版主是湖人隊的球迷,2009 年的 NBA 季後賽由西區冠軍湖人隊與東區冠軍魔術隊爭奪總冠軍頭銜,第二戰兩隊戰得難分難解,廝殺到最後一刻才由老經驗的湖人隊勝出。本篇英文內容出自湖人隊官網,版主將其譯成中文,有興趣的網友不妨參考。講解內容如有錯誤,請不吝指正。
Lakers - Magic Running Diary 2
Published by Mike Trudellon June 7, 2009 in Finals, In-Game and Running Diary.
Lakers: Derek Fisher, Kobe Bryant, Trevor Ariza, Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum
Magic: Rafer Alston, Courtney Lee, Hedo Turkoglu, Rashard Lewis and Dwight Howard
First Quarter
12:00 American Idol winner Kris Allen sang the National Anthem.
12:00 美國偶像克里斯艾倫 (Kris Allen ) 演唱美國歌。
11:35 L.A.’s defensive rotations were solid, as they were all Game 1, to force a tough Alston shot (miss), but Bryant missed a pull up in transition as well. The rotations weren’t as crisp on the next possession, and Lee got to the hoop for a layup.
11:35 湖人隊的防守跟第一戰一樣非常嚴密,迫使艾斯頓勉強出手 (投籃未中),但在攻守轉換時,布蘭特急停跳投也失手。魔術第二次持球時,湖人補位不明確,讓李爾上籃得分。
10:43 Bynum’s first personal came away from the ball as he tried to prevent low post position to Howard, but Lewis was tagged with an offensive foul to send it back the other way.
10:43 拜能嘗試阻擋霍華德卡入低位,根本都沒有碰到球,便犯上第一次個人犯規。不過,路易斯隨後防守犯規,又交出球權。
10:16 L.A.’s first bucket was an Ariza triple as Orlando shifted towards Bryant, significant because L.A. took only three threes in Game 1. The Lakers, by the way, have not lost all season when wearing their white jerseys, which come out on Sundays and holidays.
10:16 魔術球員被布蘭特吸引過去,阿里沙三分命中,這是湖人首度得分。這顆三分球至關重要,湖人在第一戰只投進三個三分球。此外,湖人只要在星期天或者假日披上白色球衣上場作戰,整個球季都未曾吃過敗仗。
8:56 Just a lethal move to the left hand off a spin got Gasol a bucket around Lewis, but Turkoglu answered with a three to tie the score at 5. Moments later, Bynum’s second foul came trying to guard Howard, bringing Odom off the bench. Orlando was going to that matchup while L.A. opted for the Gasol-Lewis mismatch.
8:56 加索拿出致命武器,靠著路易斯以左手勾射得分。 特科格魯不甘示弱,投進一記三分球,將比數扳成 5 比 5 平手。隨後,拜能防守霍華德時又吃上個人第二次個人犯規,改由歐登從板凳上場接替,魔術想要利用這個對位防守來進攻,而湖人則打算要硬吃加索與路易斯不對稱的對位防守。
5:22 Here was the big lineup Stan Van Gundy referred to in practice: Marcin Gortat checked in at the four alongside Howard, which moved Lewis to the three and Turkoglu the two. L.A. led 10-6 after Bryant’s first jumper.
5:22 這就是范甘迪教練在練球時所稱的長人陣:戈泰特打第四號位置,與霍華德並肩作戰。路易斯改打第三號位置,特科格魯第二號位置。布蘭特首度跳投得分,湖人10 比 6 領先。
2:20 While the Magic offense runs less efficiently with Gortat and Howard both in, it helps them on the boards, and the Lakers had grabbed just one offensive board in a 13-13 tie as Howard hit 1-of-2 free throws.
2:20 魔術讓戈泰特與霍華德同時上場之後,進攻能力稍受影響,不過卻鞏固了籃板,讓湖人只抓下一個進攻籃板。霍華德兩罰一中,兩隊 13 比 13 平手。
1:29 Howard reached his Game 1 FG total (1) with a layup off his offensive board, though Gasol contested his next attempt, leading to a Fisher jumper at the other end to tie the score.
