[[遠通電收發言人 周世惠]]
[[交通部長 葉匡時]]
[[立委(國) 羅淑蕾]]
Transportation Ministry threatens to terminate contract with toll operator (2014/01/10)
As drivers continue to complain about errors with the new electronic toll collection system, the Ministry of Transportation has made its strongest threat to date. The ministry threatened to terminate Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection’s contract to operate the system if improvements aren’t made by the end of the year. But with past action proving hollow, Legislator Lo Shu-lei doubts that the ministry would follow through.
Far Eastern gave into the Ministry of Transportation once. After resisting calls for extra compensation when its eTag system overcharges drivers, it agreed to refund at least double the amount overcharged for up to a year.
Josephine Chou
Far Eastern Spokeswoman
We gave a one year limit because we believe that these mistakes will gradually decrease. But in the future, this could become general practice.
Transportation Minister Yeh Kuang-shih says a much stiffer penalty could be in store.
Yeh Kuang-shih
Transportation Minister
If these incidents are still occurring at the end of the year, I will find it unbelievable. Besides fines, we will consider whether it’s possible to terminate the contract.
Legislator Lo Shu-lei has little confidence that the minister will follow through with his threat.
Lo Shu-lei
KMT Legislator
They have had so many violations. The system should have been renationalized long ago. Is it the case that our country cannot even manage an electric gateway? It’s clear that the Ministry of Transportation is covering up for this company while Far Eastern bites the hand that feeds it.
Far Eastern has been fined heavily in the past for low eTag application rates, but it hasn’t paid a cent and even launched its own suit against the National Freeway Bureau. When the bureau switched from the old to the new toll collection system it had to increase its budget from NT$1 billion to NT$1.7 billion. Thus far, it has mostly been rewarded with trouble.