
Elections are over for the DPP’s Central Standing Committee, the party’s top decision-making body. Among the biggest winners was the former New Tide faction along with former Premiers Frank Hsieh and Yu Shyi-kun. 


After the votes for Central Standing Committee were counted, current member Trong R. Chai found himself in an awkward position. He was tied with Rosalia Wu and Yen Hsiao-ching, both members of the former New Tide faction. Three nominees were vying for two spots. Party rules called for lots to be drawn. Chai was the only one present, but came up short.


Trong R. Chai
Standing Committee Nominee
Winning can also be bad luck, so there is nothing to complain about.

[[民進黨中常委候選人 蔡同榮]]
“抽中 是"Bad Luck"壞運氣,所以也沒什麼好抱怨的”

Ten seats on the Central Standing Committee were up for grabs. Three went to the former New Tide faction, two to the former Frank Hsieh and Yu Shyi-kun factions, and one each to the former factions of Su Tseng-chang, Chen Chu and the Green Friendship Alliance.Another development at the elections was the absence of former Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen. 


Huang Wei-cher
DPP Legislator
She may want to walk another road. On the one hand, she may want to establish good relations with each of the factions. She also might want her foundation to serve as a window for dialogue. We need to look at her decision over the mid to long term before deciding if it’s advantageous.

[[立委(民) 黃偉哲]]
“她可能是走另外一條路,第一個就是與各派系廣結善緣,她自己在發揮,由基金會作為一個對話的窗口,有利不利 要看比較中長期”

Tsai wants her foundation to keep her influence in politics alive. It remains to be seen how that will affect the competition and cooperation that exists between her and the party’s other biggest star, Su Tseng-chang.


文章出處 :民視英語新聞


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