced new subsidies for four types of assistive devices. Included are aids for getting in and out of a wheelchair and a watch to help track lost elderly people. 

This strap makes it easier for an elderly person to get in and out of a wheelchair or simply stand up. Another convenient item is this non-slip wheelchair mat. And there’s this white watch, which acts as a GPS device to provide location data for elderly people suffering from dementia who are prone to becoming lost.

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[[台大昆蟲系教授 楊恩誠]]


[[台大生物機電工程系教授 江昭皚]]


National Taiwan University researchers made an important advance in uncovering the mystery behind a worldwide decline in honeybee populations. Today the team held a news conference to discuss its findings. 

In 1994, a large number of honeybees began disappearing around the world. These incidents led Yang An-cheng, a professor at National Taiwan University’s Department of Entomology, to dedicate eight years of his life to this mystery. Recently, he discovered that the insecticide imidacloprid may be to blame.

Yang En-cheng 
NTU Department of Entomology
We tested a new neonicotinoid called imidacloprid, which didn’t affect growth of larvae or mortality during maturation. However, when we did neurobehavioral tests after they became worker bees, we found that exposure led to learning problems and memory loss.

Yang’s experiments confirmed that honeybees were made dumber through exposure to imidacloprid, including increased disorientation. The chemical is already banned in the European Union, and this latest discovery at NTU is attributed to unprecedented interdisciplinary cooperation within the university.

Jiang Joe-air
NTU Dep’t of Bio-Industrial Mechatronics
When honeybees come and go, our system uses infrared sensors to measure differences between entering and leaving the hive. We also record and take into account environmental factors inside and outside the hive, such as temperature and humidity. 

The research also included using lasers to tattoo the backs of honeybees and track them. In total, five different disciplines joined the effort. 

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[[氣象專家 彭啟明]]



[[英國政府氣候變遷特別代表 大衛金恩]] 


A new UN report on climate change highlights the need for significant greenhouse gas emission reductions to reduce the impact of climate change. Following this report, a British expert commenting on Taiwan said that per capita emissions will have to be cut by more than 80 percent by 2050. 

Climate change, and the extreme weather events it brings, is apparent in Taiwan.

Peng Chi-ming
Weather Expert
Plum rains in Taiwan have already become a time of no rain. Over the past few years, the lack of rain during this season has had a major impact on water use adjustments.

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently released its Fifth Assessment Report on climate change. It said that between 2000 and 2010, there were unprecedented increases in manmade greenhouse gas emissions.

British climate change expert David King said that without action in Taiwan and elsewhere, global warming will continue.

David King
Climate Change Expert
If we look at the situation here in Taiwan, you are emitting around 11.3 tons of carbon dioxide per person per annum. I would want to see that Taiwan commits itself to reduce its emissions to 2 tons or less by 2050.

Taiwan’s per capita carbon dioxide emissions are currently more than five times the global goal. King says if improvements are not seen on a global scale by 2030, the warming that is taking place will become grave.

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The nation’s first large-scale pilot program to test electricity smart meters is underway. 

Most households are charged for electricity based on total amount consumed, but those taking part in the pilot program are eligible for discounts based on when consumption occurs. Rates are different for peak, off-peak and normal times.

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[[智慧手錶業者 張筱嬋]]




[[紅外線腦波燈業者 許博鈞]]


A press event was held today for the upcoming Taipei Spring Computer Show. Items on display included wearable devices such as smart watches and Bluetooth eyeglasses. 

A variety of technology will soon be on display at the Taipei Spring Computer Show. Some of the most popular items include wearable devices.

Smart watches can not only make and receive phone calls but also connect to blood pressure monitoring equipment to record data. 

Chang Hsiao-chan
Smart Watch Maker
The special feature of this smart watch is that it can make an emergency phone call. This can be done with a simple press of a button that connects it to an app that allows immediate two-way contact with a (medical provider).

Bluetooth eyeglasses that record video were also shown.

Bluetooth Eyeglass Maker
These are good for skiing, parachuting or other extreme sports or sports where both hands are needed. They can record continually for three hours.

Also, there was this headset that measures brainwaves. It can connect with an indicator light to allow people to visualize what type of mental state they are in and monitor changes.

Hsu Bo-chun
Brainwave Headset Maker
I can now demonstrate a relaxed state. The easiest way to do this is to close your eyes and take a deep breath. The light turns a bluish, purple color.

