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不過,以下這則報導是關於兩個罕病兒老爸,其中一位「潘爸」為了平腦症的女兒,放棄工作、全年無休。而另一位「勇爸」,兒子罹患小胖威力症,胃口總是大得像無底洞,即使太太選擇逃避 不告而別,他依舊堅強地獨自扛起,撫養兒子的重擔。帶您看這些爸爸,如何勇敢面對生命中的意外考驗。



[映竹父親 潘于岡]


[映竹父親 潘于岡]


[映竹父親 潘于岡]


[映竹父親 潘于岡]





[[勇爸 蔡?達]]
他吃過 餿水也吃 生肉也吃。

不管能吃 不能吃 全往嘴裡塞,阿勇因為患有小胖威利症的關係,小小年紀也併發了像是糖尿病、高血壓、高血脂和脊椎側彎等問題,智商也只停留在小一小二的階段。由於阿勇的媽媽發現這是不治之症,在阿勇出生沒多久,就選擇離家出走了。

[[勇爸 蔡?達]]
其實我有跟智勇講過,說我已經跟他媽媽離婚了,我覺得他已經長大了,可以跟他講,因為他每次到學校看到他喜歡的人,他都會去叫人家媽媽 ,其實他心裡面很想要一個媽媽,但是我覺得 這個是我虧欠他的,因為 我沒辦法給他,一個很健全的家庭。

平時以開計程車為生,兼當舞廳鼓手的勇爸,只要有空 就會把阿勇從特殊學校接回來自己看管。


The local rock band Sleepy Dads rose to prominence following a popular documentary and an award for best original film song at the Golden Horse Awards. What sets the band members apart is that each of them has a child who suffers from a rare disease. Tonight we look at what life is like for two of these fathers who dedicate their time to the children who desperately need them. 

These six middle-aged men have a combined age of 300 years. They form an amateur rock group called Sleepy Dads, which was featured in the recent film “Rock Me to the Moon.” Aside from a love of music, what they have in common is caring for children who suffer from rare, incurable diseases.

The harmonica player, Mr. Pan, is a former military serviceman who opened a cram school after retirement. At the age of 44 he had a daughter, Ying-chu, 映竹 who suffers from the debilitating “smooth brain” disorder.

Pan Yu-gang
Father of Rare Disease Sufferer
Ying-chu映竹 is sleeping. After her tracheotomy she has depended on a lot of machines, such as a respirator, a suction machine and a cough assist machine.

Ying-chu’s smooth brain syndrome occurred in utero, with the incomplete development of the brain resulting in mental retardation and severe developmental delays. Pre-natal tests did not detect these problems and now she must rely on prescription drugs.

Pan Yu-gang 
Father of Rare Disease Sufferer
From the eighth month she began experiencing daily epileptic attacks. She had to consume four different types of drugs for treatment.

Ying-chu is now 18 years old. The many medical instruments in her room give the icy feel of a hospital ward. Her IQ remains that of an infant and she requires 24-hour care.

Pan Yu-gang
Father of Rare Disease Sufferer 
I’m at a level where I can sense her situation. When needed I wake up, quickly suction out phlegm to make her more comfortable, then go back to sleep. I usually go to bed holding her hand.

Pan says anxiety made his wife scared of caring for Ying-chu. She left full responsibility to him. Over the past 18 years, Pan hasn’t slept more than four hours continuously.

Pan Yu-gang
Father of Rare Disease Sufferer 
You have to confront the disease and accept it. This is very important because if you face it and accept it, your original values change. You have to throw away everything that you used to know and value.

To care for Ying-chu, Pan closed his cram school and relied on earlier savings. When the weather is good, he takes her outdoors. As long as there’s a paved path, this father and daughter duo tries to pay a visit.

Because of the seriousness of Ying-chu’s illness and her uncertain future, Pan treasures every moment he spends with his daughter. He is trying to give her a life that is as close as possible to normal and hopes to create long-lasting memories.

Tsai Yung-da is another member of the rock group Sleepy Dads. He serves as their drummer when he’s not busy caring for his son, A-yung.

A-yung suffers from Prader-Willi syndrome, which includes symptoms such as talking back to people and an insatiable appetite. If left unsupervised, his love of food could threaten his health. 

Tsai Yung-da 
Father of Rare Disease Sufferer
He’s eaten raw meat and even drank rancid water.

A-yung simply stuffs everything in his mouth. This led to childhood obesity and a number of other problems related to Prader-Willi syndrome, such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and scoliosis. A-yung’s mental development is stuck at the level of a typical first or second grader. Fearing these future challenges, A-yung’s mother chose to leave the household soon after giving birth.

Tsai Yung-da 
Father of Rare Disease Sufferer 
Actually, I’ve talked with (A-yung) and told him that I divorced his mother long ago. I felt he was old enough to hear this. Every time he goes to school and sees a woman he likes he calls her “mother.” I think this is because he really wants a mother. This is something I owe him, but I can’t give him a totally normal family.

