[[新北市長 朱立倫]]
[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]
“國民黨是執政黨, 所以國民黨應該有很多人事管道,可以讓我們各階層的人才 有歷練的機會”
但在學運期間,反服貿聲浪高漲時,朱立倫就表態發展經濟未必指望中國; 郝龍斌也支持服貿逐條審查,胡志強更表態,服貿應該嚴格把關。三人態度,和馬政府有差距,讓外界質疑,後馬時代的接班爭奪戰,已悄悄展開。
In the wake of the Sunflower Movement, political parties are placing greater emphasis on generational change. Municipal leaders who could soon take over as leaders of the KMT addressed this issue today.
The topic of "generational transition" is beginning to gain traction and has even spread to pan-blue politicians. Two who could benefit are KMT municipal leaders Eric Chu and Hau Lung-bin.
Eric Chu
New Taipei City Mayor
Generational change means passing the baton to the next generation. We should cultivate more young people, give them the chance to prepare and provide them with opportunities. Each party should work hard to do this. The DPP is doing this and of the course the KMT will do the same.
Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The KMT is the ruling party, so it should have a lot of people in the personnel pipeline and people at all levels who have the chance to gain experience.
At the height of the Sunflower Movement, when opposition to the services trade pact peaked, Chu stated that economic development shouldn’t be solely dependent on China. Hau supported a line-by-line review of the trade pact. And Taichung Mayor Jason Hu reiterated his stance that rigorous review of the pact was needed. The attitude of these three municipal leaders strays from that of President Ma Ying-jeou and could signal that jockeying has begun over who will succeed Ma.