2024/07/30 05:30
Temperatures in South Florida this month have reached mid-30s Celsius with humidity reaching 70%, combining for “feels like” temperatures regularly exceeding 38 C.
Staff at the Palm Beach Zoo & Conservation Society use a variety of techniques to keep their animals cool. Zookeepers throw large piles of ice into the black bear enclosure for the animals to wallow in. Giant tortoises, native to the islands of the Indian Ocean, enjoy cool showers from a hose.
“Even though our animals are acclimatized to the South Florida weather, they look for ways to cool off during the hot days, just like we do,” said Mike Terrell, the zoo’s curator of animal experiences.
wallow:動詞,打滾、縱情玩樂。例句:My idea of a holiday is to stay in a five-star hotel and just wallow in luxury for a week.(我心目中的假期,是預訂1家5星級的飯店,縱情享受奢華的1週。)
acclimatize:動詞,適應、習慣。例句:More time will be needed for the troops to become acclimatised to desert conditions.(軍隊需要更多時間,來適應沙漠環境。)
英倫翻譯社轉自 https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1659059
- Jul 30 Tue 2024 14:44
中英對照讀新聞》Frozen treats, cold showers and lots of ice; Florida zoo works to protect animals from summer heat 冷凍美食、冷水澡和大量冰塊—佛羅里達動物園努力保護動物免受夏日熱浪