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Does a 600-year-old Chinese map prove that Christopher Columbus was not the first international explorer to navigate the New World?


’The traditional story of Columbus discovering the New World is absolute fantasy, it’s fairy tales," Gavin Menzies, 76, the author of "Who Discovered America?" said in an interview with the Daily Mail.


Menzies says that the Chinese map, found in a bookstore and created in the 18th century, is attributed to Chinese Admiral Zheng He and shows a detailed map of America dating back to 1418. That would place Zheng He’s efforts some 70 years ahead of Columbus. In fact, Menzies says Columbus used a copy of Zheng He’s map to plot his own voyage.


However, not everyone is sold on the theory. Menzies has been derided as a "pseudo-historian" by critics, who say his claims are grandiose and not based in historical fact.



fairy tale:名詞,童話;謊言。

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A Pakistani girl who survived an assassination attempt by the Taliban has been honored as Harvard University’s humanitarian of the year.


Malala Yousafzai, an outspoken proponent for girls’ education, was at Harvard on Friday to accept the 2013 Peter J. Gomes Humanitarian Award. Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust said she was pleased to welcome Malala because of their shared interest in education.


Malala was shot in the head last October. Militants said she was attacked because she was critical of the Taliban, not because of her views on education.


The 16-year-old Malala said she hopes to become a politician because politicians can have influence on a broad scale.


She spoke nostalgically about her home region, the Swat Valley, and said she hopes to return someday. She called it a ``paradise’’ but described a dangerous area where militants blew up dozens of schools and sought to discourage girls from going to school by snatching pens from their hands. Students, she said, reacted by hiding their books under their shawls so people wouldn’t know they were going to school.


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Ms. Marvel, the 1960s-era comic book heroine is making a comeback. But in the iconic character’s next incarnation, she will look very different. The role of the previously blonde, blue-eyed Ms. Marvel will be filled by a Muslim teen, Kamala Khan.


Khan, a 16-year-old high school student who lives in Jersey City with her Pakistani immigrant parents, can grow and shrink parts of her body and shape shift into other forms. But her real power might reside in helping teach the American public about what it means to grow up as a Muslim girl in the United States, activists said. Khan is the first Muslim lead character in a Marvel comic series.


"She is going to be a window into the American Muslim experience," said Fatemeh Fakhraie, the founder of Muslimah Media Watch, a forum on Muslim women’s representation in popular culture.


Ms. Marvel’s editor Sana Amanat calls the series a "desire to explore the Muslim-American diaspora from an authentic perspective" and what it means to be young and lost amid expectations by others while also telling the story of a teenager coming to grips with having amazing powers.



make a comback:片語,指重整旗鼓、捲土重來,如After ten years in retirement, the singer made a comeback.(在退出歌壇10年後,這位歌手又捲土重來。)

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An American rapper has apologised for a "boneheaded" dive off a 35ft lighting rig during a London gig that put him and two of his fans in hospital.


According to a posting on his Facebook page, George Watsky injured a man and broke a woman’s arm when he landed on top of them at Alexandra Palace.


The 27-year-old said his actions were "stupid and wildly irresponsible" and that he had "no excuse".


Footage of the jump and its aftermath has been posted online. It shows Watsky climb a rope ladder up to a gantry then leap off it, apparently without any warning.


Organisers halted the Vans Warped punk rock show so that the rapper and those he fell on could be stretchered out of the venue.

演唱會主辦者中止這場Vans Warped龐克搖滾演出,以便這名饒舌歌手和被他落在身上的人能被以擔架送出場就醫。

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Members of a Mormon congregation in the U.S. encountered someone they thought was a homeless man at church on Sunday.


What they did not know was the man was a bishop for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


At least five people asked David Musselman to leave the church property in the Salt Lake City suburb, some gave him money and most were indifferent.


He said he disguised himself as a homeless man to teach his congregation a lesson about compassion.


He even asked a makeup expert to transform his face to that of a stranger not even his family recognized.


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Laws discriminating against gays can constitute grounds for granting asylum, the European Union’s highest court said on Thursday in response to a request by Dutch judges for guidance.


The ruling related to three Africans seeking asylum in the Netherlands who told Dutch authorities they feared persecution for their sexual orientation if they returned.


But the issue is also part of a diplomatic row that flared up last month between the Netherlands and Russia.


After Dutch police entered the flat of a Russian diplomat and, according to Moscow, roughed him up, a Dutch diplomat was beaten in his home by masked assailants who scrawled "LGBT" (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) in lipstick on the mirror of his Moscow apartment.


This week, Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans said a new Russian law banning the spreading of gay "propaganda" could be grounds for asylum in the Netherlands.


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People who regularly eat nuts appear to live longer, according to the largest study of its kind.


The findings, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggested the greatest benefit was in those munching on a daily portion.


The US team said nut eaters were likely to also have healthy lifestyles, but the nuts themselves were also contributing to their longer lifespan.


The British Heart Foundation said more research was needed to prove the link.


The study followed nearly 120,000 people for 30 years. The more regularly people consumed nuts, the less likely they were to die during the study.