A-yung’s father drives a taxi for a living and plays drums in a ballroom band. Whenever he has time, he picks up A-yung and takes him home from his special needs school to personally care for him.

While one father spends nights moonlighting at various jobs to support his family, another father has shown total devotion to the care of his daughter. Both of these remarkable parents show tenderness toward their family as well as resilience in the face of life’s many challenges.

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民眾抱怨,這種濕冷天氣到底要持續很久? 連日的低溫,也讓周六全台猝死人數,上看50人。不過這波低溫特報,更可望在週一解除。

[[氣象局預報員 謝佩芸]]


A deadly cold spell is about to come to an end. Forecasters expect a slight increase in temperatures over the next several days, which is good news for people taking part in outdoor activities this New Year’s. But clouds could damper the spirits of those hoping to catch 2014’s first sunrise in eastern Taiwan. 

The cold, wet weather of late has left people asking how much longer it will continue. A frightening consequence was apparent Saturday, when 50 people are said to have died in part owing to the cold. Relief will come soon when temperatures ease somewhat on Monday.

Hsieh Pei-yun
CWB Forecaster
Over the next week temperatures will gradually rise, but not by much, says forecaster Hsieh Pei-yun. Probably about a degree a day.

The Central Weather Bureau predicts that lows will be 13 to 15 degrees on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Only in Central Taiwan, where radiative cooling is expected to be strong, could they fall to 12 degrees. As for rain, moisture remains heavy in the atmosphere. Precipitation is expected to ease in the north, but it won’t stop.

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根據民進黨立委薛凌提供的資料,今年聖誕節到跨年活動,新北市政府花了3500萬排名全台第一,台中市花1800多萬,排名第二,台北市不含3000萬的101焰火,就燒了1200萬。 地方政府動輒花千萬元辦跨年,有人支持有人反對。

“浪費錢 就..很沒意義啊,可以用在別的用途,就是一些弱勢團體吧”





文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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Before the launch of the new toll collection system, Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection faced a surge in eTag applications. On Friday and Saturday, a record 30,000 plus people installed this digital sticker, which is used to log freeway travel. 

But even after the new toll collection system begins, freeway users will have a one-year buffer period to install eTag. Photos will be taken of vehicles that do not have eTag or another electronic toll collection device. Charges will then be calculated and sent to the vehicle owner.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[泰山站收費員 林淑霞]]
其實我們是早有心理準備,只是面對的時候,心裡還是很不捨 因為這邊我們真的是(在這裡)生活十幾年了。

[[泰山站收費員 翁慈憶]]


Taiwan is just minutes away from launching the world’s first fully electronic toll collection system. Starting from midnight tonight toll charges will be based on distance traveled, and there will be a three-day free buffer period for drivers to become accustomed to the change. But those who face the biggest shock are the toll workers who will now need to find employment elsewhere. 

Demolition of this toll booth has already begun. Freeway tolls will soon be entirely based on distance traveled, though some drivers still aren’t clear about the formula to be used.

To help, Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection printed half a million copies of a special table. 

The table calculates charges to within NT$4. Another option is to go online.

A link on the National Freeway Bureau website lets you enter a starting and ending point to determine the toll. It also shows the 10 percent discount available to eTag users. 

The switch to the fully-electronic toll collection system eliminates the need for toll booth workers. Today was their last day of work. Some were upset, while others were resigned to the loss.

Lin Shu-hsia
Toll Booth Worker
We were already prepared for this, says this toll booth worker. But still, it’s difficult to let go. After all, we have worked here for more than a decade.

Weng Tsi-yi
Toll Booth Worker
I have mixed emotions, but there’s nothing I can do, says this toll booth worker. This is government policy, and we just have to accept it.

Some freeway users offered red envelopes and cards to the workers. These tokens of support were especially appreciated by those who couldn’t be transferred into another position and will soon face unemployment.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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Reports say that a Cabinet reshuffle could take place early next year. 

Those who could find their way out the door or transferred include Interior Minister Lee Hong-yuan, head economic planner Kuan Chung-ming, Economics Minister Chang Chia-juch, Health Minister Chiu Wen-ta, and Cabinet spokeswoman Cheng Li-wun.

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Three US judges have rejected lawsuits demanding that chimpanzees be recognized as people with fundamental rights, an animal charity said Tuesday.


The Nonhuman Rights Project petitioned three courts in New York State in a bid to have the four chimpanzees moved to a sanctuary.


It based its petitions on behalf of chimpanzees Tommy, Kiko, Hercules and Leo on the principle of habeas corpus, which in New York allowed slaves to establish their right to freedom.


But all three judges threw out the applications on the grounds that habeas corpus does not apply to an animal.


