◎張沛元 2011/08/19
Two runaway circus elephants in Germany surprised passersby and police by showing up at a bus stop during a brief bid for freedom, officials in Hanover said.
Dunia, a 40-year-old Indian elephant, and her counterpart Daela, a 25-year-old African elephant, were apprehended by police near the western city of Hanover nonchalantly munching on tree leaves and looking for all the world as if they were waiting for the bus.
The pair had escaped from their enclosure at a nearby travelling circus and walked some 50 metres (165 feet) to the stop, police said.
"It was simply an unlucky situation for the circus," Hanover police spokesman Heiko Steiner said. "The two elephants were quite cooperative and peaceful. Everyone was amused."
If the two were trying to make an escape, they were not going far, Steiner said. The police station is only a stone’s throw from the bus stop.
runaway:名詞/形容詞,逃跑/逃跑的。例句:Have you ever seen Julia Roberts’ Runaway Bride?(你有沒有看過茱莉亞.羅勃茲主演的「落跑新娘」?)
for all the world like something:慣用語,很像~。例句:She looked for all the world like a movie star.(她看起來很像是電影明星。)
within a stone’s throw:慣用語,一石之遙,形容非常近。例句:The gas station was located within a stone’s throw of our house.(從我家走兩步路就到加油站。)