The Taipei Spring Computer Show begins on Thursday. Wearable devices are expected to be among the hottest items at the show.

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[[政大地政系教授 徐世榮]]


[[國發會主委 管中閔]]


When students took over the Legislature in protest against the services trade pact signed with China, they caused delays to several bills. Among them is another major economic plan: the establishment of free economic pilot zones. Today in legislative committee critics accused the government of planning forced expropriation of farmland in order to build the zones, while the government argued the zones will help farmers by bringing added value to agricultural products. 

A land economics professor was one of several experts to express concerns about land expropriation associated with building free economic pilot zones.

Hsu Shih-jung
National Chengchi University
In the name of development, the government is robbing from the poor to give to the rich. When the government plunders this land, it becomes a bandit. Do its actions meet the requirement that land expropriation be necessary? Minister Kuan, is this allowed?

National Development Council Minister Kuan Chung-ming promised supplementary measures before line-by-line review of the special regulations in the Legislature.

Kuan Chung-ming
Development Minister
For land expropriations, since the start we have almost entirely followed old mechanisms. If this leads to other concerns or doubts expressed in our public hearings, then I will review related articles with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior.

Kuan said he’s willing to join scholars in conducting a line-by-line review of articles that will have an impact on farmers. He added that it’s wrong of critics to accuse him of trying to eliminate agriculture, and that instead he hopes to bring added value to the industry.

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[[民進黨台北市黨部主委 莊瑞雄]]


[[前副總統 呂秀蓮]]

而呂秀蓮認為, 蔡英文就算挾著高人氣回鍋黨主席,也不代表就能直通2016,年底七合一選舉, 就是蔡英文的一大考驗。

Within the DPP there was a great deal of praise today for Su Tseng-chang’s announcement that he will not seek another term as party chairman. Former Vice President Annette Lu said it shows Su is focused on running for president and said that Tsai Ing-wen should follow his lead if she too has her sights set on the presidency. 

DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang’s announcement led local party leaders and others to visit DPP headquarters to express their appreciation for his work.

Chuang Ruei-hsiung
DPP Taipei City Chapter Chairman
Chairman Su Tseng-chang has spent two years leading the DPP. He has not rested while serving the party and establishing a strong foundation for the DPP to return to power. As a local DPP chapter chairman, I am deeply indebted to him. We give Chairman (Su) our utmost support.

Su’s announcement inspired a great deal of speculation.

Annette Lu 
Former Vice President 
Being good at elections is one thing, but ruling the country is another matter. If you are so busy with elections rather than not knowing or preparing to rule, then this is a loss for all citizens. If Chairman Su Tseng-chang doesn’t run for party chairman, all his energies will be geared towards running for president. I think that he is smart and knows that God only gave each person 24 hours (a day). I think it will take quite a big effort to prepare to lead Taiwan in the next presidential term.

Former Vice President Annette Lu believes that even if Tsai Ing-wen returns to her former post as DPP chairwoman, it won’t mean she will automatically represent the DPP in the 2016 presidential election. Lu says Tsai’s main order of business would be winning the year-end elections.

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學運期間,最大反對黨民進黨遭到邊緣化,日前民進黨立委趙天麟率先發難,要求革除大老政治。 而今天民進黨主席蘇貞昌及前行政院長謝長廷,都先後宣布放棄選黨主席,兩人不約而同,都將團結和化解對立作為退選原因,而民進黨主席蔡英文,則發出聲明肯定蘇謝貢獻,並強調我們必須堅定承擔,言下之意將參選黨主席到底。

肯定與不捨, 是民進黨立院黨團第一時間, 對蘇貞昌表示不選黨主席的反應。

[[立委(民) 柯建銘]]
“今天早上七點十分的時候, 蘇主席打電話給我說,他已經決定(不選) ,這是屬於意料中的意外,每一個戰役,跟黨團完全站在一起,這種政治人物的抉擇,以及風骨 以及承擔,我們予以高度的肯定與不捨”

[[立委(民) 趙天麟]]
“蘇主席今天表達他不再參選連任, 我表示感到敬佩”




In a surprise turn of events, former DPP Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen has emerged as the only candidate in the party’s upcoming chairmanship race. This comes after the withdrawal of two would-contenders, incumbent Chairman Su Tseng-chang and former Premier Frank Hsieh. 

Praise and reluctance to lose Su Tseng-chang as chairman were early responses to Su’s withdrawal from next month’s chairmanship poll.