The organization says Tommy is held in a cage at a used trailer lot while 26-year-old Kiko is deaf and living in a private home.


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Think kindly of the dragon Smaug. Shed a tear for Gollum. And give an orc a hug.


If only they had tucked into the occasional quiche and salad or a touch of smoked salmon, or had a few sessions on a sunbed. How much kinder history would have been to them.


So suggests an offbeat study which concludes that the evil characters in J.R.R. Tolkien’s "The Hobbit" lost their battle against men, elves and dwarves because they suffered from vitamin deficiency.


Shunning sunlight, surviving on a sketchy or unbalanced diet based on rotten meat, they lacked vitamin D, a key component for healthy bones and muscle strength.


The idea is proposed by Nicholas Hopkinson, a doctor at Imperial College London and his son Joseph.


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There will be more mobile subscriptions than people in the world by the end of next year, according to a UN agency report. The International Telecoms Union predicts that subscriptions will pass seven billion early in 2014.


There are currently 6.8 billion mobile subscriptions and 7.1 billion people.


The ITU World in 2013 report also found that more than a third of the global population are online.


The Commonwealth of Independent States, the alliance of countries formerly in the Soviet Union, has the highest mobile penetration with 1.7 subscriptions for every person. Africa has the least, with 63 subscriptions per 100 inhabitants.



outnumber:動詞,數量超過。例句:In our office the women outnumber the men three to one.(我們辦公室女生比男生多,比例是3比1。)

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"Cronut," you just can’t win them all. On Wednesday, Dictionary.com announced that it had chosen "privacy" as its word of the year, beating out other finalists including the croissant-doughnut hybrid that became a national phenomenon in 2013.


Other finalists included "sequester," "shutdown," "share" and newly coined words such as "Obamacare" and "3D printing."


The dictionary website says it chose "privacy" over the other finalists in large part because of the debate over government surveillance programs led by groups such as the NSA that recently came under heightened scrutiny.


Dictionary.com defines "privacy" as "the state of being free from intrusion or disturbance in one’s private life and affairs."



you can’t win them (’em) all:慣用語,非正式用法,意指不可能在所有方面都成功。例句:A: I’m very disappointed I didn’t get the job. B: Oh well, you can’t win ’em all.(A:那份工作沒被錄取我很失望。B:唉呦,沒有人到處都吃得開的好不好。)

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An anti-corruption watchdog ranks the U.S. and Germany as the most active at enforcing rules prohibiting multinational companies from using bribes in foreign markets, but said Tuesday that half the world’s top exporters are doing little or nothing at all to investigate or prosecute offenders.


A new report from Transparency International showed only the U.S., Germany, Britain and Switzerland actively enforced the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention agreed upon by 40 major exporting countries.


The 1997 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development convention prohibits bribes to win contracts and licenses, or to dodge taxes and local laws.


At the same time, 20 countries that together account for about 27 percent of the world’s exports, including Group of 20 members Japan, Brazil, South Korea and the Netherlands, showed little or no enforcement, the watchdog said.


``The 40 countries, which represent more than two-thirds of global exports, would make it very hard to get away with bribery, if they lived up to the requirements of the OECD anti-bribery convention,’’ Transparency International head Hugette Labelle said in a statement. (AP)


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Dan slurped desperately on his pink nursing bottle and spilled milk all over the place, while his brother Tom patiently waited to take a swim in the family pool.


It would be a typical family scene if not for the fact that Dan and Tom tip the scales at 700 pounds, have claws that could slice a man in two and were raised along with seven other tigers sleeping in the beds of Ary Borges’ three daughters.


Borges also has two lions, a monkey, and a pet Chihuahua named Little inside his makeshift animal sanctuary, where man and beast live together in his spacious red-dirt compound, separated from the outside world by tall metal fences and high wooden walls.


The Brazilian family is now locked in a legal dispute for the cats, with federal wildlife officials working to take them away. While Borges does have a license to raise the animals, Brazilian wildlife officials say he illegally bred the tigers, creating a public danger.



slurp:動詞,吃喝(某物)時發出很大聲音。例句:He was slurping down his soup.(他喝湯時發出嘖嘖的聲音。)

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Civil unions should not be reserved for heterosexual couples, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled Thursday, condemning Greece for creating a "life partner" legal category that excludes gays.


Judges in Strasbourg said that authorities in Orthodox Christian Greece had not offered "convincing and weighty reasons capable of justifying the exclusion of same-sex couples" when passing a 2008 law.


Grigoris Vallianatos and Nikolaos Mylonas, two Greek gay men, alleged with three other couples that the law infringed their right to respect for their private and family life, a clause in the European Convention on Human Rights, and amounted to unjustified discrimination.


