[[東港區漁會總幹事 林漢丑]]
For the first time ever a boat registered in Donggang, Pingtung caught the first bluefin tuna of the season. For the past 12 years the first bluefin tuna had been caught by boats from Siaoliouciou.
This boat docked in Donggang attracted lots of attention on Tuesday as it displayed a tuna that could potentially win this fishing competition.
The competition for the first tuna of the year only applies to bluefin tuna pulled in live and weighing at least 180 kilograms. Boats must be registered in Kaohsiung or Pingtung, and the first to return to harbor is judged the winner. An incentive for fishermen is the fact that the first tuna caught typically fetches a very good price at auction.
This fishing boat displays two bluefin tuna. After inspection, one was officially deemed winner of the competition.
Lin Han-chou
Donggang Fishermen’s Association
The heavier fish is male, which means it has more flesh, is more fibrous and has higher quality oil, so we decided to make it the winner.
The winning fish is estimated to weigh more than 300 kilograms and is expected to fetch upwards of NT$1 million. Catching two of these bluefin tunas at once led this fishing boat captain to quickly sail 30 hours back to Donggang. Winning the competition made the extra effort quite worthwhile.