Ker Chien-ming
DPP Legislator
This morning at 7:10 am, Chairman Su unexpectedly called to tell me he decided (not to run). In every battle, Su stands with the party caucus. We have high praise for this type of decision, character and burden. It is hard to let go of such a politician. 

Chao Tien-lin
DPP Legislator
Chairman Su announced today that he won’t run again. I admire his decision.

Su announcement was made on Facebook. He said that in order for the DPP to return to power, before the year-end elections it could not handle a split. 

After Su came Frank Hsieh. The former premier also used Facebook to say that over the past two days, he has told supporters of the need for reform and of his decision not to register for the party chairmanship race.

Next was former Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen, who praised Su and Hsieh for their contributions. Besides saying that the DPP is in the midst of a major test that requires unity, Tsai pledged to continue her campaign to head the party.

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[[東港區漁會總幹事 林漢丑]]


For the first time ever a boat registered in Donggang, Pingtung caught the first bluefin tuna of the season. For the past 12 years the first bluefin tuna had been caught by boats from Siaoliouciou. 

This boat docked in Donggang attracted lots of attention on Tuesday as it displayed a tuna that could potentially win this fishing competition.

The competition for the first tuna of the year only applies to bluefin tuna pulled in live and weighing at least 180 kilograms. Boats must be registered in Kaohsiung or Pingtung, and the first to return to harbor is judged the winner. An incentive for fishermen is the fact that the first tuna caught typically fetches a very good price at auction.

This fishing boat displays two bluefin tuna. After inspection, one was officially deemed winner of the competition.

Lin Han-chou
Donggang Fishermen’s Association
The heavier fish is male, which means it has more flesh, is more fibrous and has higher quality oil, so we decided to make it the winner.

The winning fish is estimated to weigh more than 300 kilograms and is expected to fetch upwards of NT$1 million. Catching two of these bluefin tunas at once led this fishing boat captain to quickly sail 30 hours back to Donggang. Winning the competition made the extra effort quite worthwhile. 

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Asia’s largest cruise ship made its maiden voyage to Kaohsiung today. Passengers on the Voyager of the Seas spent half a day in the southern port city where they were treated to a show from Taiwan’s famed techno dancing gods. 

The 140,000 ton vessel Voyager of the Seas recently completed its first visit to Kaohsiung.

The ship and passengers were greeted with a performance by the Santaizi dancing gods.

Hong Kong Tourist
I have been to Taiwan many times, but this was the first time on a cruise ship. It was a very new experience. 

The Voyager of the Seas is one of 10 largest cruise ships in the world. It can transport 3,000 passengers and has 15 different decks along with an ice-skating rink, a miniature golf course and other luxury amenities.

Kaohsiung’s Tourism Bureau says the ship will make five visits and will create more than NT$90 million in tourism value for the city.

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[[金鶯隊投手 陳偉殷]] 
“球威可能差異蠻大的,因為前面幾場其實直球只要是被抓到,很明顯就是安打 ,可是今天就算是被抓到了,還是有辦法讓他們打滾地球,雖然說被打得很紮實 ,但是野手這邊也有辦法去接”


In baseball action today, a pair of Taiwanese pitchers shined. The Baltimore Orioles Chen Wei-yin overcame early season struggles to pitch a strong game against the Tampa Bay Rays, while the Milwaukee Brewers Wang Wei-chung pitched the ninth inning against the St. Louis Cardinals for his big league debut. 

From the start of the Orioles-Rays game today, Chen Wei-yin was sharp.

He not only struck out reigning rookie of the year Wil Myers but also showed prowess in the field with this throw to first. Over the first three innings, it was three up and three down for Chen. Equally impressive were Chen’s teammates at the plate. 

The Orioles put six on the board over the first three innings, and Chen only seemed to get stronger as the game progressed.

Chen went 4 1/3 innings without giving up a hit. The Rays finally showed some life, but Chen got out of trouble with a double play.

The only run Chen gave up was off an Evan Longoria RBI single to left.

It was Chen’s best start yet this year. He threw 99 pitches over 6 1/3 innings, giving up five hits and two walks while striking out four. After getting the 7-1 win, Chen said he feels like he has overcome his early season woes. 

Chen Wei-yin
Orioles Pitcher
It just seems like my pitches are more effective. In the previous couple games, when batters made contact with my fastball, they got hits, but today when they made contact, I was able to induce groundballs. Even if the batters made good contact, our defense could make a play.