The court noted that European states have no obligation to provide some form of legal recognition for gay relationships. But of the 19 states which authorise some form of registered partnership other than marriage, Lithuania and Greece "are the only ones to reserve it exclusively for couples of the opposite sex," the Court said.


Fewer than half of the 47 signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights, of which the Court is the judicial enforcer, have introduced such alternatives to marriage.


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Faced with a proliferation of luxury housing and chain stores, America’s Chinatowns risk extinction as new immigrants are priced out of city centers, an advocacy group said Wednesday.


A study found that foreign-born residents have become a minority in the Chinatowns of New York, Boston and Philadelphia. The number of white residents has grown in all three neighborhoods since 1990 even as the white populations in all the cities as a whole declined.


"For many Asian Americans, Chinatown is an essential part of our heritage and history. But Chinatowns on the East Coast are on the verge of disappearing," said the report by the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund.


The report did not assess the large Chinese American communities on the West Coast, although they have witnessed broadly similar trends with a Wal-Mart controversially opening in September in Chinatown in Los Angeles. (AFP)




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A patriotic Russian group on Tuesday called for President Vladimir Putin to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his Syria diplomacy, claiming he was more deserving of the award than laureate US President Barack Obama.


A group that lists senior Russian officials among its members announced at a news conference that it had written to the Nobel prize committee backing Putin for the prize awarded to Obama in 2009.


The group says Putin deserves the honour for his efforts in brokering an agreement for Syria to hand over its chemical weapons under international control, a plan the group says helped avert a "new world war."


Ruling party lawmaker Iosif Kobzon, who is also a famous pop star, said that Putin was more deserving of the Nobel than Obama.


"Our president, who is trying to stop the war and suggest a political solution, is more worthy of such a title," Kobzon said.


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Diesel exhaust fumes alter the flowery smells that guide bees when they forage, potentially sending them off course and putting the food-growing industry at risk, a recent study said.


Honeybees rely heavily on their sense of smell to locate flowers from which they harvest life-giving nectar -- transferring pollen grains from one bloom to another in the process.


The new research shows that diesel exhaust fumes from cars, tractors or power generators can chemically alter the smell of flowers and render them undetectable to bees. This, in turn, threatens the insects’ crucial role as a key pollinators of human food crops.


"Somewhere in the region of 70 percent of world crops require pollination services, and... about 35 percent of our current food production is reliant on pollination," said study co-author Tracey Newman of the University of Southampton. Pollination services have an estimated economic value of 153 billion euros a year.



If the foraging bees are unable to find nectar, the entire hive will suffer for a lack of food -- as will the plants that depend on pollination to reproduce.

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Kate Barrett, 36, has written a thank you letter to the burglars who broke into her house and apologised for not having "particularly expensive tastes".


"Dear Burglars, Thanks for popping by the other night and we’re sorry we didn’t have more for you to take", she wrote in the letter.


She wrote that she and her partner, Dan Owens, were "disappointed" the thieves had ignored her VHS video and cassette collection.


"As you now know, we don’t have particularly expensive tastes so there’s no need to come in again, unless you would like to take my collection of VHS videos and cassettes - Dan is very disappointed you didn’t take these first time round."


The couple were both away and Miss Barrett got home first to discover the "ransacked" house.


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Africans were treated Sunday to a spectacular solar eclipse that swept across the continent, while sky-gazers in the United States and Europe also glimpsed the rare phenomenon.


A total eclipse could be seen over parts of Africa and one of the best views was in northern Kenya’s Sibiloi national park, where a few hundred tourists gathered on the edge of the desert lake Turkana.


Alongside the tourists were colourfully dressed Kenyans from the Turkana, Rendile and Dasanach tribes who cheered as the sky darkened.


But dramatic weather almost spoilt the show, with sandstorms, rain, a rainbow and heavy cloud all minutes before the eclipse, a photographer said.


These incredible pictures show the majesty and awe-inspiring beauty of last night’s solar eclipse.


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It is not a myth - women really are better than men at multitasking, at least in certain cases, a study says.


Men were slower and less organised than women when switching rapidly between tasks in tests by UK psychologists.


Both sexes struggled to cope with juggling priorities, but men suffered more on average, according to the paper in the journal BMC Psychology.


It says: "The question now is why? And is it all types of multitasking or only certain situations?"


The researchers hope to encourage more research on a topic which they say has attracted "astonishingly few" studies - considering how often the "women vs men" debate crops up in conversation.


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The amount of time asthma patients spend soaking up the sun may have an impact on the illness, researchers have suggested.


A team at King’s College London said low levels of vitamin D, which is made by the body in sunlight, was linked to a worsening of symptoms.


Its latest research shows the vitamin calms an over-active part of the immune system in asthma. However, treating patients with vitamin D has not yet been tested.


People with asthma can find it hard to breathe when their airways become inflamed, swollen and narrowed. Most people are treated with steroids, but the drugs do not work for all.




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