1:29 霍華德追平第一戰的投籃次數 (1),抓下進攻籃板後,在加索的防守之下,二次進攻上籃得分,但隨後費雪在另一端跳投得分,兩隊又戰成平手。
0:02.6 Howard’s offensive foul thwarted Orlando’s chance to take the lead heading into the second, and Bryant missed a deep pull-up three to end a low-scoring, poor shooting period from both teams at a 15-all draw.
0:02.6 霍華德進攻犯規,魔術無法將領先優勢帶入第二節,而且布蘭特深遠的三分跳投也失手。第一節結束兩隊 15 比 15 戰平。首節雙方得分極少,投籃命中率也極低。
In short, Orlando crowded Bryant early, and the primary recipients of the offense (Gasol and Ariza) both made only 1-of-5 shots from the field. The Lakers did, however, play well defensively so as not to take a hit on the scoreboard.
整體而言,魔術很早就包夾布蘭特,但獲益的進攻球員 (加索與阿里沙) 五投卻只有中一。不過,湖人的防守很好,分數才沒被對手拉開。
Second Quarter
11:42 With a mostly new unit on, Farmar used Bynum’s screen to hit an open J before Lewis countered at the other end with a layup.
11:42 幾乎是換上全新的球員,法馬靠著拜能的單擋,大空檔投籃命中。隨後,路易斯又上籃得分。
8:55 At the first timeout, L.A. was up two with the ball thanks to three straight perimeter jumpers, two from Farmar and one from Odom, who was 3-of-4 off the bench plus two boards, a steal and a block. Out of the TO, Bynum went right at Gortat, converting plus the foul for a 24-19 Lakers lead.
8:55 第一次暫停時,湖人領先兩分,另擁有球權,這得感謝法馬的兩記與歐登的一記外線跳投,總共三次的投籃得分。歐登板凳替補後,投四中三,外加兩個籃板、一個抄截,與一次阻攻。暫停結束後,拜能直接硬吃戈泰特,進算還買到一次犯規,湖人24 比 19 領先。
6:36 Bynum scored again, this time over Howard with a nice lil’ hook, but Lewis (who was heating up) nailed a three to pull Orlando even at 26.
6:36 拜能再度得分,這次是以一記勾射單吃霍華德,但是路易斯 (手感逐漸發燙) 三分球命中,讓魔術 26 比 26 追平比分。
5:54 The third foul on Bynum brought Gasol back into the game. After a Turkoglu miss, Ariza hit his second three of the half. Gasol missed a wide-open jumper, courtesy of Bryant, on the next offensive possession, but Fisher’s went straight down for a 6-point lead.
5:54 拜能犯上第三犯,加索上場接替。 特科格魯投籃失手,阿里沙投進上半場第二顆三分球。加索下一輪進攻時接到布蘭特妙傳,找到大空檔跳投,不過球失手沒進,但是費雪大發神威,讓湖人取得 6 分的領先優勢。
1:51 Bryant, who’d been the willing passer with early double teams (four assists, should have been a lot more), finally got an open look (from three) and hit it. However, Lewis countered at the other end to get to 17 points in the half including three triples.
1:51 布蘭特受到包夾時積極將球傳給隊友 (四次助攻,其實應該會更多一點),終於找到三分線空檔,漂亮投籃命中。不過,路易斯在另一端迅速反擊,目前上半場總共得到 17 分,其中包括三記三分球。
0:48.0 Though Gasol finally got a perimeter shot to go, Lewis found himself open once again from three, and hit yet again from distance…
0:48.0 雖然加索外線找到空檔投籃得分,路易斯又在三分線找到機會,穩穩又投進一記三分球。
0:24.4 But Gasol scored again, this time on a dunk, thanks to Bryant’s fifth assist to put L.A. up by five heading into the third quarter.
0:24.4 加索接到布蘭特第五次的妙傳,又是一記灌籃得分。第二節結束湖人領先 5 分。