In other baseball action, making his major league debut today was the Milwaukee Brewers Wang Wei-chung. The Taiwanese left-hander used 13 pitches to complete one inning against the St. Louis Cardinals. He gave up one hit and no runs, and his fastball reached 93 miles per hour. The Brewers lost 4-0, but took away some joy from their rookie’s strong performance.

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黃安捷發出聲明,說自己受到太陽花學運啟發,才有辭去董事長的勇氣,並且希望推動智邦的世代交替, 對此,員工正面看待。


黃安捷還說,透過這次學運,他反思這一代的人留給年輕人什麼? 他相信年輕人絕對有能力扛起未來責任,但也需要空間發展,因此他要將舞台留給年輕人,接下來將投入公益事業。


A surprise came yesterday when the chairman of a router and Ethernet switch producer cited the student-led Sunflower Movement as a reason for resigning. Accton Chairman Huang An-jie 黃安捷was impressed by the composure of students who occupied the Legislature in protest and said he wanted to create space for a generational transition at his company. 

During normal working hours, employees shuttle in and out of this building, which houses router and Ethernet switch producer Accton. Markets were surprised when Accton Chairman Huang An-jie suddenly announced his resignation. They were even more surprised to learn that he named the student-led Sunflower Movement as a reason for resigning. 

In a statement, Huang said the Sunflower Movement gave him the courage to leave his post to allow for a generational transition. Staff responded positively.

Accton Employee
I think generational change is generally needed. He’s a good person.

Huang said the student movement led him to reflect on what his generation is leaving to young people. He believes that young adults have the ability to bear great responsibility, but they need room to develop. For these reasons he resigned and will devote his skills to charity. 

Effects of the Sunflower Movement continue to spread. A wide range of groups appreciate the power of this youth movement.

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[[台大哲學系學生 洪崇晏]]



A philosophy student gave a public apology today for inflammatory comments he made last week during a protest outside Taipei’s Zhongzheng First Precinct. Hung Chung-yen 洪崇晏had said that the police chief who ordered the forced expulsion of demonstrators gathered at the entrance of the Legislature would bring about his own assassination. 

Bowing down, National Taiwan University philosophy student Hung Chung-yen apologized three times for his actions last Friday night. Hung was among more than 1,000 protesters who gathered outside Zhongzheng First Precinct, Taipei. They demonstrated against the forced expulsion of demonstrators from the entrance of the Legislature and a threat from the precinct to never grant the Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan another assembly and parade permit.

That night, Hung said of precinct chief Fang Yang-ning, quote: “You will cause the decimation of the Ma government. You will cause your own assassination.”

Hung Chung-yen
NTU Student
I am willing to give my sincerest apology for any harm I caused to him, any damage to his rights or negative impressions felt by society. I also want to say sorry.

Today Chief Fang appeared at Taipei City Council. He was asked whether his expulsion of the alliance protesters was carried out following an order from Taipei City Police Commissioner Huang Sheng-yung. After praising the commissioner, Fang said he himself would shoulder all responsibility.

After hearing that the NTU student, Hung, wants to apologize in person, Fang said he felt the request was sincere but that a meeting was unnecessary.

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[[新北市長 朱立倫]]

[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]
“國民黨是執政黨, 所以國民黨應該有很多人事管道,可以讓我們各階層的人才 有歷練的機會”

但在學運期間,反服貿聲浪高漲時,朱立倫就表態發展經濟未必指望中國; 郝龍斌也支持服貿逐條審查,胡志強更表態,服貿應該嚴格把關。三人態度,和馬政府有差距,讓外界質疑,後馬時代的接班爭奪戰,已悄悄展開。

In the wake of the Sunflower Movement, political parties are placing greater emphasis on generational change. Municipal leaders who could soon take over as leaders of the KMT addressed this issue today. 

The topic of "generational transition" is beginning to gain traction and has even spread to pan-blue politicians. Two who could benefit are KMT municipal leaders Eric Chu and Hau Lung-bin.

Eric Chu
New Taipei City Mayor
Generational change means passing the baton to the next generation. We should cultivate more young people, give them the chance to prepare and provide them with opportunities. Each party should work hard to do this. The DPP is doing this and of the course the KMT will do the same.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The KMT is the ruling party, so it should have a lot of people in the personnel pipeline and people at all levels who have the chance to gain experience. 

