


[[總統 馬英九 (1.9)]]

[[立委(民) 陳亭妃]]
要漲學費 甚至還說,油電漲習慣了,就習慣了,我相信到目前為止,我們一點都不習慣,我們認為馬英九嚴重失言。


[[全國家長聯盟理事長 吳福濱]]


Criticism follows President Ma’s suggestion that people get used to higher gas and electricity fees (2014/01/10)

Cash-strapped consumers are angry over President Ma Ying-jeou’s latest gaffe. Ma suggested that people should just get used to higher gasoline and electricity prices, leading to widespread criticism. 

As the National Conference of University and College Presidents occurred yesterday, protesters outside demonstrated against the commercialization of education. More fuel was added to the fire by President Ma.

Ma Ying-jeou (Jan. 9)
I think it’s similar to rising gas and electricity prices. When an announcement arrives that prices will go up, go quickly to fill up your tank. If prices will soon fall, wait a little to fill up. People just need to get used to this.

Chen Ting-fei
DPP Legislator 
He wants to raise tuition and even says we should be accustomed to higher gas and electricity prices. I don’t think we will ever get used to it, and I believe Ma Ying-jeou made a serious gaffe.

Previously, five private universities wanted to increase tuition fees. Protests by students mean that just Shih Chien University, Tamkang University, and Shih Hsin University are still considering this proposal.

Wu Fu-pin
National Alliance of Parents Organization
Discussions regarding tuition hikes should be broadened. At the moment, we believe they’re done in secrecy.

Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling said he would soon propose a mechanism for adjusting tuition and miscellaneous fees. He would like to avoid annual debate over the subject.

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