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Police on Friday were looking for the driver of a convertible seen driving down the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps made famous in the movie "Rocky."


Several people posted online videos showing the car slowly making its way down the long, wide outdoor staircase in fits and starts at about midnight Thursday. The car then speeds off.


A photographer who calls himself Hugh E Dillon and who runs the local entertainment website PhillyChitChat.com posted one of the videos. Dillon said he lives nearby and happened upon the stunt.


Officer Christine O’Brien, a police spokeswoman, said no officer witnessed the episode, but added that the recording appears to be legitimate and investigators were "watching the video on YouTube that everyone has seen."


Police earlier told reporters they also planned to review surveillance video to try to find the car and its driver, who could face citations for reckless driving and driving on the sidewalk, among others. (AP)


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An advance group of international inspectors arrived in Syria on Tuesday to begin the ambitious task of overseeing the destruction of President Bashar Assad’s chemical weapons program.


Twenty inspectors from a Netherlands-based chemical weapons watchdog crossed into Syria from neighboring Lebanon on their way to Damascus, to begin their complex mission of finding, dismantling and ultimately destroying an estimated 1,000-ton chemical arsenal.


The experts have about nine months to complete the task, which has been endorsed by a U.N. Security Council resolution that calls for Syria’s chemical stockpile to be eliminated by mid-2014.


Experts at The Hague, where the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is based, said Sunday the inspectors’ priority is to achieve the first milestone of helping Syria scrap its ability to manufacture chemical weapons by a Nov. 1 deadline, using every means possible.


That may include smashing mixing equipment with sledgehammers, blowing up delivery missiles, driving tanks over empty shells or filling them with concrete, and running machines without lubricant so they seize up and become inoperable.(AP)


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A cinema group in Sweden has introduced a controversial new gender bias rating to shine a spotlight on sexism in films, but critics said the move could lead to self-censorship.


To receive the new "A" rating, films must feature at least two named female actors who have a conversation about anything other than a man.


The rating is based on a test made popular in 1985 by the comic strip artist Alison Bechdel. While the so-called Bechdel Test seems easy enough, many blockbusters actually fail to make the grade, including "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy and the "Star Wars" films.


The rating project has the enthusiastic support of the state-owned Swedish Film Institute, which provides funding for virtually every homegrown Swedish movie -- and all 23 films released last year.


Nevertheless, the body’s vocal support for the gender bias rating has led critics to complain about state interference in Swedish cultural life.


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Envoys from almost 190 nations endorsed a program that sets out steps toward the next agreement aimed at reducing global warming, after accepting a compromise that watered down the responsibilities of developing nations such as India and China.


Delegates at a United Nations conference in Warsaw backed a plan from India and China calling for all nations to make ’’contributions’’ to reducing fossil-fuel emissions within the next two years. The language was less strict than the ’’commitments’’ suggested by the U.S. and Europe.


The conference ran a day behind schedule amid divisions between richer nations and poorer ones about who was responsible for climate change and who must move first.


The envoys had locked horns on finance. The typhoon that devastated the Philippines in early November also amplified the anger of developing countries that industrial nations are backtracking on previous pledges.


Japan, Australia and Canada have watered down commitments on emissions. The Warsaw talks mark the first time since the UN started these discussions in 1992 that ambitions have been scaled back.


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“Not a day goes by when someone doesn’t tell me that they saw my pictures posted on Match.com or another web site,” says Yuliana Avalos, a Florida mom and part-time model who never actually signed up for the site.


The popular dating site is engaging in “one of the biggest conspiracies ever executed on the Internet,” the class-action Manhattan Federal Court suit says.


“Thousands” of others, including celebrities, soldiers and adult actresses, have had their pictures plucked from Facebook and other sites and used for bogus profiles as well – even though they ’’are not and never were”members of Match’s dating sites, the suit says.


Inflating the number of profiles on Match and its other 25 dating sites is good for their business.


The suit also says the company could easily crack down on the numerous bogus profiles by using facial recognition software, but chooses not to.


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A four-year-old boy has stunned psychologists—after intelligence tests revealed him to have the same IQ as Einstein.


Sherwyn Sarabi has tested off the scale for intelligence—scoring an IQ of 160—the highest mark on the test.


It’s the same score that experts believe scientist Einstein had, as well as being identical to that of Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.


Sherwyn from Barnsley, Yorks, started school two years early and became a member of Mensa at the age of three.


He spoke his first words aged just 10 months and has been amazing his parents, teachers and doctors ever since.


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They were able to turn off the urge in mice while leaving the animals’ other senses, such as touch and temperature, intact.


It is hoped that a deeper understanding of itching could eventually lead to therapies for patients with chronic itch.


The study was published in the journal Science.


The team at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the US National Institutes of Health, bred mice that were unable to produce a chemical called Nppb. It is a small signalling chemical that allows brain cells to communicate with each other.


Mice without the chemical looked and acted like other mice, except "when we exposed the mice to several itch-inducing substances, it was amazing to watch, nothing happened, the mice wouldn’t scratch".