At the height of the Sunflower Movement, when opposition to the services trade pact peaked, Chu stated that economic development shouldn’t be solely dependent on China. Hau supported a line-by-line review of the trade pact. And Taichung Mayor Jason Hu reiterated his stance that rigorous review of the pact was needed. The attitude of these three municipal leaders strays from that of President Ma Ying-jeou and could signal that jockeying has begun over who will succeed Ma.

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[[前行政院長 謝長廷 ]


One day after Tsai Ing-wen emerged as the sole candidate to become the next DPP chairperson, she faced a challenge from a former contender. Former Premier Frank Hsieh urged Tsai to adopt a China policy that at least 60 percent of voters can accept. Otherwise, Hsieh believes the DPP will fail to achieve its goals. 

A race once expected to include Su Tseng-chang, Frank Hsieh and Tsai Ing-wen has been narrowed to just one. Only Tsai says she will run for DPP chairperson, but that hasn’t stopped Hsieh from seeking the limelight.

Hsieh was reluctant to speak about the DPP chairperson race. It seems certain Tsai will win, but for the DPP to win over voters, Hsieh says it will need a China policy better than the one Tsai put forward ahead of the 2012 presidential election, which was written off by critics as being empty.

Frank Hsieh
Former Premier
For cross-strait policy, I hope for a clear, feasible and new position that can win the support of 60 to 70 percent of the people. Only then can we achieve our final goal.

Topics the DPP must face include the cross-strait services trade pact, the year-end elections and party reform. Tsai will have to tackle these directly if the DPP hopes to effectively fulfill its role as the lead opposition party.

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[[台北市市長 郝龍斌]]


[[公投護台灣聯盟召集人 蔡丁貴]]


Most students are expected to leave the Legislature tomorrow evening, though some demonstrators have vowed to remain in the outside square. That leaves the potential for conflict as Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin has said that the city wants the entire Legislature and surrounding areas back to “normal” by Friday morning. 

The Sunflower Movement will hand the Legislature back to lawmakers on Thursday. Student leaders Lin Fei-fan and Chen Wei-ting have already called on supporters to gather outside the lawmaking body for when the students emerge. Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin says demonstrators who refuse to leave will be expelled.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
As much as possible, the National Police Agency and the Taipei City Police Department will rely on “soft” tactics. We want the entire Legislature and surrounding areas back to normal quickly.

There will be a force of 1,600 officers led by the city police and supported by the National Police Agency. They will be stationed at the Legislature and the Executive Yuan. Tension is high due to several groups of protesters who have vowed to continue their demonstration outside the Legislature.

Tsai Ting-kuey
Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan
We can yield the legislative assembly but not the square. What’s most important is that the square is opened to the people. If there are a lot of people, the police won’t be able to take action.

Before dawn on Friday, the police want the Legislature and surrounding roads cleared. Tents, banners and other goods will be removed. Demonstrators who refuse to go will be urged to leave and, if necessary, forcibly expelled.

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[[新黨青年軍 王炳忠]]


“我們以為在這裡集合,結果沒有遇到(遊行隊伍) “




[[學生代表 吳崢]]


Another protest in Taipei’s Neihu District today targeted KMT Legislator Alex Tsai. More than a hundred police and Tsai supporters were on hand to defend the lawmaker’s office, but they had little to do as most of the demonstrators were busy spreading their message through the neighborhoods. 

After members of the Free Taiwan Front announced a protest against KMT Legislator Alex Tsai, police went on alert. At the lawmaker’s office they expelled a person who said he’s good friends with Tsai.

Wang Puchen
New Party
I’m here to oppose the way these students surround a lawmaker like this. Their actions are like a kind of black terror.

More than a hundred officers guarded Tsai’s Neihu office. They were joined by close to 100 Tsai supporters. The impressive defense warded off four confused student protesters.

Student Protester
I thought we were meeting here. But we didn’t see the marchers.

Those protesting against Tsai never planned to come to the office. They were only marching in his electoral district.

Student Protester
We call on all residents and voters of Neihu to join our event to expel Tsai from office.

This student protester is a Neihu voter.

Wu Jheng
Student Protester
Legislator Tsai, we don’t need an arrogant representative like you. We don’t need a representative who doesn’t listen to popular opinion like you. We don’t need a representative who is irresponsible like you.

The police who turned out to guard Tsai’s office ended up just expelling the supporters there to defend it.

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