
Tim Mossman了解學習一種新語言的感覺。當他在日本的大分工作並且住下生活的時候,他曾學習如何說日文。但是Tim從來就不用difficultchallenging來述說他的經歷。反而是說他住在海外並且學習日文時,完完全全改變了他的人生並且重要的意義是他現在知道他是誰了。





毫無疑問的就是「Teacher Tim」-在Englishtown每一個學生都因為他的英語教學而這樣稱呼他。他總共花了21年的時間在教室教學方面。一如你所期待的,正因為他確實喜愛教學:「我喜愛人際的互動,這就是爲什麼我願意幫助別人。我也可以藉由此方式了解如何與學生們相處。我在他們身上學到很多東西!」



Kristi Lanier 





Tim Mossman knows what it feels like to learn a new language. He learned to speak Japanese while living and working in Oita, Japan. But Tim doesn't use words like difficultor challenging to describe his experience. Rather, he says living overseas and learning Japanese completely changed his life and contributed significantly to who he is now.


Just consider Tim's biography and you'll know right away what he means. He started his teaching career in 1984 as an English teacher in Japan. Along the way, he earned a master's degree in English Education in addition to the undergraduate degree he already held in physical education.


Today, he teaches at Englishtown and is also a faculty member of Canadian International College, a school for Japanese students located in North Vancouver, British Columbia. In the next five years, he plans to return to school to complete a PhD in TESOL.

There's no question that "Teacher Tim" ?as one of his Englishtown students calls him ?is dedicated to English language education. In total, he has spent 21 years in the classroom. As you'd expect, he knows exactly what it is that he loves about teaching: "I enjoy the personal interaction and the fact that I'm helping people. It's also great to learn along with the students. I learn so much from them!"

It sounds like they learn a lot from him, too. "This is the best English class in the world!" writes a student. Tim believes what works best in the classroom is a combination of patience, creativity, understanding, and of course, knowledge. But he emphasizes that learning languages should be fun!

For Tim, that's what attracted him to Englishtown ?he felt it was an exciting way to teach language. "I have a wonderful, cutting-edge technology available to me at the click of a mouse," he says. "The various writing tools, whiteboard, text chat, color slides create a fun, dynamic learning environment. I love being able to use technology to teach English!" Tim hopes one day online learning will include web cams, too. Until that happens, though, Tim is happy using the keyboard and microphone to chat with his students and to help them completely change their lives with English!

By Kristi Lanier





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