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If you’re going to win the lottery, you’ve got to first remember that you’ve played the lottery. Karen Gentry remembered with only hours to spare, and she’s a fair bit wealthier for it.


On Tuesday, Karen Gentry of Alexandria, Va., just happened to see a news report that a Virginia Cash 5 winning ticket worth $100,000 was only hours from expiring.

住在維吉尼亞州亞力山卓的凱琳.堅崔,週二無意間看到一則新聞報導,說是獎金10萬美元的Virginia Cash 5中獎彩券,只剩幾小時就過期無法兌獎了。

"Would you leave a $100,000 lying around on your coffee table for anyone to grab?" ran the Virginia Lottery’s plea to players. "Probably not. But one Virginia Lottery player may be unknowingly doing just that."


Then Gentry remembered that she’d bought a ticket a few months back and had tucked it away in her kitchen.


"So I looked, and there it was!" she told the Virginia Lottery. "I called my husband and he said, ’Yeah, right.’"


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Poor Africans say they are still not benefiting from the continent’s economic rise, according to a landmark survey of citizens across 34 countries released on Tuesday.


Despite some of the world’s highest economic growth rates, many Africans still report shortages of water, food, healthcare and cash according to an Afrobarometer survey of over 50,000 people.


"Meeting their basic daily needs remains a major challenge for a majority of Africans, even at a time when their countries are reporting impressive economic gains," the survey found.


The continent’s economy is expected to grow by almost five percent this year.


But half of survey respondents said they occasionally lacked food, clean water, and medicine. One in five said they face frequent shortages.


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A biographer of Jane Austen has accused the Bank of England of making the author look "dim-witted" in its choice of portrait for the new £10 note.


"Jane Austen is the funniest writer to walk this planet, and she’s been made to look dim-witted," said Paula Byrne author of The Real Jane Austen. "I can’t believe they have gone for such a saccharine picture. Jane Austen was a supreme social satirist, and some of her writing was quite dark, but they’ve chosen a picture that makes her look a really cosy, middle-class writer."


Byrne said: "I think it is brilliant that she’s on the note, it’s just that it would have been better to show her as much more spiky, rather than suggest that she was a saccharine writer."


She said the Bank should have used an original sketch of the author, by her sister Cassandra. This is the only known picture done during her lifetime, and shows the author sitting arms folded and without a flicker of a smile.


The portrait used on the £10 was done in 1870, more than 50 years after Austen’s death, and is based on the earlier sketch. It was commissioned to illustrate a memoir by Austen’s nephew, James Edward Austen Leigh, but Byrne said even Austen’s remaining family said it was not a proper likeness.


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An amorous Italian couple’s love-making became so noisy that a neighbour spread the word locally and even invited his friends to listen in, it’s reported.


The story came to light after police were forced to intervene in a row at an apartment block in the northern town of Reggio Emilia, local paper Gazzetta di Reggio reports.


"Their moments of intimacy, perhaps a bit too noisy, aroused the interest of the ’classic’ nosy and meddling neighbour," the paper reports. "Not content with listening to the couple’s effusions, he spread the word in the local bar and even invited his friends around to eavesdrop," it says.


The story reached its climax when the couple got wind of what their neighbour was doing and confronted him. A heated row ensued and the police were called.


The neighbour is being investigated for possible disorderly conduct. The paper describes the tale as like something out of Boccaccio’s Decameron, the classic medieval collection of love stories, many of them bawdy.


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Police on Friday were looking for the driver of a convertible seen driving down the Philadelphia Museum of Art steps made famous in the movie "Rocky."


Several people posted online videos showing the car slowly making its way down the long, wide outdoor staircase in fits and starts at about midnight Thursday. The car then speeds off.


A photographer who calls himself Hugh E Dillon and who runs the local entertainment website PhillyChitChat.com posted one of the videos. Dillon said he lives nearby and happened upon the stunt.


Officer Christine O’Brien, a police spokeswoman, said no officer witnessed the episode, but added that the recording appears to be legitimate and investigators were "watching the video on YouTube that everyone has seen."


Police earlier told reporters they also planned to review surveillance video to try to find the car and its driver, who could face citations for reckless driving and driving on the sidewalk, among others. (AP)


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Rival Dutch- and French-speaking communities in Belgium are at each others’ throats again -- this time over the loan of two giant pandas by China to the linguistically divided nation.


"Pandas, a question of national interest," said La Libre Belgique as the country worried over the long-negotiated and now contentious deal.


The problem is that the rare bears, a reliable draw for visitors, are to be housed in a zoo in French-speaking southern Wallonia, not far from the city of Mons whose last mayor is none other than Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo.


And Belgium’s oldest and most well-known zoo, the Antwerp Zoo set up in 1843, located in the heart of the port city of Antwerp in northern Flanders, is indignant to have lost out to the Pairi Daiza animal park set up a couple of decades ago. (AFP)



at each others’ throats:慣用語,相互爭執或拳腳相向。例句:My cat and my dog are always at each other’s throats.(我的貓跟我的狗總是打來打去。)

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